Preparing a wunderbares Willkommen for our German friends

Preparations are underway to welcome friends from our borough’s twin district of Troisdorf in Germany during October as the 35th anniversary of Redcar and Cleveland Twinning Association approaches next year.

Pamela Stenson, Chair of the Redcar and Cleveland Twinning Association explained that it is the first time that members of the Troisdorf group have visited in five years because of Covid and associated travel restrictions. Last year a group from Redcar & Cleveland went to Troisdorf to renew acquaintances and make new friends.

And this year it’s hoped that sporting and other local organisations from our borough will consider joining the Association with a view to organising ‘international’ tournaments and competitions.

The Saltburn Table Tennis group has already joined; they represented Redcar & Cleveland in a hugely enjoyable tournament in Troisdorf last year and are returning to Germany later this year. A chess tournament between the twin towns might also take place soon.

Pamela said: “We’re looking for any organisations who might be interested in maybe organising future competitions to get in touch. Whether they’re able to visit Troisdorf or to invite their German counterparts it’s a great way to make longer term, deeper connections with people from a different culture.

We’re looking forward to our friends from the Troisdorf association coming over this autumn. They’ll be meeting our new mayor and some children from local schools as well as going out on day trips. We’re a friendly bunch and we’d love anyone interested in getting involved to get in touch.”

Troisdorf is a district similar to our own with a proud industrial heritage and areas of great beauty made up of ten small towns close to Bonn and Cologne.

Redcar and Cleveland Twinning Association, which is self-funded, has been twinned with Troisdorf since 1990. For more information please contact Pamela Stenson by emailing or take a look at the website:

June 2024

Dear members & friends of Redcar & Cleveland Twinning Association

We’re all now very much looking forward to the planned visit from our friends in Troisdorf who will be arriving here in Saltburn on the evening of Thursday 17th October after flying over into Manchester Airport from Cologne and being met by coach there ready for transfer to Redcar & Cleveland. Exact timings to be sent to hosts nearer the date.

We have an exciting programme of day trips around the local area for our visitors, including The Land of Iron in Skinningrove and Loftus Town Hall where there will be an exhibition of Arts & Crafts by local artists & makers. We shall also be going to the Hartlepool Maritime Museum and the newly-refurbished Shildon Railway Museum.

Our full-day outing will be to Skipton, where we will enjoy afternoon tea on a 2hr canal boat trip.

There will also be a free day with hosts, as well as a Sunday evening meal for all members, hosts and visitors when we anticipate meeting local school-children who will entertain us beforehand.

We’re expecting 26 visitors, including three children aged 10yrs to 15yrs as well as the Deputy Mayor of Troisdorf. A huge thank-you to all members who have offered to host; all members whether hosting or not are able to book any of the day trips for which there are spare seats on the coach.

See details of cost etc attached for all events during the visit, along with information about how to book your places. Please reply to Steve our Treasurer by 31st August via

If anyone can offer to take three of our German visitors from the Spa Hotel to Darlington for a train to Edinburgh on the morning of Tuesday 22nd October (exact time to be confirmed), please e-mail me asap via

We’re also likely to need drivers who are not hosting to pick up German guests in Saltburn e.g. to go to & from the R&CBC Mayor’s Reception on the Friday evening.

We’re also delighted to let you know that the Saltburn Table Tennis Club will be going back to Troisdorf for another international tournament later this year.

Last but by no means least, do watch out for an article about Troisdorf and our Twinning Association in the next edition of the Council’s magazine This is Redcar & Cleveland that’s distributed to all homes in the Borough.

With our very best wishes from Pamela Stenson & all Committee members

Thurs 17th October Manchester airport to be met by hosts in Saltburn
Fri 18th October  Land of Iron in Skinningrove, lunch at Kaskane, then onto Loftus Town Hall for a meeting with the Mayor of Loftus with an arts and crafts exhibition.  Evening Reception with the Mayor of Redcar and Cleveland Council 
Sat 19th October  Free day with hosts 
Sun 20th October  Maritime museum Hartlepool, then onto Shildon railway museum. In the evening at the Spa hotel in Saltburn for a celebration meal. 
Monday 21st October Skipton canal boat ride with afternoon tea, then free time for a stroll around the town or visit to a local museum 
Tuesday 22nd October  Return home or other onward journeys 

Cost for hosts /other 

Day: Venue:  Spaces: Cost: 
Friday 18th October Land of Iron 10 Over 60        £6.00pp Under 60      £7.50pp 
 Kaskane Lunch Any £8.00pp 
 Loftus Town Hall Any Free 
 Reception with the Mayor of Redcar and Cleveland Council Any Free 
Saturday 19th October Day with Hosts   
Sunday 20th October Hartlepool Marina and Shildon Train Locomotion Museum 24 Over 60         £6.00pp Under 60       £7.50pp 
 Spa Hotel meal Any £22.95pp free for hosts * 
Monday 21st October Skipton canal boat trip with afternoon tea 21 £27.50pp 

* 1 free host meal for each German guest 

Pick up/ drop off times 

December 2023.

Dear members & friends of Redcar & Cleveland Twinning Association

Christmas greetings from all of the Committee.  We’re delighted to have been back to visit our friends in Troisdorf earlier this year, our first trip since 2018.  A group of 17 members flew from Manchester to Cologne on 22nd May and enjoyed a 4-night stay with our German hosts.  It was really good to be back there!

Next year we look forward to our Troisdorf visitors coming here again in October; as they were last here in September 2019, much will have changed and we have new places to show them close to home in Redcar & Cleveland.  Please can prospective hosts keep one week free from Thursday 17th October until we have exact travel arrangements confirmed from Troisdorf.  Thank you. At present it seems likely that our visitors will be here for 5 nights from the 17th October until the 22nd.

We hope to see many of you at our Annual Dinner on Thursday 1st February 7pm at the Park Hotel Carvery in Redcar; please complete and return the attached booking-form if you’re able to join us there.

Our AGM will again take place during March 2024 and it would be wonderful if we could have some new faces on the TT Committee who are willing and able to take us forward in new and exciting ways.  Please give this some thought and let us know if you’d be willing to attend our next planned Committee Meeting on Thurs 22nd February 7pm to discuss.

Finally, may I also remind you that your annual subscriptions for 2024 are due in January.  Please send subscriptions direct to Alison Dodds, our Treasurer; they are unchanged at £10 for individual, £15 for joint / family and £20 for corporate membership.

Herzliche Weihnachtsgrüße!

    from Pamela Stenson & all Committee members

June 2023.

Last month 17 of our members enjoyed a wonderful few days in Troisdorf for the first time since 2018; we renewed old friendships with our German hosts and made many more new friends too as we visited the 160-year old family-run Coffee Roasting House of Schmidz-Mertens as well as the Karneval Museum, followed by a walking-tour of the town centre, on Tues 23rd May and then the historic city of Kȍln / Cologne with its magnificent Dom / Cathedral on the next day. The early evening views from the LVR Viewing Tower across the River Rhine were spectacular. On our third full day we travelled by bus to the restored Henrichenburg Ship Lift, where we were also treated after a traditional Currywurst lunch at the Gastrobus to a 2-hour canal boat trip.

The Mayor of Troisdorf Alexander Biber greeted us at the Town Hall on arrival and was present for part of the Tuesday evening when we all shared in a 3-course meal together with our host families and friends at the Siegfӓhre Restaurant.

In April 13 players from the Saltburn Over-50s Table Tennis Club were also in Troisdorf to participate in an International Table Tennis Tournament organised by the ESV Club Troisdorf alongside other Twin Town representatives.

Therefore next month you’re all invited to share in these two recent events as we re-live our memories with a Slide-Show & Photograph Evening on Thursday 27th July 6.45pm-8.30pm at the Galley Hill Leisure Centre, Stokesley Road, Guisborough TS14 8PF.

A cold finger buffet and soft drinks will be provided; alternatively, if you’d prefer something stronger to drink, please feel free to bring your own beer & wine etc.

If you were with us in Germany and have photos or prints that you’d be willing to share, please bring them along too.

We look forward to seeing you all then.

Pamela & all of the Committee

March 2023

We were pleased to welcome 20 members and friends to our AGM on 23rd March, hosted by the Mayor of Redcar & Cleveland.The newly-elected Committee will be meeting soon after the Officers’ next Zoom meeting on 25th April with our German counterparts when we should have more information about the planned programme for our visit to Troisdorf in May.

We enjoyed a presentation about Redcar & Cleveland Ambassadors by Richard Baker, Place Marketing Manager (see: well as hearing from Dave Foreman about the Saltburn Table Tennis Team that is participating in an international tournament in Troisdorf in April.

We’re also delighted to inform you that we agreed to offer Denis Bell, a long-serving former Treasurer, lifetime Honorary Membership of the Association in recognition of his contribution and support over many years.

The majority of the members present voted to amend last year’s statement re Covid vaccination to the following:

It is considered preferable (rather than essential) that participants in all future visits to Troisdorf should be fully vaccinated against Covid-19, unless medically exempt; likewise it is preferable that all future hosts in Redcar & Cleveland for our German visitors should be fully vaccinated against Covid-19, unless medically exempt.

