Town Twinning Committee Meeting

Minutes of Committee Meeting Tuesday 30th April 2024.

Apologies- – Pam Stenson, Mike Hodgson, Present – Emma Stephenson, Councillor Carole Morgan, Alison Dodds, Steve and Kim Arnold, Sheelagh Clarke, Phil and Linda Howson, Julie Baggott

Alison proposed the passing of the last meeting’s minutes and Sheelagh seconded them. There was a slight amendment regarding the need for Visas when travelling in the future. These would be done electronically and everyone would be responsible for obtaining their own visa.

Steve led the meeting from the agenda. The feedback from the AGM was that Pam had agreed to be acting Chair as there still isn’t a Chair or Vice Chairperson.

Regarding Helen Jones’s suggestions, Pam was in favour of spending money in the interest of future investment. The committee debated how we could get the children interested . It was suggested that children, accompanied by parents, could welcome the Germans at the evening meal at the Spa hotel on Sunday 20th October. This would be before the meal started and they would be gone before eating commenced. Other possible times for children to get involved would be the Friday evening at the evening reception with the Mayor of Redcar and Cleveland, but these might have to be older children due to the later time.

As for Helen Jones’s other proposals , the cost was questioned against how much the association would benefit. If it worked out about £300+ per school, Sheelagh suggested this was too open ended. There was a vote amongst the committee for school inclusion and no-one voted for the inclusion. This was seen as a shame as Helen Jones had worked hard and was very enthusiastic. Sheelagh suggested a trial with one school but wasn’t sure for how many weeks at a cost of £40 a week. It was suggested that Helen Jones could investigate if a school wanted to take part and which school. Sheelagh suggested a trial for about 6 weeks and to look into it more. Alison didn’t think a roadshow would have much take up and Kim thought £115 was a lot of money for a workshop and not knowing if it would work. Alison is to contact Pam and Pam will communicate with Helen Jones. It was suggested that one school would take part at the meeting before the meal at the Spa hotel, one hour before the meal about 6.45pm.

Regarding the magazine article for Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council, this will be published in the July issue (it is a quarterly magazine) Malcolm Head, Carole Morgan and Pam will be meeting in the Mayor’s office on 10th May to decide what is included. Phil affirmed that photos are on the website and USB stick and everyone in the association is OK to having their picture included.

Planning for the Trip 17th-22nd October 2024

Steve handed out a list of guests who are all covered with hosts.

Alison is to email John and Betty Nicholas to notify them that they are having a 3rd person to stay.

On the days out, the coach is to pick everyone up in Saltburn, at the top of the valley gardens as there is free parking. Steve wanted to make sure the coach company have all the details before the Germans arrive. There was the suggestion that people in Stockton could also board the bus there.

Steve handed out sheets of paper with all the details of the day trips.

On Friday 18th October at the Land of Iron, Alison said that Loftus want to be involved and it was decided that Pam is to ask them how they wish to be involved. It depends on what Loftus come back with as to whether we use the Kaskane restaurant for a hot meal. If so, it needs to be pre-booked. It was suggested the chef gives a choice of about 3 meals for about £8 a head payable at the host’s and visitor’s own expense. That evening there is a reception with the Mayor in Redcar Community Heart and there was the question of how the people staying in the hotel in Saltburn would get there and back. The train was suggested. Would Pam know when the reception would start and finish? The Land of Iron is booked for 36 people but it would be a first come first served situation amongst the hosts. Steve wondered if it would be easier to give lifts there but the Germans will pay for a coach.

Saturday 19th October is a host day. The Germans could get a train from Saltburn to Whitby or York. The people in the hotel might decide for themselves. This is to be put to Heidi.

On the Sunday, the meal at the Spa could be starting at 18.30 with the arrival of the school children. We could spend less time in Hartlepool and Shildon and get back earlier for 16.15 to eat at 19.45.

On Monday 21at October the arrangements for the Skipton boat trip were fine.

On Tuesday 22nd October it was suggested the 11 people who are flying back should leave about 7.30 am to arrive at Manchester for 10.30 am. Their flight is at 12.35pm. 6 people are to go to London and 6 people are to go to Edinburgh. They could catch trains from Darlington.

The costings of the trips were all rough but the Germans are paying for the coaches. For 5 nights stay, we are asking them for £50 but are also subsidising their stay. The meal at the Spa hotel is expensive but it was decided they would expect 2 courses and this would be subsidised. Alison said we have £4000 in savings which we don’t need so much in recent years due to everyone buying their own travel insurance. The committee was happy to spend some money on the trip this year. It was happy to charge £50, payable in English currency. We wondered if the coach was paid for in advance or if a deposit is paid and how the Germans had paid in the past. Steve is to email Heidi and ask.

The discussion went back to the children in the schools and how the three German children coming over would like to be involved. Their ages are 15, 12 and 10. How would they feel in an English school? Would they like a tour around a school? Phil wondered if the German children would like to do anything like this. Alison is to email Heidi and ask. The programme of trips is very busy and it would be quite difficult to accommodate doing something for the German children. We are trying to get schools involved but it is proving problematic. It was suggested that A level children come to the mayor’s reception on Friday 18th October as it would be later and they are older. If we arranged something during the busy schedule, a German adult would have to be present. We thought the situation needed more thought. It would be a good idea to ask Heidi what the German children would like to get out of it. At the reception with the Mayor, it would be better if the English children were accompanied by their parents.

Treasurer’s Report

Alison did the update this time.

Public Liability Insurance is due 1st May. It has increased. There is an increase in brokerage fees of £35. The insurance was deemed necessary and a good price.

The council is paying the association £500 this year. It isn’t yet in the account. Alison is to send a report of what it has been spent on.

The banking is being transferred to Steve. He will have banking authority with Emma and Pam. Judith Larkin has been removed. Steve is to remove Alison in the future. Two people are needed to approve transactions. It is all in process.

Website and Facebook

The website is up to date. Alison emailed a document to Pam about how to upload. Phil said it’s a lot easier now. Tadweb were paid to set up the website. They moved to Middlesbrough but don’t exist anymore.

Emma is managing Facebook and is back up for the website.


Phil and Linda need to sign on to the committee after being absent at the AGM

Next Meeting

Thursday 6th June, 7pm at 5 Ferndale Close again.

The Germans will be getting dropped off on their first evening in Saltburn, opposite Brockley Hall and this will be the same place for all the trips.

Minutes of Committee Meeting Thursday 22nd February 2024

Present: Phil and Linda Howson, Kim and Steve Arnold, Alison Dodds, Pam Stenson, Emma Stephenson, Sheelagh Clarke, Julie Baggott

Apologies: Mayor and Councillor Carole Morgan

Alison proposed the last meeting’s minutes and they were accepted as accurate.

The meal at the Park had gone well. The refurbishment was good and the food was lovely.


The first Thursday offered was 18th April as Easter is early this year. Phil and Linda will be on holiday that week but they were comfortable to agree any business beforehand. The AGM was confirmed for 18th April 2024 4.30-6pm. The mayor, Malcolm Head is to host the AGM. Emma is to continue as secretary, Julie to continue as minute’s secretary, Phil and Linda on the committee. Alison is leaving but will remain on the Committee as long as possible and show Steve what is involved so he can take over the treasurer’s position. Kim is to stay on the committee. It is noted that Pam has continued as chairman and vice-chairman for 10 years as no-one else has stepped forward.

Could we advertise for new members? Maybe in Talk of the Town magazine. A notice for the AGM will be put out, hopefully in various publications. There’s a possibility that Nunthorpe and Bydales Academies are teaching German.

The Visit 2024

There are still Germans without hosts;- a family of 4, 1 male, 2 females and 1 couple. It was uncertain whether they had already booked flights. Alison was to email the table tennis group to see if they could possibly host. It was seen as important to encourage youngsters. A language school uses Emma’s tearoom. It was suggested they might be involved.


It was suggested that a programme co-ordinator would be useful for organising the trips. Steve and Kim said they could do this and Emma said she would produce the booklet.

The Germans are due to arrive at 17.40 in Manchester on Thursday 17th October which means they will arrive in Saltburn 20.30-21.00. It was suggested that everyone meets at the hotel where most of them are staying (now confirmed as The Spa Hotel in Saltburn)

Friday 18th October –R&CBC has offered a reception in the evening.

During the day on the Friday, a trip to the Land of Iron in Skinningrove was suggested with lunch at Kaskane. Steve is to look into it. There was a question of Loftus Town Council members joining us and possibly having an afternoon reception at Loftus too.

