Subscription Rates.

Subscriptions for the year are due from January 1st  

Individual membership  £10

Family/Household membership  £15

Corporate membership  £20

For details of how to pay-



Payment of subscriptions for the year 2022 is due from January 1st 2022. Please make payment during the month of January either by cheque or by BACS payment. If paying by BACS contact the treasurer for the bank details. Many thanks.


I/We enclose £ ……. for individual membership (£10) □    Family/Household membership £ ….. (£15) □

Corporate membership £ …. (£20) □

Name(s) of member(s) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Address: ………………………………………………………………………….



Post code: ……………………………………….

Telephone number(s): …………………………………………..    …………………………………………………………

Email address if available (please write clearly):

Please make cheques payable to Redcar and Cleveland Twinning Association. Please send to our treasurer or for more information use the Contact page ( found at the top of the page)

Family/Household membership  or Corporate membership are only entitled to one vote at meetings regardless of how many persons they may represent.

Corporate members

We are pleased to welcome the following organisation’s who have agreed to provide Corporate sponsorships

Prior Pursglove college Guisborough (

Loftus Town Council. (