We look forward to the year ahead and will continue to keep in touch with regular up-dates.

June 2022

Welcome back! Last week 17 members enjoyed a lovely Reunion Dinner at the Park Hotel Carvery in Redcar; it was definitely an opportunity to catch up with one another, enjoy good food and drink together as well as great company and also to look forward to future visits to Troisdorf ………. talking of which, we are invited to Germany next year from Mon 22nd to Fri 26th May 2023.

Please let us know asap if you might be interested in joining us then; this will not be a firm commitment, of course, but until we have an idea of approximate numbers we’re unable to look at various travel options. It would therefore be helpful too if you could indicate your preferred method of transport e.g. coach & ferry or flight or train (Eurostar) or private car (if you wish to take a holiday in Europe around those dates).

If you could reply by the end of June please to either myself and / or to our Treasurer Alison we will know how many might be wanting to go to Troisdorf next year and we will be able to cost various routes in good time for our next Zoom Meeting with the Troisdorf Committee at the beginning of August.

Although the new Mayor of Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council Councillor Stuart Smith from Saltburn was unable to attend the meal, he will be our ongoing Council Representative this year and will also be invited to join us on the visit next May.

Have a great Platinum Jubilee Weekend everyone.


March 2022.

Following the success of the last two years, the Committee has decided on yet another round of e-mail voting, hopefully for the last time before we resume meeting in person again. 

During yet another year of reduced activity, some members were pleased to be able to get together in June for an early evening mid-summer outdoor picnic event at Gisborough Priory – although sadly I was unable to join everybody there due to a last-minute family emergency.

This was such a success that we are hoping to have another outdoor picnic together later this year – any venue suggestions gratefully received. In addition we may also be inviting you to a “welcome back” meal during May – watch this space for further details.

Following regular meetings with our Troisdorf friends via Zoom to discuss belatedly celebrating our 30th anniversary together in Germany, the reality is that as yet we’re unable to confirm any arrangements; of course we will let you all know as soon as there are definite plans to visit Troisdorf either later this year or next.

As we have another scheduled Zoom meeting with the Troisdorf Committee at the end of April, we may have more information then. It is highly likely that they will require all future visitors and hosts to be fully vaccinated against Covid 19 (unless medically exempt) and therefore we would ask you to respond to our question about this, along with your votes. Thank you.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all Committee Officers and members, along with our President Sheelagh Clarke, for their continued support of the Association. We have had two recent resignations from the Committee; after many years of service I would like to thank Margaret Wilson & Judith Larkin for their commitment to the Association and wish them both well.

December 2021
Dear members & friends of Redcar & Cleveland Twinning Association
Christmas greetings from all of the Committee, after what has inevitably turned out to be yet another quiet year for Town Twinning activities. It seems that we’re destined not to be able to celebrate our 30th anniversary (1990 – 2020) together with our Troisdorf friends in Germany. A celebration there planned for early October this year, postponed from 2020, was cancelled due to ongoing travel restrictions and uncertainties and to date has not yet been rearranged. We have agreed to wait for a few more weeks until we even begin to discuss any tentative visit arrangements.
At the request of our German friends, we shall need to discuss and agree at our AGM next year whether we will require all members to be vaccinated and/or tested before participating in any future visits to Germany, especially with regard to staying with a host family. This would be in addition to any Government regulations etc both here and in Germany. Please give this important matter some thought before our AGM due in March 2022. At this stage we don’t know whether this will be another virtual AGM, but given the success of the last two years of doing it by e-mail, this is highly likely in current circumstances.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Margaret Wilson for her service on the Committee as the Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council representative and for her support for the Association over many years; Margaret will be standing down from the Committee and not seeking re-election next year, although she will remain as a member of the Association.
We were pleased that the Priory Picnic went ahead on a lovely mid-summer’s evening at Gisborough Priory on 24th June and delighted that so many of you were able to get together to catch up with one another outdoors. I’m sorry that I was unable to be there because of a family emergency that evening. Let us know if you’d like something like this to be an annual event. Sadly because of the Omicron variant we’re reluctant to propose holding our usual (i.e. pre-Covid) annual dinner in the
New Year.
Finally, may I also remind you that following this year’s subscription “holiday” your annual subscriptions for 2022 are due in January. Please send subscriptions direct to Alison Dodds, our Treasurer; they are unchanged at £10 for individual, £15 for joint /family and £20 for corporate membership.
Herzliche Weihnachtsgrüße

Chair’s letter 29June 2021

I was delighted to hear that the picnic at Gisborough Priory last week was a success on a beautiful summer’s evening and I was naturally really sorry to miss out on this our first get-together after 17 long months*  Due to your generosity we were able to donate £52 to the Priory Project.  Thanks to Judith for organising this special event.

As most of you already know, our friends in Troisdorf are planning a day of celebration on Fri 8th October with all of their Twin Towns; it’s 40 years since their Städtepartnerschaft was founded and of course it’s now 31 years since our own Twinning with Troisdorf. If travel to Germany is permitted, we will be represented at this celebration.

Looking forward to next year 2022, it’s hoped that we can arrange for our usual group visit to host families in Troisdorf, subject to any special regulations in place at the time, of course.  With this  in mind, the Committee would like to have an indication of interest from members;  therefore please can you let Emma (Secretary), Alison (Treasurer) or myself know if you’re thinking of joining us next year, after the end of the school term in July and potentially from Monday 25th July.  This won’t commit you to travel, as yet there are no firm plans and no estimated cost etc.

Please let us know by 31st August, as our next Zoom meeting with Troisdorf is scheduled for the following evening on Wed 1st September.

If you have any suggestions for future events and / or visits please note that our next Committee meeting here is scheduled for Thurs 15th July at 7pm;  we’d be really pleased to hear from you before then.

Enjoy the Summer-time, with best wishes from Pamela

October 2020

To all members of Redcar & Cleveland Twinning Association

It seems that 2020 is destined to be known as “the year that never was” in so many respects; although I guess that it’s also going to be a year that most of us will never forget, for a variety of different reasons.

We hope that you’re all well, and ready for the Autumn and Winter months ahead, while looking forward to 2021 when we can be together again at some as yet unknown time in the future.

Until then, because of this year’s inactivity with the July visit to Troisdorf cancelled along with many other planned events, the Committee has agreed that we should carry over membership for all current Association members to 2021 and not expect any subscription to be paid for that year. At the AGM next March, whether it’s held virtually or actually, we shall therefore propose a “free” year with this year’s membership carried forward until the end of December 2021.

Please let us know if you have any news from Germany or indeed from yourselves here in Redcar & Cleveland and beyond to circulate to all members in a December Christmas newsletter. We’ve heard from Heidi & Frank a couple of times, with reassurance that all is well in Troisdorf and that they are dealing with similar issues and restrictions as we are here in respect of the pandemic.

The Partnerschaftsverein has a new Chairman who we’re hoping to “meet” during a video-call at some time in the future.

Finally, if anyone has the time and ability to put together a photo memory book during the long winter months of the past 30 years of our Town Twinning, we’d be delighted to hear from you! All contributions welcome, once we find a willing volunteer, of course.

With best wishes from Pamela and all Committee members

july 2020

To all members of Redcar & Cleveland Twinning Association

We hope that this finds you all safe and well after a few months of inactivity by the Association since our March AGM during these “unprecedented times”.

If any of you are now or have been sick, we wish you a speedy and full recovery.  For those who have sustained loss, we offer our sincere sympathy and condolences.  It has not been an easy time for so many of us, and you have all been in our thoughts.  We trust that we can all begin to imagine better times ahead very soon.

Sadly, however, we are not currently making preparations to travel to Troisdorf later this month to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Town Twinning; our plans are on hold until such time as it is deemed safe to begin to make new arrangements.

Meanwhile we have had a letter from the Mayor of Troisdorf, Bürgermeister Klaus-Werner Jablonski, inviting us to visit Troisdorf “after the Corona crisis has passed” to further strengthen the friendship between us. We shall all very much look forward to that day.

We will keep in touch when there is any further news and information for members.  Naturally the Committee has not met since February, although we remain in touch with one another as and when necessary.  We will no doubt get together again later in the year, all being well.  Please contact any Committee member if you have any queries or concerns at present.

Finally, please all note that the planned Coffee Morning on 10th October 2020 will not now be taking place; we have definitely decided to cancel, whatever happens between now and then.


Dear All   Please see the attached message sent from the Mayor of Troisdorf to the Mayor of Redcar & Cleveland last week.  It’s in German & then also in English below.