Tuesday 22nd October. There are 11 Germans flying back, who would need to leave about 7.30am for Manchester Airport. Some of the group are going by train to Scotland or London..

A social evening at the Park Hotel for Monday 21st October was suggested as a farewell dinner. Saturday 19th was suggested as a free day and Sunday 20th there could be a canal boat trip in Skipton. The boat trip with Afternoon Tea would cost £27.50 per person. For the Monday during the day, a trip to Kirkleatham Walled Garden was suggested but also the possibility of visiting Ripley Castle or Hartlepool. Steve is to get prices and see how much to charge in total for the outings.

We can’t have a farewell breakfast as the Germans are leaving too early.

There was a lot of discussion about coach sizes and prices. The Germans have asked for a 35 seater. Alison was to email the details of M &D Travel to Steve.

Treasurer’s Report

Membership: 6 household, 12 individual, corporate 2 (Loftus town council and Saltburn table tennis club) and 2 honorary (Dennis and Prior Pursglove)

There were some old banking documents. Alison suggested keeping those from 7 years ago and anything older to dispose of them. This was agreed. Brian Stephenson audited this year.

There had been an email from Heidi about an international chess competition 3-6 October 2024; Emma knows a contact for a local Chess Club to pass on.

Alison had leftover items donated for “bring & Buy” in her loft. It was agreed that these should be donated to Teesside Hospice but the banner for the association is to keep.

A change in bank account signatures is needed; Judith Larkin is to be taken off.

Emma, Pam and Alison are to be left on. 2 signatories are needed.

Should we change banks? Lloyds is good but only in Middlesbrough now. Steve is to enquire.

Website and FB fine. Phil is OK in the role and Emma can back him up.

Emma had updated the FB page. The last visit of the Germans was 2019.

There will be an officer’s meeting on Thurs 11th prior to the AGM on Thurs 18th April 2024.

The next committee meeting after the AGM will be Tuesday 30th April at 7pm at Phil and Linda’s.


Might we need visas for Germany in the future?

Linda asked if we should continue with the town twinning? The future of the Association to be discussed at the AGM.

Minutes of Committee Meeting Wednesday 11th October 2023

Present: Sheelagh Clarke, Alison Dodds, Pam Stenson, Kim Arnold, Linda and Phil Howson, Julie Baggott

Apologies: Steve Arnold, Mayor (Councillor Malcolm Head) Carole Morgan, Emma Stephenson

Best wishes were sent to the Mayor from the Twinning Association after his recent surgery.

Alison proposed the passing of the minutes from our last meeting on 19th July, Phil seconded it and the minutes were passed.

Matters Arising

It was discussed whether another USB drive needed to be purchased, this was deemed as unnecessary as the original one had been found. It has years’ worth of data on it .

Appointment of Vice-Chairperson – carried forward

Pam gave feedback from the social photo evening. It had been a nice night, good food, Dave did a great job with the photos, good venue, place and buffet good, there were more than 25 people (some of the table tennis people attended). The cost had been £203 – £176 for the buffet and £27 for the room.

Planned Visit

Alison had heard from Heidi on 19th September and she had requested prices of coaches.

The Germans would be arriving 17th or 18th October 2024. They were still trying to decide whether to fly or travel by ferry. Alison stated that it depends how many Germans are taking part as this would then define the size of the coach. Alison would look at prices for different sizes of coaches. If flying, the Germans would need a coach from Manchester Airport and back and for use in Redcar and Cleveland. Alison said she would get back to Heidi after this meeting.

The Germans would either be coming Thurs – Mon or Fri- Tues. We paid £750 return for the coach to Manchester Airport with M and D Travel, who were from Stockton. It was suggested that Paul’s Travel takes 16 and luggage for about £500. Alison could ask M and D for a 40 seater and also a 29 seater. Alison could also enquire at Halls Coaches and Coatham Coaches. There was also Jacks’s Coaches and Skelton Coaches. We would need a bigger coach as we would also want to do day trips. Alison would request prices and let the Germans decide.

The Land of Iron in Skinningrove was suggested as a possible place to visit. People at Loftus would be invited.

At the last visit here, something was organised for those without hosts on a Sunday (which was a free day)

York was suggested as a place of interest and travelling there by Trans-Pennine Express but this might be expensive.

Alison went on a tour of the Town Hall in Guisborough and said the accommodation was superior to that of a hostel. We wondered at the cost per room that the Germans would want to pay if not staying with hosts. It was noted though that the ladies who had stayed in Saltburn House on a previous visit had not taken part in our visit to Troisdorf ’23 and so far there has been no mention of hotel or B&B accommodation required.

Another suggested excursion was a trip on a canal boat in Skipton. A boat could be hired privately for 20-40 people with afternoon tea or fish and chips. Alison could get the price for a day trip to Skipton from a coach company and it was suggested that we could also visit Skipton castle. This would however mean booking well in advance. Hosts could take people by car instead of using a coach.

Kirkleatham Walled Garden was put forward as the potential venue for an evening event with a buffet. We would need to ask the council where they could host an event in October.

Beamish was also mentioned as a possible day trip, as it has really changed recently. Also, we didn’t do Ripley castle the last time they visited. However Ripley castle may not be suitable for children, if there are any coming.

The Forbidden Corner was suggested but this is unsuitable for older people, especially in October. There might be Halloween-themed events for the children e.g.a trip to Stokeld Park with a possible brewery or vineyard trip for adults.

Memberships are still the same price.

It was discussed whether to hold a social event this Winter. It would take place during week commencing 29th January 2024. Potential venues were discussed. We wondered if the table tennis people would attend and were estimating about 20-30 people turning up. Kim is to ring the Park Hotel in Redcar. At the moment for their Carvery Meal 1 course is £8.95, 2 courses £11.50 and 3 courses £12.95.

Pam will write a Chair’s letter to circulate during December, to include information about the social evening.

Phil reported that the website is up to date.

The last entry on Facebook was 27th July when Linda put something on about the visit to Cologne.

7th December is a provisional future meeting date, depending on feedback from Germany. It will take place on Zoom and will be about the visit and social event. NB This date has subsequently been postponed

There will be another committee meeting Thursday 22nd February 7pm when the AGM will be planned. If the weather is bad, it will take place by Zoom. Alison is to send round email to committee about future meeting dates.

Minutes for Committee Meeting Wednesday 19th July 2023

Present: Sheelagh Clarke, Pam Stenson, Alison Dodds, Steve Arnold, Phil and Linda Howson, Julie Baggott

Apologies: Kim Arnold, Emma Stephenson, Carole Morgan

The Minutes of the previous meeting were passed with one amendment – i.e. that a Community meeting room in Morrisons in Redcar had been suggested as a potential meeting place for the committee.

Matters Arising

The USB drive had been found and made use of and new photos were on it. It was noted that the website has its own storage facility – potentially a lot more photos can be put on it.It was suggested that there should be 2 copies of the USB drive in case of loss.

The appointment of a vice chairperson was carried forward.

Steve couldn’t find any information of anywhere else in the UK twinned with Troisdorf.

The visit to Troisdorf had been lovely, with good weather and had worked out cheaper than initially thought.

The Germans had suggested coming over in October 2024. They have proposed the dates –between the 12th and 26th October. Half term this year (2023) in England is 30th October –3rd November. The half term for next year is not yet known. We don’t know if the Germans will be flying – it depends on their dates. They could come over the weekends 19th, 20th or12th, 13th or they could come the Thursday to Monday 17th – 21st for 4 nights. If they bring children, then possibly the middle weekend is best for families. Although it’s up to them when they come, in further discussion, our children may be at school.

At this committee meeting it was too early to start thinking of a programme of events for the German visitors. Phil suggested that if they bring a coach, parking restrictions may apply in Saltburn. It was noted that it is quite expensive for them to hire a coach and UK coaches are cheaper. Come Autumn, if Heidi has replied then we can begin to plan a programme of events.

Finance Report.

Finances are healthy; there is grant money from Redcar and Cleveland Council and sufficient funds towards the planned social evening.

35 Euros were paid per head for the programme costs in Troisdorf, which was planned. Alison worked out all visit expenditure on a summary sheet.

It had been agreed at the AGM that money would be spent on the members.

One additional Corporate membership was paid – Loftus Town Council.It is hoped that Loftus Town will be involved in next year’s visit.