Erle STADT TROISDORF Der Bürgermeister

14, April 2020

Liebe Kollegen in unseren Partnerstädten, wir alle machen uns Gedanken über die schwierige Situation, in der sich die Kommunen in Europa und die Menschen in unseren Partnerstädten befinden. Troisdorf hat 77.000 Einwohner, von denen 98 Personen an Covid-19 erkrankt sind. Unsere Stadt gehört zum Rhein-Sieg-Kreis mit 600.000 Einwohnern, darunter fast tausend mit Corona infizierte Menschen. Schwierig ist für uns alle, die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter in der Stadtverwaltung vor Infektion zu schützen und für ihre Gesundheit Sorge zu tragen. Das Troisdorfer Rathaus ist für Besucherinnen und Besucher geschlossen, um die Gefahr von Infektionen zu verringern. Auch die Schulen und Kindergärten sind geschlossen. Das öffentliche Leben liegt brach. Für unsere Firmen, Einzelhandel, für Hotels und Gaststätten, ist es eine dramatische Entwicklung. Die sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Folgen für unsere Städte sind unabsehbar. Die Solidarität der europäischen Länder und Kommunen ist deshalb wichtiger denn je. Ich freue mich, dass die Freundschaft zwischen den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern unserer Städte gewachsen und stark ist, mit Redcar & Cleveland, Genk und Heidenau seit 30 Jahren! Schon jetzt lade ich Sie dazu ein, nach der Corona-Krise die Partnerstadt Troisdorf zu besuchen, um die freundschaftliche Verbundenheit unserer Städte zu festigen. Wir wünschen Ihnen alles Gute für Ihre Stadt, Ihre Familie und Ihre Gesundheit. Mit freundlichen Grüßen k.

•Bürgermeister Klaus-Werner Jablonski

Dear colleagues, we all have thoughts on the difficult situation in which the municipalities in Europe and the people in our sister cities are at the moment. Troisdorf has 77,000 inhabitants. So far 98 people have developed Covid-19. Troisdorf belongs to the Rhein-Sieg district with 600,000 inhabitants and almost one thousand people are currently infected with corona. Of course it is difficult for us to protect employees in the city administration from infection and to take care of their health. You must be facing similar difficulties. Our town hall is closed for visitors in order to reduce the risk of infections. Schools and kindergartens are also closed. Public life is completely on hold. lt is a dramatic development for companies, retail trade, hotels and restaurants. The social and economic consequences for our cities are unforeseeable. The solidarity of the European countries and municipalities is therefore more important than ever. I am so glad that the friendship between the citizens of our sister cities and Troisdorf has grown and become much stronger, with the City of Redcar & Cleveland, Genk and Heidenau since 30 years! I would like to invite you to visit Troisdorf after the Corona crisis has passed to further strengthen the friendship between our cities. All the best for your city, your family and your health.

Sincerely yours – Klaus-Werner J blonski Mayor of Troisdorf.

Bürgermeister Klaus-Werner Jablonski Kölner Straße 176 53840 Troisdorf Telefon (0 22 41) 900- 100 Telefax (0 22 41) 900- 8101 E-Mail

April 2020.

Easter greetings to everyone, in this strange new world we’re currently experiencing.   Thank you to all members who replied to the AGM questions that we sent round last month for our virtual AGM.  It was good that so many of you “attended”. There were 15 written replies, all unanimous in voting “YES” for each of the four proposals.  Therefore the following motions are all deemed to have been carried:  

  1. To re-elect all of the existing Officers and Committee members, as named;

2.    To make a contribution by the Association from its existing funds to enable members to take part in the next visit to Troisdorf – the exact details to be determined by the new Committee in due course;

3.    To maintain the Association’s membership fees at the current level;

4.    To appoint Mr Brian Stephenson as our Auditor for 2020.

We will continue to keep you informed of any further developments as and when we are able to.

Meanwhile, please stay safe and well, until we can all get together again.

Best wishes, Pam

December 2019

Dear members and friends

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

2020 – our 30th Anniversary Year of twinning with Troisdorf.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our President Sheelagh, Secretary Emma and Treasurer Alison along with all of the Committee for organising another wonderful visit here for our friends from Troisdorf this September; in particular, I know that there was a late change of venue for the Saturday full-day outing, due to planned road closures in North Yorkshire for the UCI Road World Cycling Championships and that the revised arrangements were very well received by visitors and hosts alike. 

We’re now looking forward to our time in Troisdorf later this year, hopefully in July – we’re waiting for confirmation from Heidi and their members that this will be a good time for them to host us to celebrate our 30th anniversary 1990 to 2020.  We’ll let you all know the exact dates and travel arrangements as soon as we hear.

On a personal level, Paul & I would like to thank everyone for your best wishes throughout the year since Paul’s diagnosis in March / April; he had major surgery on 23rd September and is progressing really well.  So much so that I’m now able to resume as Acting Chair, at least until the AGM in March! 

A big thank-you to Linda & Phil once again for decorating our Christmas Wreath in German / British colours with flags at the Christmas Wreath Festival in Emmanuel Church, Saltburn; if you haven’t already managed to see it there, the Church will be open again for viewing on Saturday 21st December 10am to 4pm.

A “save the date” for your new diary:  our New Year Celebration Dinner and Social Evening will be on Thursday evening 30th January 2020 – venue to be confirmed

Everyone is welcome to attend this annual event; we shall be sending round further details and menu choice / cost etc in early January; meanwhile please hold the date, we shall look forward to seeing you there.  It will be an opportunity for those who are thinking of joining us to go to Troisdorf later in the year to get together.

Last, but by no means least, may I also remind you that your annual subscriptions for 2020 are due in January.  Please send subscriptions direct to Alison Dodds, our Treasurer, £10 for individual, £15 for joint / family and £20 for corporate membership.

Herzliche Weihnachtsgrüße!

Festive greetings, from Pamela Stenson Acting Chair



A total of 12 residents from Troisdorf took part in the visit, all of whom had taken part in previous Twinning visits to Redcar & Cleveland.  Ten of the visitors stayed with hosts, and two chose to stay in Saltburn House, on Marine Parade, Saltburn, as they had done previously.

There was continuous contact for months through the Secretary, Emma Stephenson, in Redcar and the German organiser, Heidi Eick, in Troisdorf, right up to the tracking of the coach journey from Manchester Airport to Redcar.

From my point of view, being new to the organisation of such a visit, I found it quite incredible how, from a start early in 2019, every member of the Committee was eager to take part and do their bit to make the visit a success.  I believe this team-work and pulling together so willingly, was crucial in ensuring that the visit was a great success, and a very enjoyable experience for visitors and members.

A special mention must go to the Chair, Pamela Stenson, who for personal reasons had to step down from that position some months previously but who, nevertheless, kept in touch and not only undertook the PR for the visit but also made short visits to events when she could.  


An itinerary for the visit was worked up through successive committee meetings, with alterations made as changes occurred.  Even the ‘final’ itinerary required changes when the fully-planned Saturday visit to Ripley Castle had to be cancelled almost at the last minute because of roadworks around the Castle.  It was thanks to the quick and efficient work of the Treasurer, Alison Dodds that a full day’s programme was drawn up to replace the original plans.

Friday 20th September   –   Our guests arrived approximately 2 hours late from Manchester due to traffic congestion around the Airport.  The planned Welcome and Reception with refreshments in the Mayor’s Parlour in the Civic Heart was replaced by a quick, but very friendly and happy, greetings session around the bus parked outside the Civic Heart before the guests were picked up by their hosts.

Saturday 21st September   –   The re-planned visit was a great success and included a trip – by the scenic route along by Roseberry Topping – to Mount Grace Priory, which is the best preserved ruin of a 14th century Carthusian monastery in England.  One of the owners of the site was Lowthian Bell, the steel magnate, who remodelled part of the priory in the Arts and Crafts style.

The group moved on to Thirsk to visit the James Herriot Museum which is set in the original house/veterinary surgery and garden, with TV room sets from the series.  The German visitors in particular found the Museum fascinating as the TV series was very popular in Germany.  This was followed by lunch at the Upstairs/Downstairs café, and an hour or so to browse the shops.

Sunday 22nd September   –   The day was free for the German guests to enjoy with their hosts, with the Social Event Dinner taking place in the evening at the Cleveland Golf Club, Redcar.  I could not speak highly enough of this venue.  The main function room was thoughtfully set out to make it warm and friendly, and the tables, food, and service were all first-class, all contributing to a most delightful evening.

The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Carole Morgan, represented Redcar & Cleveland Council, as the Mayor had another engagement.  Carole impressed those present by the way she entered into the spirit of the evening enthusiastically, and in her Welcome Speech she emphasised the importance of sustaining contacts and friendships in a time of change in Europe and upheaval throughout the world.  She also reminded everyone that next year will be the 30th Anniversary of town twinning between Troisdorf and Redcar & Cleveland, and expressed the hope that the long friendship would continue to flourish.

Leaving the Golf Club was special too, with red and white lights twinkling across the sea – the upside of having a windfarm! 

Monday, 23rd  September   –   It was stroke of genius by the Treasurer to suggest that the group take the Esk Valley Line train from Nunthorpe for our trip to Whitby.  Forget the Canadian Pacific through the Rocky Mountains, or the Orient Express across Europe, nothing beats this journey through Yorkshire.  It was mesmerising, and I am sure it was England as visitors from other countries think it should be. 

We virtually tumbled out of the station at Whitby into Trenchers Restaurant just across the road for an excellent  fish and chip lunch, which was obviously very much enjoyed by guests and members alike, and the afternoon was spent browsing Whitby, always a pleasure.

Tuesday, 24th  September   –   We returned to the Cleveland Golf Club for a delicious full English breakfast before our guests set off for Manchester Airport at 11.00 am.  This time it was the views from the windows across the greens of the Golf Course, as well as the sea, that made the occasion more enjoyable, but also interesting to our guests was the sight of the now, sadly, defunct steel works. 


I believe that everyone involved with the visit would agree that it was a huge success, with no major, or even minor, mishaps.  This was due to the painstaking work of members of the committee who did not have to be asked to take on tasks, but volunteered willingly.

From the bookings of coaches and trains, the arranging of venues for the day visits, the considerable administrative work of leaflets, emails, texts, letters, communications to the Troisdorf group and members, researching places to visit, and venues for meals and the Evening Social – everything was done with a good spirit.

The icing on the cake was, of course, having glorious sunny weather every day of the visit, but we can’t claim credit for that!




July 2019

Dear Members,

I am writing to you on behalf of the committee to update you about the plans for the visit from our Troisdorf friends in September. The committee met last Thursday and we are busy getting everything in place.

All those who are hosting will have already been contacted by our Secretary, Emma, or will have had direct contact from their German visitors. However all members will all be invited to take part in the events of the weekend and so here is an outline.

There will be a meeting for hosts on Thursday September 12th at 7pm, probably at Prior Pursglove College (to be confirmed).

The group will arrive on Friday September 20th at approx. 18.00 at the Redcar Heart, where they will be greeted by the Mayor.

On Saturday 21st there will be a trip to Ripley Castle.

We have left Sunday as a day for hosts to look after their visitor(s). We have often been told that hosts are very happy to entertain their guests for one day and hope that all will be pleased to be able to do so.

Sunday evening it is the Social Evening. This will be held at Cleveland Golf Club, Redcar.  We do hope that a lot of members will be able to come along.

On Monday 23rd there will be a trip by train to Whitby, leaving from Nunthorpe staion.

The group leaves on Tuesday 24th, and we are following our tradition of having a joint breakfast. This will be at Cleveland Golf Club, Redcar


Our Secretary, Emma, will let you know all details of times and costs once we have finalised all the arrangements.

Regards from the committee,


March 2019

Dear members and friends

This year’s AGM took place on Thursday 7th March at the Redcar Community Heart, where we were welcomed by the Mayor of Redcar & Cleveland, Councillor Dennis Teasdale, along with the Mayoress. There were 17 members present and several apologies noted.  As there were no nominations for Chairman again, I have agreed to continue in the role of Vice-Chair for another year, as proposed at the AGM.  The following Committee members were all re-elected unopposed:



Vice- Chairman Pamela Stenson
Treasurer Alison Dodds
Secretary Emma Stephenson
Assistant Secretary Judith Larkin
Committee – website Philip Howson
Committee Linda Howson
Committee Julie Baggott
Committee VACANCY
2 R&C BC representatives Councillor Margaret Wilson + 1

If anyone would like to be more actively involved with the Association during the coming year, please do not hesitate to get in touch with either myself or any of the Officers.  The first meeting of the new Committee will be at 4pm on Thursday 2nd May in New Marske.

We are still waiting for final confirmation from our German friends of the exact dates that they will be with us in September this year;  at present we continue to hold the weekend of Thurs 19th to Monday 23rd.  I will let you all know as soon as we have more information.  Meanwhile the Committee is beginning to plan for the visit and to put together a varied and interesting programme of day-trips, as well as a Social Evening and Final Breakfast.

An advance date for your diary:  our next fund-raising coffee morning with tombola will be at Sunnyfield House in Guisborough on Saturday 12th October 9.30am – 12noon.

Best wishes, from Pamela Stenson

December 2018

Dear members and friends,

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

 I’m hoping that you will take time out to read this during the run-up to Christmas! It has been a busy start to the month for Committee members – first of all a big thank-you to Linda & Phil for setting up and decorating our Christmas tree in German / British colours at the Christmas Tree Festival in Emmanuel Church, Saltburn;  I do hope that many of you were able to see it there during the first week of December, and that you spotted the beautiful new picture baubles.

Also thanks to everyone who contributed towards our successful gift stall at the Christmas Fayre in Guisborough on Tues 4th December, especially to those who donated items to sell or helped out on the evening – we raised £55.80 out of which we gave a £10 donation to the Methodist Church for the stall.

We’ve had a lot of positive feedback about our visit to Troisdorf at the end of October, as well as a few suggestions about how we can make future trips even better, especially for our newest members.  Although we are waiting for final confirmation of the exact dates of travel, we are expecting that our German friends will be with us for the weekend of 20th to 23rd September next year, so please keep that time free if you would either be willing to host guests or wanting to join in our excursions.

Another date for your diary:  our New Year Dinner and Social Evening will be on Friday 8th February 2019 6.30pm for 7pm at Cliff Rigg Restaurant, the Manor House, Pinchinthorpe

Everyone is welcome to attend this annual event; we shall be sending round a menu choice of 2 courses for £15.95 per person in early January; meanwhile please save the date, we shall look forward to seeing you there.  It will be an opportunity for those who were with us in Germany to re-live our experiences and to share them, along with lots of photographs, with those members who didn’t go this year.

Last, but by no means least, may I take this opportunity to remind you that your annual subscriptions for 2019 are due in January.  Please send subscriptions direct to Alison Dodds, our Treasurer, remembering that at the AGM an increase was agreed to £10 for individual, £15 for joint / family and £20 for corporate membership.

Herzliche Weihnachtsgrüße!

Festive greetings, from Pamela Stenson Acting Chair.


Dear members travelling to Troisdorf at the end of next month

We are delighted that we now have 28 passengers going to Troisdorf on Sunday 28th October, including the new Mayor & Mayoress of Redcar & Cleveland, Councillor Dennis Teasdale and his wife Honor.

Please note that there will be a pre-visit meeting for everyone on Thursday 18th October 7pm at the Pursglove Centre, Prior Pursglove College, Guisborough TS14 6BU.  We look forward to seeing you all there and to meeting some of our newest members who are coming with us for the first time.

I am also very pleased to let you know that our new President, Sheelagh Clarke,Image result for sheelagh clarkewill be at this meeting which is an opportunity for her to get to know members, old and new.  Sheelagh will of course be introducing herself to us, but by way of background she was previously a Business Studies lecturer at Middlesbrough College for 30 years and also a Redcar & Cleveland Councillor for the Teesville Ward in Greater Eston from July 2000 to 2015, including as Deputy Leader 2007-2012.

Sheelagh has had personal involvement in our Twinning Association as a host to German visitors in the past as well as being the Council’s Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure & Tourism.

Visit Programme: as ever, Heidi and the Troisdorf Committee have put together a great programme of events for us to enjoy.  In brief:-

we’re due to arrive in Troisdorf around 5pm on Monday 29th October;

on Tuesday 30th we shall be going to the Government Bunker (during the Cold War) in the Ahr Valley, south of Bonn, and then on to a wine-tasting;

on Wednesday 31st we are travelling a little bit further to ride the “Schwebebahn” at Wuppertal;

on Thursday 1st November we will be in Bonn all day; there will be a social evening together with all our host families at the Gaststätte Spicher Höhen

Pick-ups will be early afternoon on Sunday 28th October (exact arrangements to follow) and we shall leave Troisdorf immediately after a farewell breakfast for everyone on the morning of Friday 2nd November.   Full details will of course be given at the pre-visit meeting, with the opportunity for you to ask questions about anything you’re not sure about.

Diary dates:  there will be a Coffee Morning at Sunnyfield House in Guisborough on Saturday 29th September from 9.30am;  we would welcome offers to help as well as cakes or savouries to sell and un-wanted gifts as tombola prizes – please contact any Committee member or just turn up on the day.

We shall also be having a stall at the Christmas Fayre in Guisborough Methodist Church on Westgate during the evening of Tuesday 4th December from 5pm;  again any donations of gifts and books to sell would be most welcome, either in advance to a Committee member or on the day.  Thank you.

See you soon, best wishes from Pamela, Acting Chair

May 2018

Dear Members & Friends

First of all, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018, effective from 25th May:Redcar & Cleveland Twinning Association will store and use your personal data (including e-mail address, home address, phone numbers and in some cases age, although not your date of birth) only for our Association purposes and not for any other.

Please therefore reply to this letter with a YES, loud and clear, by immediate return to our Secretary, to confirm that you wish to continue to receive our communications by e-mail / letter as appropriate.  Thank you.

In future years, our GDPR statement will be included on your membership renewal forms, along with our commitment never to share your personal data outside of the Redcar & Cleveland Twinning Association’s purposes and, when appropriate, that of our Troisdorf counterpart, their Städtepartnerschaftsverein.

We are advised that whilst we are not required to register, the GDPR rules apply to not-for-profit organisations such as ours, in particular in relation to publicity and fund-raising activities.