The forthcoming Social Evening on 27th July was to be promoted as a potential recruitment drive for new members. The room hire was £27 at Galley Hill Leisure Centre.The buffet was £8 per head. Members were to bring own alcohol and glasses. Soft drinks and paper cups were to be provided. There were at least 17 people coming with the potential for 23. Alison gave her apologies. The buffet needed to be booked by 20th July 2023 and we hoped that some of the table tennis people would be coming. It was to be very informal 6.45pm – 8.30pm. To set up tables and chairs at 6.30pm, start clearing up at 8.15pm and out by 8.30pm. Alison was to send a reminder out. Phil had put the information on the website.

The website and Facebook were up to date. The last entry on Facebook had been 19th May,before the visit had taken place. Linda was encouraged to add photos and comment on Facebook about the trip. We could talk to Emma about it at the social evening. There were lots of photos on the website.


Linda suggested a trip to a Yorkshire vineyard when the German visitors came over,

Steve had previously organised a trip to the Lake District which had been very successful.

Forbidden Corner was suggested for the children.

The next meeting will be in October, when we have heard back from Heidi.

It was suggested that we use Zoom again over Winter.

The next Committee Meeting was fixed for Wednesday 11th October 2023 7pm at 5 Ferndale Close, New Marske.

Minutes from Committee Meeting Wednesday 3rd May 2023

Present: Sheelagh Clarke, Pamela Stenson, Alison Dodds, Steve and Kim Arnold, Phil and Linda Howson, Julie Baggott

Apologies: Emma Stephenson, Carole Morgan

Kim and Steve were welcomed back onto the committee. Sheelagh was reappointed as President by a unanimous vote.

A Vice Chairman is to be appointed during this year.

Minutes from previous meeting were proposed as accurate by Phil and accepted by the committee.

Matters Arising

The table tennis group who went to Troisdorf had a wonderful time. They had all won a match. They had spent a full day in Bonn. The mayor had welcomed them. Dave Foreman is to send photographs. They had good PR before they went.

It is hoped the members of the table tennis group will want corporate or individual membership for the twinning association. Dave Foreman came to the AGM. Heidi didn’t get involved with them when they were in Troisdorf. Their visit though was a success and they were pleased they went. There was a suggestion they might stay in dormitories but they ended up staying in a hotel and were very pleased with this arrangement.

The Twinning Association Visit to Troisdorf 22nd-26th May 2023

The programme, as previously circulated, was to be upheld with a few minor detail amendments.

It was still necessary to let the coach company know from what terminal the flights were leaving – Terminal 3 with Ryanair.

There were to be 6 members to be picked up from Stockton. The pick-up place was to be outside The Globe Theatre on Stockton High Street at 8am. Alison was to email the 6 members and Tony Mills was to be appointed as the responsible contact person.

The pick-up of 11 members at Fountain Street Guisborough was to be 8.45am. It was still necessary to get the postcode of the coach park to tell people. The pick-up times are in good time to arrive at Manchester airport for a departure time of 14.20.

At 16.55 the group would be met at the Airport by Heidi & Peter. The members would catch a train into Troisdorf, where hosts were to pick them up at the station and transport their luggage to attend a reception at the town hall and be welcomed by the Mayor.

On the Tuesday (23rd May) there was to be a tour of the Schmitz Mertens Coffee Roasting Company then a guided tour of the Karneval museum. There was then free time in Troisdorf or a guided walk around the town centre.

At 6pm the members and hosts were to meet for a formal dinner at the Siegfӓhre restaurant, where there would be speeches and gifts. Pam was to contact Jane Holmes about the gifts.

On the Wednesday (24th May) there was to be a trip to Cologne by train where there would be a guided tour of the old town and cathedral. Lunch would be at the Vogel wine bar. At 6pm members would meet at the Kaiser Wilhelm statue and weather permitting, would go up the LVR tower for a panoramic view of the area surrounding Cologne.

On the Thursday (25th May) there would be a full day trip by coach to see the Henrichenburg boat lift and have a two hour boat trip along the canal. Lunch would be currywurst.

On the Friday (26th May) the hosts were to deliver the members to the train station in good time to travel to the airport. There wouldn’t be time for a communal breakfast as has been traditional in the past. Breakfast would be with individual hosts.

Alison was to bring 750 euros for the bus hire. The question of the train fares arose. Alison was to email Heidi and Frank about who pays for the tickets and how much they would be per person. It was decided that the TT Association money could be shared between members to keep it safe. Alison said she would withdraw money form Lloyds Bank in Middlesbrough and change it in the Bureau de Change in the Cleveland Centre. There was mention of using bank transfer or M&S but the process would have been more complicated.

We received £500 from Redcar & Cleveland Council in early April. Alison had sent an email to explain what the Association had done with it and future plans for it.

Nearly all members had paid their membership. There were 2 new members – Barry Lloyd who was coming on the trip and Jim Cave who was busy that week but wants to join us in the future.

Steve and Kim Arnold were added to the WhatsApp group.

Linda asked who had the photo USB stick. It hasn’t been used for 3-4 years so its whereabouts is questionable and if it can’t be found another would be bought.

The question of gifts for Heidi and Frank, the new chairman and mayor arose. There was the suggestion to get something from The Northern Potter in Redcar. Also, the suggestion to take consumables from Chocolinis. Kim suggested taking Coronation biscuit tins from Marks and Spencers. It was thought that the council were giving a Coronation mug to every school child and it was suggested to ask Jane if any were going spare. Duty free could be bought airside at Manchester Airport.

Usually Emma puts together a booklet for the trips with names and addresses included. Alison was to check with Emma if she had done it and if not, if we could email members with all the details.

Feedback from AGM

It was suggested that debate should take place before voting (with apologies that this didn’t happen). There had been a better attendance than expected. There were 2 new members and 2 new committee members. The benefit of the Ambassador Programme would be seen next year. Carole Morgan attended the AGM as a R&C BC representative along with the Mayor. The AGM minutes would be circulated next year.

Summer Social Night

The possible dates and venue for a summer social evening were discussed – the end of July; either Wednesday 26th July or Thursday 27th July. Tocketts Mill was suggested but Linda and Phil said they had been disappointed at their last visit there. Steve and Kim were to go and see what they thought. The Park Hotel was suggested again but was thought to be a better venue for Winter. Hollyhocks (the old pancake house) in Guisborough was suggested but was seen as a good idea to take the Germans next year. Rosie ‘O’ Gradys was also suggested. There had been about 32 people at the Park hotel earlier in the year (including the table tennis group) and it was estimated that 25 – 30 people would take part in a summer social event. The question arose as to whether to have a set menu and pay a deposit or the full amount beforehand. Steve and Kim were to look into these questions when they researched Tocketts Mill.

The website was up to date – managed by Phil.

Emma maintains Facebook.

Any Other Business

Phil asked if the venue for the committee meetings was suitable i.e. his and Linda’s house.

There was the suggestion of a room in Morissons that could be used until the close of the store but it was agreed that the atmosphere at Phil and Linda’s was agreeable, they could fit 10 people in and as long as Linda and Phil were happy, so was everyone else.

Steve had heard that somewhere Northern was also twinned with Troisdorf about 30 years ago. He said he would find out details.

The history of town twinning came up. The origins of it had been Coventry and Kiel where, after 1945, it was encouraged to build up an Anglo/ German town twinning group so that Europe would not be torn apart by war again.

The next committee meeting was organised for Wednesday 19th July at 7pm at 5 Ferndale Close, New Marske.

Wednesday 18th January 2023 7pm via Zoom

Present: Pam Stenson, Alison Dodds, Julie Baggott, Sheelagh Clarke, Linda Howson, Phil Howson, Emma Stephenson

Apologies: Cllr Stuart Smith (Mayor), Cllr Carole Morgan

Minutes of previous meeting 23rd Nov 2022

Minutes were agreed as correct – proposed by Alison and seconded by Phil.

Matters Arising

Table Tennis Update – Dave Foreman has organised for a group of 13 people, from the over 50s Table Tennis Group at Saltburn Leisure Centre, to visit Troisdorf in April, representing Redcar and Cleveland. They will be flying from Manchester to Cologne Bonn with RyanAir and staying in a hotel whilst there. Alison visited them today and took a map of Troisdorf. Dave Foreman will contact the German organisers to discuss final details of the visit.

Alison suggested the table tennis group may like to become corporate members; they will make a decision about this once they have visited Troisdorf. 1 of the 13 has been to Troisdorf before. Pam thanked Alison for liaising with Dave Foreman and visiting the table tennis group.

Cllr Carole Morgan

Carole has agreed to be put forward the second council representative at the AGM and she may come on the visit to Troisdorf.