Now for the good news!  To date we have 26 members, old and new, planning to travel to Troisdorf on 28th October.  The immediate impact of this is that the cost per person is now reduced to £300, to include coach hire plus overnight ferry in a shared double cabin with evening-meal and breakfast.  For single cabins there is the additional £20 each-way supplement, therefore £340 in total due.  This means that all those travelling and who have allready paid their £100 deposit should now please pay £100 per person to the Treasurer by 30th June and a final instalment of £100 or £140 for single cabins by 31st August.

Heidi is busy putting together our programme for the week; we will let you know as soon as possible how much the extra cost in Euros will be as a contribution towards the day-trips in and around Troisdorf.

Of course, there is still time for more bookings if any other members and friends wish to join us on the visit.  If so, please contact our Secretary immediately with your booking-form and deposit.

Finally, a reminder that our next fund-raising coffee morning with tombola will be at Sunnyfield House in Guisborough on Saturday 29th September 9.30am – 12noon.

Best wishes, from Pamela Stenson

April 2018

Dear members and friends,

This year’s AGM took place on Thursday 15th March at the Redcar Community Heart, where we were welcomed by the Mayor of Redcar & Cleveland, Councillor Karen King. There were 13 members present and several apologies noted.  As there were no nominations for Chairman again this year, I have agreed to continue in the role of Vice-Chair, as proposed at the AGM.  The following Committee members were elected / re-elected unopposed:



Vice- Chairman Pamela Stenson
Treasurer Alison Dodds
Secretary Emma Stephenson
Assistant Secretary Judith Larkin
Committee – website Philip Howson
Committee Linda Howson
Committee Julie Baggott
Committee Ruth Bryan
2 R&C BC representatives Councillor Margaret Wilson + 1

Following the Treasurer’s Annual Report and a suggestion that we should consider a small increase in our membership fees, there was a proposal at the AGM to increase the annual membership fee to £10 for an individual, to £15 for household and to £20 for corporate; this was carried unanimously and will take effect from the next calendar year 2019.  The additional income will assist with funding our future programmes for members and our visitors from Troisdorf.

If anyone would like to be more actively involved with the Association during the coming year, please do not hesitate to get in touch with either myself or any of the Officers.  The first meeting of the new Committee will be at 7pm on Thursday 17th May.

A reminder that we are now taking bookings and deposits for the visit to Troisdorf later this year, leaving Redcar & Cleveland on Sunday 28th October and returning home on the morning of Saturday 3rd November; we will be staying four nights with our German hosts, Monday – Thursday. Please be in touch with Emma, our Secretary, by the end of March if you and your family and friends are interested in joining us for what promises to be another great trip.

Finally, a date for your diary:  our next fund-raising coffee morning with tombola will be at Sunnyfield House in Guisborough on Saturday 29th September 9.30am – 12noon.

Best wishes, from Pamela Stenson

January 2018

Dear Members & Friends of Redcar & Cleveland Twinning Association

Happy New Year 2018


We are very much looking forward now to our next visit to Troisdorf later this year, which will once more be during the October school half-term holiday.  All being well, we shall be leaving here on Sunday 28th October and returning home on Saturday 3rd November.  As we are still in the process of obtaining travel quotes and liaising with Troisdorf about the exact details of our trip, please make a note of the dates now and let us know if you might be interested in joining us once we have full cost information etc.

Meanwhile, a reminder of our forthcoming social evening that will be an opportunity for all members and friends to get together informally to chat and share memories of previous visits or to make plans for the next:

Thursday 8th February 7pm at Saltburn Golf Club, Hob Hill, Saltburn TS12 1NJ  

we look forward to seeing you there.  Please return your menu-choice (see below) and payment to our Treasurer Alison asap and no later than Thurs 1st February. Thanks.

Our next committee meeting will be on the evening of Thursday 1st March;

if you have any issues for discussion, please let us know in advance of that date.

The following meeting will be our AGM later in March, at which officers and committee members will be appointed for the coming year.  If you would like to be more involved in the running of the Association, please contact one of us or come along to talk it over during our social evening on 8th Feb.    We will confirm the date and venue of the AGM asap.

Finally, please note that annual subscriptions for 2018 are now due to our Treasurer by the end of January; see the attached membership form for more information.


Best wishes, from Pamela Stenson

                                                            Acting Chairman


Thurs 8th Feb 7pm at Saltburn Golf Club – please tick your choices and return asap


Steak pie, chips & peas                     Cost: £12.50 per person

Fish dish

Vegetarian option                              Total amount enclosed:


Hot dessert                                        Name(s)        



Tea or coffee

November 2017

Dear members and friends

Once again, I’d like to record our thanks to everyone who helped in any way at all to make September’s visit here such a great time for our German friends and also for our hosts and other members who took part in the daily outings and activities.  We’re now looking forward to our visit to Troisdorf in 2018 – watch this space for further details!

Meanwhile the Committee has been busy planning for Christmas & the New Year.  Please make a note in your diaries about these forthcoming events and support us if you’re able – many thanks.

Sat 2nd to Sat 16th December Christmas Tree Festival at Saltburn’s Emmanuel Church  Saltburn WI is organising this event and we shall be decorating a Christmas tree in German / British colours;  please come along to the Church to see our tree which we hope will help raise our profile locally.  If you would like to help with the decorating of the tree on the morning of Wed 29th November or if you have any spare baubles, ribbons or tinsel in the relevant colours, please be in touch asap.  Details of opening times for viewing will be published by the WI soon.

Tues 5th December 5pm-7pm Guisborough Christmas Festival at Guisborough Methodist Church, Westgate  Once again we shall be hosting a table at the Christmas Festival and would appreciate donations of any Christmas crafts or unwanted, good quality gift items to sell;  children’s toys and ladies / mens toiletries are always popular, as well as good books “as new”.  We shall be there setting up from 4pm on the day, or please contact any Committee member in advance if you have anything for us.  We can arrange to collect your items, if necessary.  Thank you.

Our New Year meal will be on Thursday 8th February 7pm at Saltburn Golf Club Everyone is welcome to attend this annual social evening; more details to follow, please keep the date free, if possible.  As it would be helpful to have an idea of numbers, please let Emma know by the end of December if you intend to join us.  Firm bookings (with a deposit) will be taken in January when we have further information.

Last, but by no means least, may I take this opportunity to remind you that your annual subscriptions for 2018 are due in January.  Please send subscriptions direct to Alison Dodds, our Treasurer.

Herzliche Weihnachtsgrüße!

Best wishes, from Pamela Stenson Acting Chair

September 2017

Now that our German visitors have left us with a fond “farewell & Auf Wiedersehen” from Saltburn House this morning, I just want to say a huge “thank you” to everyone who helped make their trip such an excellent one for everyone involved.  This includes all Committee members, hosts and others who assisted in any way at all Friday – Tuesday, as well as in all of the many preparations beforehand.

All of our German friends commented on the relaxed and friendly atmosphere this time.  They enjoyed all of the day-trips and especially yesterday’s Social Evening at Guisborough Cricket Club.  The buffet supper was wonderful, as well as plentiful, and the entertainment by the New Day Singers was much appreciated by everyone there.  The “sing for your supper” element was fun!

So it’s now time to sit back and relax and reflect on their visit.  And also to begin to look forward to our next trip to Troisdorf in 2018.  More about that in due course.

Letter from our German freinds.

Dear Pamela, Emma and all members of the Twinning,

A heartly greeting flies from Troisdorf to Redcar.

I would like to thank you very much on behalf of the Board and our members
who stayed in Redcar. Thank you to you as organizers, to the representatives of the city, to your board, to            the people of Redcar, who were hosts and to all your members! We had a couple of wonderful days and we could gain new  impressions about England and its inhabitants.

We will be happy to see you next year in Troisdorf


June 2017

Dear members and friends

We are all looking forward to our visitors from Troisdorf who will be here with us from the afternoon of Friday 8th until the morning of Tuesday 12th September. Most of our guests will be staying with member host families, with four staying at Saltburn House.  At present we are expecting 18 German friends.  We have now finalised their programme, as attached, and hope that many of you will be able to join in with the various trips and events.  We are expecting to meet & greet our visitors on the afternoon of Friday 8th September at the Redcar Community Heart with an informal reception by the Mayor.

Please respond to our Secretary Emma asap and no later than Tuesday 1st August if you would like to take part in any of the day trips and / or the Social Evening on Monday 11th September, to which you’re all invited.  In order to cover our costs, we do need to ask for a financial contribution from members for these events.

There will be a pre-visit meeting for all hosts at 7pm on Thursday 31st August in the Lecture Theatre at the Pursglove Centre, Prior Pursglove College, Guisborough TS14 6BU.  Please note that all hosts will not have to pay for the Social Evening and supper, as our small way of saying “thank you” for everything you do for our German guests.

The visit will end at 11am on Tuesday 12th September after a get-together Farewell Breakfast in Saltburn House for all hosts, guests, members and friends. Again, we shall need to know in advance how many people to expect.