The Redcar and Cleveland Ambassadors are keen to publicise the association, including on their website and in any future publications. The marketing manager has offered to come and talk to us in the future, and they will supply some marketing materials to take to Troisdorf.

An article has been published in Coastal View & Moor News. It has also been sent to the Darlington & Stockton Times and Saltburn’s Talk of the Town.

The Redcar and Cleveland Council Communications Team have also contacted about putting an article in their magazine, which is delivered to every house in the Borough.

The visit to Troisdorf May 2023

As numbers for the visit are currently unclear, we need to get a response from members – commitment and deposit, by Friday 3rd February.

We are hoping to travel via coach and ferry, with at least 20 people travelling. Alison has contacted Mr Atkinson again regarding a final price for the coach and ferry, and will follow this up urgently.

A decision is needed regarding the final cost and the financial support available.

If we get less then 20 people we may have to revert back to flying. Asking people to book own flights and meet there is also a possibility but this could be difficult. Group bookings for flights require full names, as on passports.

Booking forms to be sent out this week, so we can get numbers before the next meeting with Troisdorf on 15th Feb by Zoom £150 deposit per person and balance by the end of March.

A draft programme has been discussed – Cologne Cathedral has a new exhibition, roof tour.

Coffee manufacturer by coach. New Troisdorf Museum. Canal boat trip (80-100km)

Treasurer’s update.

Balances to be sent Treasurer is preparing end-of-year accounts for Audit.

This year’s subscriptions are due by 31st January.

Alison Pearson has emailed regarding the annual funding the council gives us that is used towards Public Liability insurance and gifts for Troisdorf,

Alison suggested that we offer the table tennis group a donation to buy gifts to take, in support of their visit. Agreed by committee. Alison to email Dave Foreman.

The Northern Potter had offered to produce a bespoke piece for the 30th anniversary. Pam to contact them.


The council has proposed Thursday 23rd March 4.30 – 6.00pm, at the Civic Heart. It has worked really well doing the AGM on paper but we would like to meet in person. The Mayor will host.

Parking in the underground car park is free after 4pm.

Everyone agreed to be renominated for committee. NB we shall need this confirmed in writing

Members meal

Linda and Phil to contact The Park Hotel, Redcar, regarding the carvery on Thursday 23rd February at 7pm, for approximately 20 people. Payment to be sent to Alison, who will pay all together. Individuals to buy drinks on the evening. Linda suggested we invite the 13 table tennis people visiting Troisdorf.

The carvery costs – 1 Course £6.95 • 2 Courses £8.95 • 3 Courses £9.95

NB prices increased Jan 2023 to £7.95, £10.50 & £11.95

Sheelagh asked if people could wear name badges. Emma will sort badges.

A covering letter and forms to be emailed out to all members this week, asking for a response by Friday 3rd February.


There will be an Officers Meeting on Wed 15th March pre-AGM.

We will set the date of our next Committee meeting after the AGM.

NB President’s role is by Committee invitation following the AGM.

Minutes of Twinning Association Meeting held over Zoom 7pm Wed 23rd November 2022
Present Pam Stenson, Alison Dodds, Sheelagh Clarke, Phil and Linda Howson, Emma
Stephenson, Julie Baggott

Apologies: Mayor of R&C BC

There was news of Dave Foreman of Saltburn taking some club members to Germany for a
table tennis tournament in April. Although they were offered accommodation in a gym, with
food provided, they will now stay in local hotel accommodation.

The sad news from Troisdorf was that the chairman’s wife had died recently; Pam has sent a
sympathy card. The Germans postponed their last meeting. The next meeting with Heidi
will be 14th December 2022.

Alison went through the options of travelling to Troisdorf in May 2023.

Coach and ferry Atkinsons had been contacted and also two other coach companies that
declined to quote because of Brexit regulations. Mr Atkinson was willing to meet with Pam
and Alison to go through the cost. Alison had contacted several members and most would
prefer to travel with the coach and ferry.

There is an option of using KLM flights via Teesside or Ryanair from Manchester direct to
Koln/Bonn (14.20h leaving Manchester and 12.50h arriving back into Manchester). There is
the possibility of making a group booking. Manchester flights are cheaper overall and there
would be the possibility of hiring a coach in Germany; however the availability of flights
would be unpredictable

There was also the possibility that Mr Atkinson could take us to Hull or Newcastle and we
could travel on the ferry as foot passengers and use a German coach on the other side. It was
suggested that Heidi could provide a price for a German coach. This was seen to be worth
exploring. The possibility of a mini coach was suggested. Linda had asked Halls Travel for
a quote. They are based in New Marske and are mini coaches with enough room for luggage.

Pam was to draft a preChristmas letter to send out after the meeting with Heidi on 14th
December 2022 to inform members of progress to date with transport options etc.

Alison suggested we should meet with Mr Atkinson before the meeting with Heidi.

Phil stated that he prefers the coach and ferry and that given a choice, most people would
prefer the coach and ferry.

The question of subsidising members arose subsidies for those financially challenged and /
or all members for outings. It was suggested that we could use up some of the reserve

The question of the annual members meal arose. Alison suggested it should take place in
early February. It is a good way of getting everyone together, especially those intending to
travel to Germany.

The last time the group met for the annual meal, it was at the Park Hotel in Redcar. This was
suggested again as a suitable venue for this year. Otherwise suggestions were to be sent in.

The next committee meeting was to take place after speaking to Heidi. A question for Heidi
would be How many hosts has she got?

Linda is to get back when she hears from Halls Travel.

The next committee meeting was set for 7pm Wednesday 18th January 202

Minutes of the Zoom committee meeting 2/03/22

Present: Pamela Stenson, Carole Morgan (Mayor of Redcar and Cleveland), Alison Dodds, Emma Stephenson, Phil Howson, Linda Howson, Sheelagh Clarke

  1. The Chair, Pamela Stenson, welcomed all to the meeting, in particular the Mayor who joined us as the R&CBC representative. Pam reported resignations from both Margaret Wilson and Judith Larkin, who were thanked for their long service on the committee. Apologies were recorded from Julie Baggott who was unable to attend due to a family commitment.
  2. Pam reported back from a Zoom meeting with officers of the Troisdorf twinning committee. Heidi Eick had said that they could not start to plan any visit at the moment because of the high prevalence of Covid19 at the time. She also said that their committee had agreed that all participants in any visit would have to be vaccinated unless medically exempted.

The committee agreed that it should be put to the AGM that we propose the same for any participants in visits to Germany, or as future hosts here.

Pam also reported that the Troisdorf group had asked for a 3-minute video about Redcar and Cleveland to put on their website. Pam has approached the Redcar & Cleveland Ambassadors group about this. They are preparing a video that should be ready by May. The Mayor said she would also follow this up with Richard Baker of the Ambassadors.  Permission would need to be given for the video to appear on the Troisdorf twinning website.  There is also an excellent short Town Deal video available on-line, although as this is only about Redcar itself it is not appropriate.

  1. Treasurer’s report.

Alison reported that the accounts for 2021 had been audited and approved. She reported that there had been very little activity in our finances during 2021. Brian Stephenson has agreed to act as auditor for next year and so will be proposed at the AGM.

Membership: We currently have 14 individual members, 8 family members, 1 corporate member (Loftus Town Council) and one honorary corporate member (Prior Pursglove College). There are at least 2 further members who intend to pay their subs in the next few days.

Alison proposed that the subs be kept at the current level for 2023. The committee agreed. This will be put to the AGM.

Alison raised the question of a possible social meal for members. The committee agreed that we could plan an indoor meal for May. Possible venues were discussed. Pam said she would liaise with the committee and we would put forward suggestions of dates and venues.  Emma would be happy to arrange future events when her work situation allows.

  1. AGM preparation.

Pam asked all present whether they would be happy to continue with their current role for next year. All agreed. The AGM will be conducted by email to members, as last year. Pam said that this had been successful previously, with a high number of members participating in it that way.


The Mayor said that once she has stepped down as Mayor in mid-May she would be very happy to join the association as a member.

We agreed to record the dates of all previous Zoom get-togethers of Committee members during lockdown, that were informal “keeping in touch” meetings and therefore no Minutes were formally taken, although there are hand-written notes available if needed.  No formal decisions were taken at these meetings that have not been previously put to members e.g. via a Chair’s letter during 2021.