Finally, another date for your diary:  our next fund-raising coffee morning will be at Sunnyfield House in Guisborough on Saturday 5th August 9.30am – 12noon.  We hope to see many of you there.  Any donations of cakes and scones or savouries, e.g. sausage rolls and pies etc, would be very much appreciated for sale on the day.  As well as any Tombola Stall prizes for adults and children that can be donated to any Committee member in advance of the coffee morning so that we can set up the Tombola in good time.  Please contact either myself on 01287 638178 or our Treasurer Alison or Secretary Emma for further information or offers of assistance.  Many thanks.

Best wishes, from Pamela Stenson Acting Chair

Visit outline:

 Sat 9th Sept

Day trip to York, including Jorvik Viking Centre.

Sun 10th Sept

Middlesbrough Transporter Bridge & MIMA followed by afternoon tea- tasting with cream scones at

Daisy Mae’s in Redcar, opposite the Redcar Beacon.

Mon 11th Sept

Day trip to the Black Sheep Brewery, Masham

7pm Social Evening at Guisborough Cricket Club with the New Day Singers

Tues 12th Sept

9.30am Farewell Breakfast at Saltburn House.

March 2017.

Dear members and friends,
This year’s AGM took place at the Redcar Community Heart on Thursday 16th March. Although we are pleased that there were 15 people in
attendance,including the Mayor of Redcar & Cleveland,Councillor Barry Hunt,and Councillors Carl Quartermain and Margaret Wilson,there were more apologies (18) than members present (13).We also have to report that because there were no nominations for Chairman this year, I have agreed to continue in the role of Vice-Chair,as proposed at the AGM.

The following Committee members were elected:
Chairman VACANCY
Vice-Chairman Pamela Stenson
Treasurer Alison Dodds
Secretary Emma Stephenson
Assistant Secretary Judith Larkin
Committee-website Philip Howson
Committee Linda Howson
Committee Richard Rudland
Committee Ruth Bryan
Committee Julie Baggott
Hon Vice-President Denis Bell
2 R&CBC representatives To be confirmed
Please do get in touch with a member of the Committee if you feel that you could assist us in anyway until we are in a position to elect a new Chairman.This is your opportunity to be involved with the running of the Association.All members are welcome to our Committee meetings which are notified in advance on our website.
Our next Committee meeting will be on Thursday 27th April,when we shall be continuing to make plans for our visitors from Troisdorf in September;they will be with us from the evening of Friday 8th until the morning of Tuesday 12th.Please let our Secretary Emma
know as soon as possible if you are able to host anyone;we also need to know if you have already agreed to host visitors who are planning to travel.Thanks.
A request from Middlesbrough-OberhausenTown Twinning:They are short of a host for two people for the week beginning 7th August and have asked whether anyone from our Association can help please. If you can offer accommodation, please contact Tom Williams asap for further details Many thanks.
Finally, a date for your diary :Our next fund-raising coffee morning will be at Sunnyfield House in Guisborough on Saturday 5th August 9.30am–12noon. We hope to see many of you there.
Best wishes ,from Pamela Stenson.



Dear Members

Please see the attached Notice of the Association’s AGM and let our Secretary Emma know as soon as possible whether or not you are able to attend.  We look forward to seeing you there.  There will be a photo presentation of our October 2016 visit to Troisdorf on completion of the business meeting, as well as the opportunity to chat with other members as we begin to make plans for our visitors from Troisdorf later this year.

The time has now come to elect a new Vice-Chair and Chair in accordance with our constitution as Linda and I have been in post for three years in our respective roles.  We hope that you will give this serious consideration and let us know if you’re able to join the Committee, maybe in one of these key roles, to help take the Association forward.  Please ring me or any of our current Officers / Committee members to discuss, if necessary.  The future of our Association depends on you and your response; without your proactive participation we cannot function effectively and grow to strengthen the links with Troisdorf that began in 1990.

Best wishes, and thank you in anticipation of your ongoing support, Pamela

Dear Member,


The Annual General Meeting will be held at the Redcar Community Heart on Thursday 16th March 2017.  Members are invited to meet from 6.30pm for a prompt start at 7pm. Light refreshments will be available.


Welcome by the Mayor of Redcar and Cleveland Cllr Barry Hunt

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of previous A.G.M. 17th March 2016
  3. Matters arising
  4. A few words from our President Beatrice Lythgoe
  5. Chairman’s report – Pamela Stenson
  6. Treasurer’s report  – Alison Dodds
  7. Election of Officers – Chairman
  8. Election of Officers – Vice Chairman
  9. Election of Officers – Treasurer
  10. Election of Officers  – Secretary
  11. Election of Officers – Committee Members
  12. Appointment of President on the nomination of the Committe
  13. Visitors from Troisdorf 8-12 September 2017
  14. A.O.B. Please notify the Secretary in advance if at all possible – many thanks.

Nomination for Committee 2017 – 2018  

                               Nominee                                              Proposer                                                            Seconder

Vice- Chairman
Assistant Secretary
Press and PR Officer
2 R&C BC representatives

If you wish to attend the AGM and/or nominate anybody for the committee please complete and return this part to the Secretary Emma Stephenson no later than 9th March 2017

 Please reply to:

Or by post to:    Secretary Emma Stephenson 6 Alfred Street Redcar TS10 3HY

I/We will be attending the AGM (Name) …………………………………………………………………  


NB  Please remember that membership subscriptions for this calendar year are now due and that only paid-up members are entitled to vote at the AGM.  Thanks.  Hope to see you all there on the 16th March.  



Present:  Beatrice Lythgoe, Brenda Forster, Pam Stenson, Alison Dodds, Margaret Jackson, Linda Howson, Phil Howson, Gerard Tompkinson, Emma Stephenson, Denis Bell, Ruth Bryan, Mike Bryan, Judith Larkin, Tom Williams, Margaret Wilson, Paul Stenson, Doreen Rudland, Richard Rudland, Ann Stephenson, Judy Grainger, Stewart Grainger, Eric Whitham, Myra Stanton, Brij Zutshi.

Apologies:  Mayor of Loftus, Father Adam, Steve Arnold, Kim Arnold, Ann Traynor, David Dodds, Mrs Dobson.

Welcome:  by Councillor Brenda Forster, Mayor of Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council   The Mayor said  she was pleased to host the AGM  and that the Council hoped to continue its involvement with the Association andTroisdorf.

The Chair:  Pam Stenson thanked the Mayor and R&C BC for the use of the room for the AGM.

The minutes of last year’s AGM have been distributed for approval

Proposed: Eric Whitham      Seconded: Linda Howson

Matters Arising:

Gerard Tompkinson asked if there had been any problems with the constitution –

Pam Stenson replied that there had not been anything during the year.

Tom Williams queried the future cost of maintaining the website –

Phil Howson explained that it is an Open Source website therefore the Association, or its representative (which will be Phil),  will be inputing our own up-dates and documents, photos etc.

President Beatrice Lythgoe:

Madam Mayor and members, it is lovely to see so many here. The Web site is very good and I am pleased to see how well it looks.Thank you to the Council for use of the room, it is good to be officially recognised – it would be even better to have more councillors involved.  Language is not a barrier as most people in Troisdorf speak some English and we have experienced translators in the Association. Thank you to the Committee for all the work last year – the background work and preparation for the celebrations and the visit.  It is good to see some old friends here, especially Myra, who has been in the  association since the the beginning. My appreciation to all .

Chair’s Report by Pam Stenson:

Welcome, everyone, thank you all for making the time to come here this evening.

Firstly, I’d like to thank Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council for the use of these wonderful meeting facilities here in the Heart again, for their kind hospitality and also for their ongoing support for the Association during a difficult year in the Borough.  We very much appreciate the time and commitment the Council was able to give to our 25th anniversary celebration last September in the context of the closure of the Redcar Steel works.  We’re grateful for the personal involvement of the Mayor and others during that period.

We hosted a group of 21 German visitors from Troidorf plus their bus-driver from 22-26 September last year and put together a varied programme for them that was very much appreciated.  One of the highlights was, of course, the fantastic Celebration Dinner that took place here in the Council Chamber on the Wednesday evening, with entertainment from the Normanby Topline Choir as well as local singer Abi Alton and the Marske Fishermen’s Choir.

Every day was different as we took our visitors around the local area to Preston Park Museum, Ampleforth Abbey and to Kirkleatham Museum and Loftus Town Hall, where we were hosted by Loftus Town Council, and the Parish Church.  The week ended on Friday evening with a wonderful concert by the Teesside Apollo Male Voice Choir.  Before the bus left Saltburn House on the Saturday morning for their journey home many of us enjoyed a somewhat “chaotic” English breakfast with our guests!  However, all’s well that ends well, as we heard from our German friends later that this was one of their best visits ever to Redcar and Cleveland.  Thanks to everyone who helped make it so successful.

Alison will no doubt be reflecting on our social fund-raising events in her Treasurers Report;  it was good to see members old and new attend the strawberry afternoon tea in New Marske, the coffee morning in Sunnyfield House and the Christmas Evening in Guisborough.