Zoom meetings took place on the following dates:-

Redcar & Cleveland Twinning Association Committee members:

25th February 2021

13th May 2021

15th July 2021

1st December 2021

2nd March 2022

In addition Redcar & Cleveland Twinning Association Officers met with Troisdorf representatives to keep in touch during the pandemic via Zoom:

16th June 2021

1st September 2021

14th December 2021

8th February 2022

Next meeting scheduled for 27th April 2022


PRESENT: Pam Stenson, Sheelagh Clarke, Emma Stephenson, Linda Howson, Phil Howson, Judith Larkin

APOLOGIES: Mayor Cllr Billy Wells, Alison Dodds, Margaret Wilson, Julie Baggott

Minutes of last meeting

Proposed as correct by Phil Howson and seconded by Sheelagh Clarke

Matters arising from last meeting

Thanks to Linda and Phil for the wreath which was on display in the Emmanuel Church, Saltburn at Christmas.

Welcome from Pam Stenson and thank you to Linda and Phil for their hospitality.

30th Anniversary Celebration Dinner

26 members attended the meal at Scarletts in Guisborough.

It was agreed that the evening was a success – and that the food was good.

Mid Year Event

There was discussion re the possibility of holding a quiz evening in September as part of the 30 year celebrations. A member of Great Ayton Twinning is willing to do the Quiz, including a German-themes picture-round.

Venue – possibly Redcar Golf Club or Gleneagles community centre in New Marske. Could be ‘pie and peas supper’ or Linda will check with caterer she knows who could do hot food.


Heidi sent a Christmas card in which she said they were looking forward to our visit.

Heidi has confirmed that July will be good for the visit. Departure will be on 19th July, returning on 25th. Some hosts have already confirmed they are ok with this. Up to now 22 members have indicated they’ll be going and there’s possibly another 3.

Travel Arrangements options discussed.


Usual coach & ferry package with meals & outside cabins .Approx £125pp plus return ferry package to be confirmed (currently £272.50pp sharing a cabin, with meal package).Total cost estimated to be approx. £400pp (plus extra for single cabins)

Ferry & rail via Newcastle – Amsterdam

From approx £266 – £319pp ferry return including meals + £16pp shuttle bus + £50-£80 train return fare to Troisdorf. Add on transport to Newcastle & parking (if nec) plus cost of coach hire in Germany.

Ferry & rail via Hull – Rotterdam

Approx £272.50pp ferry package (assuming shared cabin with meal package) + £14pp shuttle bus + £50-£80 train return fare to Troisdorf. Add on transport to Hull & parking (if nec) plus cost of coach hire in Germany.

Eurostar & train from Saltburn or Redcar or Darlington to Cologne

Euro145.80 return (Mon-Fri) + cost of train to London KX return (available 12 weeks before). Add on cost of coach hire in Germany.

Flights Manchester – Dusseldorf + train to Troisdorf

£150 return, with luggage + return train fare from Airport to Troisdorf approx £40-£50, Add on coach or train to Manchester return plus cost of coach hire in Germany

NB All of the above options, with the exception of our usual coach & ferry combination, would involve individuals being responsible for the transport of their own luggage etc at railway stations / airports and require all passengers being able to manage transfers between terminals etc.

If necessary, a coach in Germany would only need to be hired for 2 days. Pam and Alison proposed that the Association will pay the 40 Euros as a gift to members for the 30th Anniversary. The Association may potentially have to absorb some extra costs, depending on final quotes, with a max of £400 per person envisaged.
The best option will be the usual way of travel – coach and ferry as it would be preferable for everyone to be together.

We can let Heidi know the numbers, mode of transport and confirm travel dates as soon as possible.


10 Family – 15 individual – 1 Corporate – 1 Hon Corporate.

Possibly 1 new member.

Audit has been completed for AGM.

Coffee Morning.
Coffee Morning arranged for 10th October 2020 Sunnyfield House, Guisborough 9 am to 12noon.

Alison and Pam did some translation work recently for which they have received £20 donation for the Association.


This will be held at The Community Heart, Redcar and Cleveland Council Offices, on Thursday 26th March at 7pm.

Pam will do the necessary advance notices for members and Phil will put the date on the web site. Nomination sheets for Officers and Committee members will need to be completed.


There are still some website issues with WordPress and also e-mails. Emma did speak to Tad Web re e-mail problems and rogue messages etc.

Face Book is up to date.

Officers Meeting before AGM will take place on 11th or 5th March.

Next Committee Meeting will be after the AGM – Thurs 14th May proposed.


A reminder that deposits for the visit may have to be paid by end of March and the balance by end of June.

Sheelagh – will be keeping Councillors up to date with details of the AGM and the visit.

Pam will ask Heidi if they would like to invite the Mayor for any official event in Troisdorf.

Minutes for Redcar and Cleveland Twinning Association Committee Meeting  7th November 2019 at 5 Ferndale Close, New Marske, TS11 8JQ

Apologies: Judith Larkin, Emma Stephenson, Margaret Wilson, The Mayor of Redcar and Cleveland

Present: Alison Dodds, Pam Stenson, Sheelagh Clarke, Linda and Phil Howson, Julie Baggott

Sheelagh provided notes of the previous meeting as there had been a computer problem and the minutes had been lost.

Sheelagh also produced a President’s report which is to go on the website.  The visit in September was a huge success, enjoyed by everyone, including our German guests.

Pam gave many thanks to Sheelagh for stepping up in her absence and also to all of  the committee.  Sheelagh’s President’s Report was very helpful to Pam who had not been involved with the visit.

Sheelagh suggested that for next year she would write a formal letter to invite the Mayor officially to join in the activities of the Association and that in the new year Councillors would receive a report three or four times a year regarding the Association and what we are doing.  The report will be sent to Jane Holmes for the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor

NB  Jane already receives a copy of our meeting minutes for information.


Heidi and Alison have been in touch over next year’s visit to Troisdorf.  Dates for the trip are being negotiated, possibly arriving there 25th May or 20th July.  Heidi asked who would be going so that she could get in touch with hosts and see if they would be available.  It was suggested that an email was to be sent out as to who would be interested in May or July.  In 2012 we went to Troisdorf in July.  We prefer to travel in the school holidays as some members are working in term time.

Pam is to send a Christmas Chair’s Letter and Alison is to reply to Heidi.

The Twinning Association will be celebrating 30 years 1990 – 2020 next year, hopefully both in Troisdorf and Redcar and Cleveland. 

Treasurer’s Report

There was a reported deficit of £366.10 (£26.50 per visitor) on the cost of the visit, known in advance.  It was suggested that the annual membership fees would cover the cost of the deficit along with ongoing fund raising. 

During this visit we had a host day which kept costs down.

The October Coffee Morning was successful, raising £104.11.  We agreed to book a date in October or September for next year. 

30th Anniversary Funding

Sheelagh is to send an email re Community funding to Redcar and Cleveland Council. 

Travel to Troisdorf

We could arrange for the majority of members to travel by ferry and coach but could leave it up to some individuals to decide if they want to fly and meet up in Germany and then pay for the use of the coach in Germany.  Alison will mention travel options in an email.  The train is also a possible means of transport – using the Eurostar and changing at Brussels but in July this would be peak time and more expensive.  Also, travelling in a group on the train would be  a bit of a challenge and the cost adds up if we were then to hire a coach in Germany.

Technical Problems

Pam, Emma and Alison are all having problems with their emails.  Particularly Emma’s official Secretary emails do not always arrive with members.  Alison contacted Paul Feather for assistance.  It was considered that a future step could be to link g-mail addresses for the chair, secretary and treasurer, as the current ones seem unreliable.

Phil also stated a problem with our website that Wordpress needs updating by the provider.  This will be resolved by Phil & Alison with Tadweb.

Social Evening

Thursday 30th January was chosen as a date for the annual social evening and 30th Anniversary Celebration Dinner.  Two choices of venue were put forward for a final decision with menu options very soon.

It was suggested that another 30th anniversary event could be a quiz night later in the year at an agreed local venue in Redcar & Cleveland.

Press and PR

David Dodds had provided photos for ‘Now and Then’ and  Pam is to carry forward the proposed article for ‘Tees Life’.  Website is up to date thanks to Phil.  He will need the USB stick to upload photos.

Any Other Business:  there will be a Christmas Wreath Festival at Emmanuel Church in Saltburn this December. Linda and Sheelagh to find out more information.

Next Committee Meeting

Thursday 13th February 2020 7pm at 5 Ferndale Close, New Marske TS11 8JQ



Apologies for the lack of formal minutes.  Unfortunately, due to computer problems these are not available.


However, virtually all of the meeting was taken up with the arrangements for the September visit by the members from Troisdorf, in particular the changes that had to be made because of the cancellation of the Ripley Castle visit because of roadworks preventing access to the Castle. 