We’re now looking forward to our next visit to Troisdorf later this year in October, so please let us know as soon as possible if you’re interested.  Our German friends are already making plans and are looking forward to showing us more of Troisdorf and the surrounding area.

Finally, I’m delighted to report that we have enough volunteers to form a new Committee moving forward.  We should all be grateful that there are people willing and able to continue the excellent work of the Association into the future.  Our thanks go to Tom Williams who is resigning from the Committee for personal reasons.  And our best wishes go to Colin & Cam Nertney and to Joyce Bell.

To close, a special mention of the new Association website and Facebook page, that are being maintained and kept up-to-date by a couple of our Committee members, Philip and Emma respectively – many thanks for this.  Hopefully the use of new technology, alongside more traditional means of communication, will enable the Association to reach out to most of the population of Redcar & Cleveland.

Here’s to the next 25 years!

November 2016

Dear members and friends

I’m writing this on the return journey home after a wonderful stay with our German host families in Troisdorf at the end of October.  23 members, including seven new members travelling to our twin town for the first time, enjoyed five days of excellent Troisdorf hospitality that began with a Civic Reception at the Rathaus on our arrival and ended with a 2-hour breakfast for everyone on the last day with our German friends.

We had a full programme of events and visits including a sight-seeing tour of all of the twelve Districts of Troisdorf.  The Städtepartnerschaftsverein hosted a fantastic 4-course evening dinner with music from the Blue and White Carnival Band for all English guests with their German hosts.  There were interesting and informative guided tours of Konrad Adenauer’s House in Rhöndorf on the Rhine and in the footsteps of earlier British visitors around the centre of Bonn, former capital of West Germany.  In Cologne we visited the Chocolate Museum and had lunch together in a typical German Brau Haus.

Everyone agrees that this has been another very successful trip to our twin town and we’re already looking forward to their visit to us in Redcar and Cleveland next year from Thursday 7th to Monday 11th September.

A reminder that our next fund-raising event will be at the Guisborough Town Christmas Festival on Tuesday 6th December from 5pm where we’ll be having a crafts and gift stall in the Methodist Church Hall on Westgate; any donations of items to sell will be much appreciated.

There will be a Social Evening for all members and friends at the Fox & Hounds, Slapewath on Thursday 26th January 2017 6.30pm for 7pm meal (of your own choice from the carvery or full menu) at which we can share memories of our trip and start to think about next year’s plans.

Please let our Secretary Emma know by email ( asap and no later than Friday 20th if you intend to join us on this evening.  Many thanks.”

Please also remember that annual membership subscriptions are due to our Treasurer Alison by the end of January 2017.

Meanwhile, herzliche Weihnachtsgrüße!

Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year, from Pamela Stenson

NB  if you have on-line access you can always keep up-to-date via our website: or our Facebook page which has regular up-dates and photos.

Treasurer’s Report by Alison Dodds:

Income and Expenditure year ended December 31st 2015.

The accounts have been audited by Mrs Fitzhugh on 17/2/2016.

The compensation payment was for the delay in transferring accounts.

Further detailed records are available for inspection .

Mrs Fitzhugh is retiring as Auditor and we would like to record our official thanks to her as she has been auditing our accounts since 1993.  It was agreed to send flowers.

Next year’s Auditor: Brian Stephenson.

Proposed: Alison Dodds.  Seconded: Denis Bell

Also a thank you to Denis Bell for all his help with the financial aspects and especially the end of year accounts. Denis also thanked Alison as Treasurer.

A reminder that the next coffee morning is on Sat 30th July 2016 at Sunnyfield House in Guisborough. Tombola prizes and  cakes will be welcome,

Membership Fees : It was agreed to continue at £5 (individual) / £7 (joint family) as the Association’s financial status is good.

Proposed : Alison Dodds.  Seconded: Margaret Jackson.

Prior Pursglove College has been a Corporate Member previously and hopefully will continue to be so.  Tom thought perhaps the Co-op may be worth persuing as well as Elring Klinger (a German company at the Kirkleatham Business Park).

Election of Officers:

Chairman:                     Pamela Stenson

Vice-Chairman              Linda Howson

Treasurer                      Alison Dodds

Secretary                       Emma Stephenson

Assistant Secretary       Judith Larkin

Committee – Website    Philip Howson

Committee                     Margaret Jackson

Committee                     Ruth Bryan

Committee                     Judy Grainger

Committee                     Richard Rudland

Committee (co-opted)    Denis Bell

2 R&C BC representatives

Beatrice Lythgoe proposed that Pamela Stenson continues as Chair for the AGM to continue.

The nominations were circulated to all present and it was agreed to Propose and

Second them all ‘en bloc’

Proposed:   Eric Whitham.    Seconded: Tom Williams.

Thank you to Ruth Bryan – for all her hard work as Secretary – she is no longer able to continue in this role.

The invitation for President will be at first new committee meeting.

It was suggested that the committee meeting dates go on the web site , with perhaps the dates for the next 3 or 4 meetings to be decided in advance.

Troisdorf Visit 2016

Members had been canvassed as to preferred travel dates; as a result the date for departure will be Sunday  23rd October returning on Saturday 29th October.

Most people are happy to travel by coach and ferry. It is anticipated that the cost will be no more than £300 per person (includes ferry with dinner and breakfast on board).

Margaret Jackson has approached various coach companies and the most reasonable cost has been via Hull.  However cost of leaving from Newcastle. Everyone who is going on the trip must be a fully paid up member of the Association and must have their own insurance and European Health card.

Emma Stephenson will be keeping a list of those travelling to Troisdorf.

Alison will be in touch with Outward Academy re possible student visitors.

Middlesbrough BC visitors from Oberhausen.

Tom Williams said that two visitors are in need of hosts, as their previous hosts are not available. Margaret Wilson has volunteered to accommodate them.


The Mayor of Redcar and Cleveland BC, Councillor Brenda Forster, said she had enjoyed being present at the AGM.  Pam Stenson, Chair, thanked her for attending.  Gerard Tompkinson will be retiring from R&C BC later this month, his replacement will be Alison Pearson.  We all wished Gerard a happy retirement and thanked him for all of his practical support for the Association.

Trip to Troisdorf 2016.

October 2016.

Dear members and friends

October already and many of us are looking forward to our next visit to Troisdorf on the 23rd.  As previously notified, there will be a pre-trip meeting at 7pm on Thursday 13th October at 7pm in the Lecture Theatre at the Pursglove Centre, Prior Pursglove College, Guisborough TS14 6BU for all those who are booked to travel with us to Troisdorf later this month.  There will be light refreshments available from 6.45pm.  Anyone is welcome to attend if you’d like to find out more about our planned programme in Troisdorf;  however, we regret that we can not accept any further bookings at this late stage.

The agenda for the evening will be as follows:

  1. Welcome & introductions
  2. Travel arrangements, including pick-up points in Guisborough and Redcar
  3. Cabin-sharing on the ferry
  4. Troisdorf programme (cost will be 35 Euros per person – please try to have the correct amount in cash ready for collection by our Treasurer en route, thanks)
  5. Key information with mobile phone numbers
  6. Gifts for hosts
  7. Any questions?

We anticipate that this meeting will give us the opportunity to get to know one another better in advance of travel;  however, if you can’t make it that evening please let myself or our Secretary Emma know asap so that we can ensure that you have all of the relevant up-to-date information.  Many thanks.

We’re expecting to meet our coach-driver, Luke, on the 13th as well as Gary Walton, Managing Director of Delta Coaches who is over-seeing all of our travel arrangements.

Finally, more key dates for your diary: our next fund-raising event will be at the Guisborough Town Christmas Festival on Tuesday 6th December when we’ll be having a table in the Methodist Church Hall – more details to follow nearer the time;  and there will be a Social Evening at the Fox & Hounds, Slapewath on Thursday 27th January 2017 6.30pm for 7pm meal (of your own choice from the carvery or full menu) at which we can share memories of our trip and start to think about next year’s plans.

Best wishes, from Pamela Stenson

July 2016

Dear members and friends

There’s still time to book a place on our next visit to Troisdorf, Sunday 23rd to Saturday 29th October 2016, travelling by coach and ferry overnight, and four nights staying with our German host families in Troisdorf. The cost is £300 per person (based on two people sharing a cabin on the ferry crossings and including an evening meal and breakfast on board) plus an additional sum to be paid in Euros for the day-trips (last time this was 30 Euros). Children and young people aged 16 years and under in full-time education can travel with an adult family member at a reduced cost of £150.

Our German friends have planned a varied and interesting programme of visits for us in Troisdorf, Cologne and the surrounding area. If you want to join us in October, please contact either our Treasurer Alison or our Secretary Emma asap with a deposit of £200 per person or £150 for a child. See booking-form attached.

There will be a meeting on the evening of Thursday 13th October 7pm for everyone who is booked to go to Troisdorf, at which there will be more detailed information about the visit, including coach pick-up times and places. Venue for this meeting is the Lecture Theatre at the Pursglove Centre, Prior Pursglove College, Guisborough TS14 6BU.