The Treasure outlined the full costings for each event, and those to hosts, members, etc.


The plans to publicise the visit were discussed, with reference to the Coastal View, Saltburn Talk of the Town, the Gazette, Teeslife, etc.


Details of this were discussed and agreed.


This was deferred for a future meeting.


This was discussed and it was agreed that the Association would not take part this year because of the workload involved for the quite low financial return, but that we would continue to take part in the Decorated Christmas Tree Festival at the Emmanuel Church in Saltburn. 






Present: Sheelagh Clarke, Alison Dodds, Linda Howson, Phil Howson, Emma Stephenson, Julie Baggott

Apologies: Mayor Councillor Billy Wells, Judith Larkin, Margaret Wilson

Minutes of Last Meeting – 13th June 2019

Sheelagh is to send a resumé of the Twinning Association’s activities to Jane Holmes for all Councillors, as suggested by Margaret Wilson in the previous committee meeting.

Matters Arising from the Minutes

There were some inaccuracies in the minutes from the previous meeting.  Namely, to amend ‘status quo’ to ‘the visit’ and the correct address of Phil and Linda’s house is 5 Ferndale Close not 7, and the postcode amended to TS11, not 611.  In addition in the AOB section, Phil’s name is to be amended to ‘Margaret’.  With these changes, the minutes were accepted as a correct record.  They were moved by Alison and seconded by Phil.

Finance Bid to Redcar and Cleveland

Sheelagh had an email from Jane Holmes to be sent on.  This concerned £500 for the September visit or to be used for a new projector.  It was suggested that the bid for a projector was to be postponed and reconsidered for a future year.  Jane wants details of payments.  Alison can liaise with her regarding receipts and paperwork etc.  The money could be spent to pay for the social evening and train tickets to Whitby and the breakfast for members.  Alison agreed to work out the costs. 

September Visit, Itinerary

There was a suggestion to get Heidi to ring with the arrival time of the German guests.  It was decided it would be 6 pm at the earliest.  It would be best if hosts arrived between 6 and 7 pm, and departed with their guests at 7.30 pm on Friday 20th September.

Alison has booked Skelton Coaches for a cost of £300 for the trip to Ripley Castle the following day.  She has paid a deposit of £50 and Heidi is to reimburse her for the cost of the coach.  The coach is to leave Fountain Street Car Park, Guisborough at 9.50 am.  Alison is to book the Ripley Castle Tour.  She has been to the castle and done the tour and said it took about an hour but would take a bit longer with time to translate.  She has a book about the castle to pass around on the coach.

The lunch at Ripley Castle would be for about 12.45 pm.  The castle has a tea room, or there is the Boars Head pub for lunch.  The tea rooms can provide soup and a sandwich and this was seen as a better option than the more expensive pub.  The tea room only usually offers one soup a day but Alison is to enquire if they could serve two options.  The tea room can cope with a large group of people if we book in advance.  We can give the exact numbers a week or so before the event.

For the evening social on Sunday 22nd September the committee needs menus from Judith and needs to know who is taking part.  The cost will include the meal, not the room hire, and guests and hosts will pay for their own drinks.

For the trip to Whitby on Monday 23rd September, the cost is £7.50 for a return rail ticket.  Emma is to ask if people have got railcards and prompt people to remember them on the day.  Alison is to book the tickets in advance at Middlesbrough.  The 10.34 am is to be caught which means meeting at the station at 10.15 am.  Sheelagh said she would check out the parking situation.  It was discussed as to whether Hadleys or Trenchers would be the best place to go for fish and chips.  Sheelagh suggested that although Trenchers was a bit more expensive, the quality was better.  It is opposite the train station.  Sheelagh is to email Trenchers and enquire if they could offer us a limited menu which would mean a discount for a larger party.  We must go as a group for fish and chips to ensure the discount.  There would be an option for guests and members to visit the Endeavour.  The group would need to meet at the station at 3.45 pm for the return journey on the 4.00 pm train.

The breakfast at Redcar Golf Club has been sorted out.  It will run from 9:30 -11:00 am when the guests depart.


Alison produced a sheet of figures re how much we could ask the guests to pay for the cost of the trips and meals etc.  During last year’s trip to Troisdorf we paid 40 euros for our trips and meals.  Bearing this in mind could we ask the guests to pay more, or the same as this amount, i.e. £40?  If we charge them £40 this will leave a deficit of £19 per head or £228.  If we considered charging £45 this would leave a deficit of £168.  In both cases, it would be up to the Twinning Association to subsidise the trips and meals.  We could consider that the Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council grant of £500 covers the hosts and guests at the social evening.  This would include £50 for entertainment and £360 for guests and hosts (24 @ £15).  There would be some left for the train tickets for the members.


Pam knew of a ladies choir called the Saltburn Songsters.  Alison emailed them but they want £200 to perform on the social evening.  Jeanette Wainwright’s choir was suggested.  Sheelagh is to email her. Alison put forward that £75 should be the maximum we should pay for entertainment.  Emma suggested Paula Day who has 4 choirs.  They performed for us two years ago and we only paid expenses last time.  Emma is to contact her.  Linda suggested Constellation Dancers.  Emma said she knew an 18 year old guitar player called Harry Hayley.  Phil asked if we needed entertainment at all as we never had any last year in Troisdorf.  We agreed that if we couldn’t get entertainment for £50-£75 we wouldn’t have any.  There was a suggestion of showing photographs of the last visit.  We will do something bigger next time on the 30th celebrations, perhaps the Constellation Dancers as Linda suggested.

Press and PR

Pam is to circulate to Press and PR.  Sheelagh is to finalise itinerary and communicate it to Pam as deadlines are soon and we want the publicity.

Chair’s Report – Nothing to report.

Correspondence – Booking for all coaches.

Treasurer’s Report.

Judith gave Alison future dates for coffee mornings in 2020 but we’ve already got one booked in.

Alison reported that she had spoken to Denis Bell, former Treasurer, about the repatriation fund. He felt that there might not be the same need as before for such a fund but that a savings account should still be kept. The committee will continue to keep our funds under review.

Any Other Business

Our website technology is set up and supported by TADWEBB.  They have changed their contact details.  Pam had an email from a new contact.  Jamie Wanley is the business development manager.  His email address is  There were concerns that our email box was full but that is not the case.

Host Meeting

There will be a host meeting on the 12th September at 7 pm at Prior Pursglove College.  We need to email Judith to arrange it and it is to go on the website.  Emma is to put it on Facebook.

Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 5th September at 7 pm at 5 Ferndale Close, New Marske.  TS11 8JQ


Present: Sheelagh Clarke, Alison Dodds, Linda Howson, Phil Howson, Margaret Wilson, Emma Stephenson, Julie Baggot, Judith Larkin.

Welcome.Sheelagh intends to send updated information re the visit and also invite the Mayor to attend any meetings – also to mention that the Cabinet Member for Culture and Tourism would be welcome too.

Margaret Wilson suggested that all councillors should receive a resumé of the Association’s activities

Minutes of last meeting

Matters arising:  Amend proposal details for projector – Pam Stenson put forward the request, not Alison Dodds.

Alison will check with R&C Council to see if the bid went forward and if so, the outcome.  Other matters arising – Alison has checked details of Insurance and it would NOT cover repatriation costs.  She also checked ‘guidelines’ for Twinning Associations and could not find anything re repatriation funding.

Otherwise the Minutes are proposed as correct by Alison Dodds and seconded by Sheelagh Clarke as a true and accurate record, with the amendments.

Chair’s Report – Nothing today.


Heidi has booked the flights for 12 members.

Arrival -Friday September 20th Manchester 14:50.

Departure – Tuesday 24th September 15:30.

Treasurer’s Report

Pam Stenson was given a donation of £20 from New Marske Methodist Ladies after she gave a talk there.

Application to Redcar and Cleveland Council for Financial Support

Sheelagh has spoken to Jayne re some financial support for the visit in September, possibly more than the £250 previously mentioned. Margaret Wilson suggested that there is probably up to £500 available.

September Visit

Arrival at the the Civic Heart, Redcar approx 6 pm on Friday 20th September.  The bus driver is to take the visitors there.Phil and Linda have booked Halls Coaches to collect them from the Airport.

There will be a Welcome by the Redcar and Cleveland Mayor with refreshments.  As the visitors will not be arriving at the Heart until 6pm – is there a need for more substantial refreshments?

Hosts will be there to meet their guests. Those staying at Saltburn House will be taken by one of our members.

Saturday 21st September – Visit to Ripley Castle (or Newby Hall).  Alison said that historically the visitors have paid for the coach.  She will investigate costs for a larger coach to Ripley and Whitby.  Pick up at Saltburn House at 9.30 am.

Guided tours at Ripley Castle are £10pp. Possibly lunch at the Castle.

Free evening.

Sunday 22nd September – Free day with hosts.

Evening Social Event at Redcar and Cleveland Golf Club with a meal.

Monday 23rd September  –  trip to Whitby on Esk Valley train- departing Nunthorpe station – hosts to provide transport to Nunthorpe.

Fish and chip lunch and choice of visit to Endeavour ship.

Return journey- to meet at Whitby station for 15:45 (train departs 16:00) arrives Nunthorpe at 17:17.

Evening free.

Tuesday 24th September   – Full English breakfast at Cleveland Golf Club Redcar at 9/9.30.

Visitors will depart after breakfast for the airport.

Emma has booked 2 rooms at Saltburn House.

The Deputy Mayor of Troisdorf may be staying there too.

Press and PR

Photographs of the visit need to be circulated to the Evening Gazette and Northern Echo and possibly D&S Times, as well as the Redcar and Cleveland Magazine.

AOB. Margaret to check on details of relevant Cabinet Members (R&C).


Present:   Sheelagh Clarke, Alison Dodds, Phil Howson, Judith Larkin   Emma Stephenson, Julie Baggott.

Apologies:  Dennis Teasdale, Margaret Wilson, Linda Howson.

Statement from Pam Stenson – Vice Chair/Acting Chair

“It is with deep regret that I am stepping down as Vice Chair/Acting Chair with immediate effect for personal reasons”


Sheelagh Clarke, acting as Chair for this meeting, welcomed the committee members present.                      

The minutes were accepted as accurate. 

Proposed :   Alison Dodds

Seconded :   Judith Larkin

Matters Arising from minutes of last meeting:

1.         Anna Turley is yet to be contacted.

2.         Previous members were contacted re membership for this year and only one re-joined in response to the email.

3.        Projector – Alison and Dave Dodds have put forward proposal to Redcar and Cleveland Council, but as yet there has been no response.       Emma Stephenson offered the loan of her projector when needed.

Correspondence:   None to report.

Treasurers Report:

Alison (Treasurer) suggested that we consider some of our funds being used towards expenses for the next visit (September 2019).It was agreed by those present that this would be acceptable.Alison said that she has not yet found any details about the use of repatriation monies held in accounts for other purposes. The monies in our Repatriation Fund was originally for this purpose, but as Individual Insurance generally covers repatriation (anyone travelling with the Association has their own Insurance checked before travel) it could possibly be used for other purposes.The Association also pays for Insurance which covers Liability for Voluntar Organisations.Alison will check the details of this insurance to determine the exact cover.Visitors have their own insurance. Alison suggested that eg. £500 could be used towards members’ costs during the visit. No further decisions to be made re the repatriation fund for now.

AGM  Follow Up   –   no change.

September Visit

Email received by Pam  –  Visitors arriving  Thursday 19th September till Monday 23rd September.

Heidi thought the quotes received so far were too expensive i.e.  Coach for 10 people – pick up from airport and return £1800. If  Liverpool tour included, on day of return, £2200.Pam suggested that we could possibly use members’ cars whilst visitors here. Alison will ask other companies to quote for airport run and Liverpool. Emma will check with Heidi if the visitors would like a stop-off on way here,as they arrive into Manchester at 11am.  This will determine the details for Mayoral greetings at The Civic Heart, Redcar. Also hosts will need to know in advance for collection and meal arrangements.

Friday     –    Whitby –  Esk Valley train and/or bus. Possible Endeavour visit . (£7 entrance fee).  Fish and chips or other meal.

Saturday  –    Ripley Castle or Newby Hall  TBA , Alison will ask for quote for coach.

Sunday    –    Free Day   Evening event with meal TBA  –  Maybe Carvery or ??

Monday  –    Breakfast – full English  – at Cleveland Golf Club, Redcar before departure.  Flight is 1735 so have time for Liverpool visit.

Press and PR   –             No report

Youth/Education   –       No report

Churches Together  –     No Report

AOB   –   None

Next meeting   –  Thursday, 13th June at 4pm.  


Present:    Pam Stenson, Alison Dodds, Sheelagh Clarke, Linda Howson, Phil Howson, Judith Larkin,  Julie Baggot.  Apologies :  The Mayor, Ruth Bryan, Lee Wise, Rebecca Arnold, Margaret Wilson, Emma Stephenson

Welcome from Vice Chair – Pam Stenson:

Many thanks to Linda and Phil for hosting this committee meeting.

Minutes of previous meeting   – unanimously accepted as correct.

Matters arising – there were no outstanding issues, as the problem with links from the Council’s website has been resolved.

Thanks to the members who decorated the tree for the WI Christmas Tree Festival at Emmanuel Church in Saltburn . Thanks also to all who contributed to the Christmas Fayre in Guisborough Methodist Church – it was a busy and successful evening.

The Annual Dinner and Social Evening at Pinchinthorpe Hall was well attended and we all enjoyed a good meal.  Thanks to David Dodds for the display of photographs afterwards.

Chair’s Report:

Heidi has not yet been able to decide on the travel arrangements or the actual dates for the visit due in September. The German group may be travelling by plane into Manchester and therefore need a coach for onward transport. Pam has sent details of flights into Leeds. Three coach companies have so far provided a quote, and another was suggested at the meeting.

Pam has been in touch with Delta and is awaiting a further response to some issues raised re our last trip to Germany.

Anna Turley MP to be contacted re the Twinning Association and our ongoing activities.

Treasurer’s Report:

The year-end accounts for 2018 have been submitted and approved by our Auditor Brian Stephenson.The balance is slightly down on last year due to approved expenses occurred.

Membership Total  is 35 at present: 9 Family; 14 individual; 1 Corporate; 2  Hon Members. (Mike Findlay and Prior Pursglove College).

There are some previous members who have not renewed their membership as yet.

Alison will send emails to remind them with details of the AGM.

Alison has booked Sunnyfield House for a coffee morning on Saturday

12th October 9.30am-12.30h Cost for room hire is £24.


The projector in use at present is now causing problems and not fit for purpose.David Dodds has asked the technicians at Prior Pursglove for advice if the Association is able to purchase a new one.  It was suggested that Redcar and Cleveland Council may have a spare one, not in use, which we could acquire or a bid could be made to request some funds towards purchasing a new one.

AGM Preparations:

The Mayor will be hosting the meeting in the Heart at Redcar on Thursday 7th March,  6 30pm for 7pm. PR notices have been issued, including to the Darlington and Stockton Times which had already published it in February.

Pam will be remembering Beatrice Lythgoe and then will introduce Sheelagh Clarke as the new President. Sheelagh will preside over the Election of Officers and new Committee. Alison will have copies of the Finance Report and Pam will provide copies of the minutes of last year’s AGM.

New Committee  – a master copy of nominations should be completed at least 7 days before the AGM.  This has been done.

September Visit

Pam will endeavour to get a decision from Heidi re the dates for their visit.

Trips out will probably include – Whitby for Endeavour viewing and fish and chips, Ripley Castle, and another half day which has not yet been decided. The visitors and hosts have asked for some free time.

There will be a Social Evening and final morning breakfast – at venues to be decided. We are hoping to have some funding for this from Redcar and Cleveland Council.

Various members are getting quotes for these events.


There is an invitation reminder from Great Ayton TT to join them on their next trip to France at the end of August.





Present:  Mayor Cllr Karen King, Pamela Stenson, Alison Dodds, Linda Howson, Philip Howson, Emma Stephenson, Ruth Bryan, Denis Bell, Cllr Margaret Wilson, Paul Stenson, Tony Mills, Julie Baggott, Judith Larkin, Ann Stephenson

Apologies:  Beatrice Lythgoe, Cllr Carl Quartermain, David Dodds, Margaret Jackson, Tony Williams, Mike Bryan, Steve & Kim Arnold, Ann Traynor, John & Elizabeth Nicholas

Welcome by the Mayor of Redcar & Cleveland, Cllr Karen King

Welcome to the Heart for your AGM.  It is good to see you all.  It has been a very busy year – it will be good to hear more about Troisdorf.

Minutes of previous AGM 16th March 2017 have been distributed for approval

There were no matters arising.  Minutes were proposed as accurate by Cllr Margaret Wilson and seconded by Alison Dodds.