Meanwhile we ask that all participants ensure that their travel insurance is up-to-date and that they have a valid passport and EHIC form. Please note that following the results of the EU referendum, no changes have yet been announced to the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) service.

Finally, another key date for your diary: our next fund-raising coffee morning will be at Sunnyfield House in Guisborough on Saturday 30th July 9.30am – 12noon. We hope to see many of you there. If you can provide home-baking to sell or gifts for a tombola stall etc please contact any of the Committee or bring it early on the day, from 8.45am. Many thanks.

Best wishes, from Pamela Stenson

NB Remember that if you have on-line access you can always keep up-to-date via our website:


at 6 Alfred Street, Redcar TS10 3HY asap

Name: ………………………………………………………………………………..


Address: ……………………………………………………….




Number of places required: ……………


Single travellers: do you need someone (of the same sex) to share a cabin with on the ferry? YES / NO (if no, please state here who you will be sharing with)



Host family required YES* / NO (if no, please make your own hotel arrangements and let us know where you’ll be staying)




Non-refundable deposit enclosed: £……

(Cheques payable to: Redcar and Cleveland Twinning Association)**


For more information please contact Pamela Stenson (Chairman) on 01287 638367

Alison Dodds (Treasurer) on 01287 637160 or

Emma Stephenson (Secretary) on 07429 718223

**Balance due: by 31st August 2016

Bookings made after 30th April are required to pay at least £200 deposit immediately.

Please note that as deposits are required to secure and fund the coach hire they are therefore non-refundable and you should ensure that you are covered by your own travel insurance arrangements for this trip.

The Association does have a discretionary hardship fund to which members can apply in exceptional circumstances for 50% contribution towards the travel cost, providing they are not in full-time work i.e. they are unemployed or are in full-time education at the time of booking and of the visit. Please contact the Chairman or Treasure for more details and an application.

Trip to Troisdorf 2016.

March 2016

Would you like to spend a few days during October half-term with a German family in our twin town of Troisdorf?

If so, please contact the Redcar & Cleveland Twinning Association for further information and a booking-form, either e-mail our Secretary Emma at via our website:

We will be setting off on Sunday 23rd October via the overnight ferry from Hull, arriving in Troisdorf on Monday 24th. We will stay there with our host families for four nights, with daily excursions around Troisdorf, Bonn and Cologne included, as well as a cabin and meals on board the return ferry crossings. We’ll leave Germany on Friday 28th and arrive back home on the morning of Saturday 29th. The total travel cost will not exceed £300 per person (£150 per child under 16 traveling with a full fare paying adult), plus a contribution in Euros to our German friends to cover some of the local excursion costs.

This is a great opportunity to get to know what life in modern-day Germany is like for ordinary families; don’t worry if you don’t speak German as most hosts will be able to speak English and there will always be German-speaking English travel companions from the Twinning Association available to help out as necessary.

Still interested? Please contact us as soon as possible as we need to confirm numbers by 30th June – a deposit of £100 will secure your place on the coach, with the maximum £200 balance payable in full by the end of August.

Pamela Stenson, Chair of the Redcar & Cleveland Twinning Association


Pre trip meeting.

Thursday 13 October @ 1900, Prior Pursglove college Guisborough.

This is to provide information regarding the trip to Troisdorf and the events that we will be doing whilst there ,everyone is welcome to attend.

March 2016

Dear members and friends

Following a very successful and well-attended AGM at the Redcar Community Heart on Thursday 17th March we are pleased to let you know that we now have a new Committee to take forward the work of Association into the future:

Chairman Pamela Stenson
Vice- Chairman Linda Howson
Treasurer Alison Dodds
Secretary Emma Stephenson
Assistant Secretary Judith Larkin
Committee – website Philip Howson
Committee Margaret Jackson
Committee Ruth Bryan
Committee Judy Grainger
Committee Richard Rudland
Committee (co-opted) Denis Bell
2 R&C BC representatives To be confirmed

Our first Committee meeting will be on Thursday 5th May, when we shall be continuing to make plans for our next visit to Troisdorf – this will take place from Sunday 23rd until Saturday 29th October 2016, travelling by coach and ferry overnight, and with four nights staying with our German host families in Troisdorf.

As usual, we know that our German friends will have a varied and interesting programme of visits for us in Troisdorf, Cologne and the surrounding area. We anticipate that the overall cost of the trip will be no more than £300 per person (based on two people sharing a cabin on the ferry crossings and including an evening meal and breakfast) plus an additional sum to be paid in Euros for the day-trips (last time this was 30 Euros).

If you want to join us in October, please contact the Secretary Emma asap and before 30th April 2016 with a deposit of £100 per person. Thank you. This will secure your place on the coach. As we require a minimum of 25 travellers to be financially viable, please think about coming to Troisdorf and maybe asking friends and family if they’re interested too. Don’t worry about accommodation as we will be hosted by the Troisdorf Twinning Association’s members – and if you don’t speak German we will ensure that English translation is always available for you on our days out!   Alternatively you can opt to make hotel arrangements in Troisdorf at your own cost, while still joining us on the coach for the journey there and back and during our visit. Please make this clear on your booking form, thanks.

Finally, a date for your diary: our next fund-raising coffee morning will be at Sunnyfield House in Guisborough on Saturday 30th July 9.30am – 12noon. We hope to see many of you there.

Best wishes, from Pamela Stenson


The Annual General Meeting will be held at the Redcar Community Heart on Thursday 17th March 2016. Members are invited to meet from 6.30pm for a prompt start at 7pm. Light refreshments will be available.


Welcome by the Mayor of Redcar and Cleveland Cllr Brenda Forster

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of previous A.G.M. 19th March 2015
  3. Matters arising
  4. A few words from our President Beatrice Lythgoe
  5. Chairman’s report – Pamela Stenson
  6. Treasurer’s report – Alison Dodds
  7. Election of Officers
  8. a) Chairman
  9. b) Vice Chairman
  10. c) Treasurer
  11. d) Secretary
  12. e) Committee Members
  13.  g) Appointment of President on the nomination of the Committee.
  14. Visit to Troisdorf October 2016
  15. A.O.B. Please notify the Secretary in advance if at all possible – many thanks

January 2016

Dear Members & Friends of Redcar & Cleveland Twinning Association

Happy New Year 2016

 We are very much looking forward now to our next visit to Troisdorf later this year, which is likely to be in September or October – we will let you know the exact dates, of course, as soon as they are decided and agreed with our German hosts.

Meanwhile, a reminder of our next event here that will be an opportunity for all members and friends to get together informally to chat and share memories of previous visits or make plans for the next:

 Thursday 28th January 2016 Carvery meal at the Fox & Hounds, Slapewath TS14 6PX 6.30pm for 7pm from £7 per person – just turn up on the evening, we look forward to seeing you there.

Our next Committee meeting will be on the evening of Thursday 4th February;

if you have any issues for discussion, please let us know in advance of that date.

The following meeting will be our AGM, at which officers and committee members will be appointed for the coming year. If you would like to be more involved in the running of the Association, please contact one of us or come along to talk it over during our social evening on the 28th. We will confirm the date of the AGM asap, shortly after our February committee meeting.

 Finally, please note that annual subscriptions for 2016 are now due to our Treasurer by the end of January.


Best wishes, from Pamela Stenson


Dear Members & Friends of Redcar & Cleveland Twinning Association

25 years 1990-2015

What a wonderful time of celebration we enjoyed with our visitors from Troisdorf in September – thanks to everyone who contributed to our special anniversary events which our German friends have said was their best trip ever to Redcar & Cleveland.

We’re grateful to Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council for their support and also to Loftus Town Council for their contribution; we look forward to continuing to build up our relations with other organisations in the months ahead, so that the Association can grow and flourish during the next 25 years.

To do this, we need our members to participate too, of course. If you are on the current email list you should have received a questionnaire about the visit this year. Please let us know by 18 December, what you think made this year’s visit such a success and anything that we could have done differently to improve it for you, our members and hosts, and for our German friends.

If you have not received a copy but would like to participate please email for a copy of the questionnaire

Moving on, we look forward to going to Troisdorf again in 2016 and need to know from you what time of year would be best; we have already been in touch with Troisdorf and they suggest mid-late September would be a suitable time for their hosts. However, we know that some members can only travel during school-holidays and others have childcare responsibilities during school holidays and therefore cannot take time off then. A simple e-mail reply or phone-call by mid December to: will ensure that your preference is recorded for our information to assist with future planning. You might also want us to note your preferred mode of transport to Germany e.g. by coach and ferry or by air. Alternatively please ring one of the Committee members with your comments.

Dates for your diary:

Thursday 28th January 2016 Carvery meal at the Fox & Hounds, Slapewath TS14 6PX 6.30pm for 7pm from £7 per person Just turn up on the evening for an informal social get-together with other members and friends.

NB Annual subscriptions for 2016 now due please to our Treasurer by the end of January.

With very best wishes for Christmas and the New Year to everyone!