It was noted that the Redcar and Cleveland Annual Review omitted any details of the Twinning Association.  Cllr Margaret Wilson said that it was being re-vamped for the next edition and she would mention this.

Cllr Karen King said that any events can be considered for publication.

Remembering long-standing members

A moment was taken to remember Cam & Colin Nertney, Joyce Bell and Eric Whitham who all passed away in the last year

A few words about our President Beatrice Lythgoe

Beatrice is now having Macmillan Nursing for her terminal illness.  Pam will call to see her, as requested, with details of this AGM.

Chair’s Report

Madam Mayor, Councillor Margaret Wilson, members & friends of the Redcar & Cleveland Twinning Association

Welcome everyone, and thank you for attending our AGM this evening; it falls on me as Vice-Chair, and therefore as “acting” Chair, to present this report on our year’s activities.

First of all, I’d like to thank Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council for the use of these wonderful meeting facilities here in the Heart again, for its hospitality and also for its involvement and support for the Association, especially when our German friends from Troisdorf were here last September.

We were very pleased to welcome 18 visitors from Troisdorf last year on Friday 8th September at a reception here in this building.  Our guests, along with their hosts and other Association members enjoyed day trips to York, including a tour of the newly-reopened Jorvik Centre, and to the Black Sheep Brewery in Masham.  As well as a walk across the top of the Middlesbrough Transporter Bridge (not for the faint-hearted!  And some of the group walked up the open stairway, rather than take the lift).  There was also time in Middlesbrough to enjoy the exhibitions at the MIMA Art Gallery.  The Sunday afternoon tea-tasting with delicious cream scones at Daisy-Mae’s was very much appreciated as a typically English experience. And the final evening’s Social Event at Guisborough Cricket Club with the New Day Singers to entertain us was a fitting end to a relaxed and enjoyable visit.  Our German friends left us on the morning of Tuesday 12th September after a lovely farewell breakfast together at Saltburn House to travel to Manchester where they enjoyed a guided tour of the city before flying home.

This year we are very much looking forward to going back to Troisdorf at the end of October, during the school half-term holiday. More about this later this evening.

My thanks, as ever, must go to the Committee for all their hard work and their commitment during the year to ensure not only another successful visit but also to enable the Association to keep going after 27/28 years, with new ideas and events.  In December we set up a Twinning Association Christmas Tree decorated in German and British colours at Emmanuel Church in Saltburn as part of the WI’s Christmas Tree Festival.  And many of us got together for an excellent evening meal and social event at Saltburn Golf Club last month.  We’ve also had good support for fund-raising coffee mornings, etc.  Thank you everybody who has contributed in one way or another.  I’m sure that Alison will be reporting on these shortly.

We do, of course, have to elect a new Committee this evening to take us forward towards our 30th anniversary in 2020, just two years away. In particular we are in need of a new Chairman and Vice-Chair, if possible; not least because last year we had to operate without an elected Chairman, as both myself and Linda had completed three years in our roles as Chair and Vice-Chair respectively.  Any volunteers?  There will be experienced and dedicated Committee members and Officers, Treasurer & Secretary, to support you.  And I’ll be on hand to offer any advice and assistance, as necessary.

Finally, the easiest way to keep in touch with everything that’s happening is via the Association’s website and Facebook page, that Phil & Emma maintain and keep up-to-date for us; of course, if you don’t have on-line access then Emma as Secretary will continue to send out newsletters and information by post.

Treasurer’s Report

For inclusion here

Audited Accounts – with thanks to Brian Stephenson for these.

Finance Business

Discussion re the so-called “repatriation amount”;  Cllr Margaret Wilson asked what would happen in the event of the Association being wound up?  Could this be used for anything else?

In accordance with our current Constitution:  “in the event of the Association being dissolved, any properties or surplus funds remaining after debts and liabilities have been settled shall be donated to some purpose or organisation, the aims and objective of which correspond  with those of the Association, or to a charity or charities or as the Management Committee shall in its absolute discretion decide.”

The visit from Troisdorf broke even, thanks to Redcar and Cleveland Council’s contribution.

Membership:  there are two new members and three Corporate members – Loftus Town Council, Loftus Co-op and Prior Pursglove College.  We would welcome any suggestions as to how to encourage more younger members and families.

Fundraising ideas also welcome, e.g. Quiz evening.

Thanks to everyone who helped with the Christmas Fayre and last year’s coffee morning.

The next coffee morning is 29th September 9.30am – 12noon at Sunnyfield House, Guisborough.  Tombola prizes and helpers needed.

There has been no increase in membership fees since 2004 – a small increase would help to support trips and visits.  The Constitution states that membership fees should be agreed at the AGM;  with a vote for any proposed change / increase.

Cllr Margaret Wilson proposed an amendment that Denis Bell seconded:-

Proposed increased fees of £10 single; £15 couple / family;  £20 Corporate membership from January 2019

This was agreed by a unanimous vote of members present

Alison Dodds, Treasurer, proposed Brian Stephenson as Auditor for 2018 accounts;  seconded by Denis Bell and carried by unanimous vote of members present.

It was suggested that members could if they wished collect additional donations of small change in small jam-jars or similar pots – to be handed to the Treasurer.

Election of Officers

Cllr Karen King officiated in place of the President Beatrice Lythgoe

Nominee                 Proposer              Seconder

Vice- Chairman Pamela Stenson          Alison Dodds           Judith Larkin
Treasurer Alison Dodds               Pam Stenson           Linda Howson
Secretary Emma Stephenson     Judith Larkin             Pam Stenson
Assistant Secretary Judith Larkin                Emma Stephenson  Alison Dodds
Committee – website Philip Howson              Alison Dodds           Pam Stenson
Committee Linda Howson              Alison Dodds           Pam Stenson
Committee Julie Baggott                Ruth Bryan              Pam Stenson
Committee Ruth Bryan                   Julie Baggott           Linda Howson
2 R&C BC representatives Cllr Margaret Wilson     Alison Dodds          Ruth Bryan

Visit to Troisdorf

Sunday 28th October, by coach and ferry Hull – Rotterdam, returning home Saturday 3rd November;  6 nights in total with Mon-Fri in Troisdorf.

Cost likely to be £340per person sharing a double cabin or £380 for a single cabin.  This amount is only viable if there are at least 20 passengers.  In addition a sum in Euros will be paid per person to the Troisdorf Stadtpartnerschaftsverein for daytrips.

As there is a public holiday in Germany on 1st November, this may be a family day as many places will be closed.

The new Mayor of Redcar and Cleveland Council might wish to join us for the visit;  Cllr Karen King will mention this at the next full Council meeting.



From Pamela Stenson:  thanks to everyone for their input and attendance.


REDCAR AND CLEVELAND TWINNING ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday 29th November 2018 4pm at 5 Ferndale Close, New Marske, TS11 8JQ

Present:  Pamela Stenson, Alison Dodds, Emma Stephenson, Linda Howson, Phil Howson, Sheelagh Clarke, Lee Wise, Julie Baggott

Apologies: Ruth Bryan, Judith Larkin, Margaret Wilson, Rebecca Arnold

Thanks were offered to Phil and Linda for allowing the committee to meet in their home.  Lee was welcomed as a new committee member and welcome was extended to Rebecca, also a new committee member but who couldn’t make this meeting.

Minutes of last meeting accepted as correct.

Proposed: Pamela Stenson   Seconded:  Phil Howson

Matters Arising

It was reported that the new Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council website did not have anything about the Twinning Association on it.  They were contacted and this was amended within 48 hours.

To be brought forward to the next meeting: Margaret Wilson is intending to bring along Redcar and Cleveland’s planning document.

Chair’s Report

Most of Pam’s report concerned feedback from the recent trip.  Some of the new members travelling to Troisdorf suggested it would be a good idea to have a map of Troisdorf.  It was suggested that the Town Hall could provide maps of the area and we would ask Heidi about this possibility for the next visit.  It was also suggested that there could have been more information in advance and more detail about the programme of events and timings.  There had been some confusion about whether there would be hot or cold meals provided.  Members said they would have liked some time spent in Troisdorf, with their families, some quiet time to wander around or shop but it was seen generally as a good experience doing things people wouldn’t have done if left to their own itinerary.

Next Year’s Visit

Heidi has proposed Thursday 19th September 2019 for a long weekend for next year’s German visit to Redcar and Cleveland.  Depending on whether they travel using the ferry and coach or fly they will either be staying Thursday to Monday or Friday to Tuesday.  Alison is away until 20th September.  Although some of the Germans prefer staying at Saltburn House  the Twinning Association has enough members to accommodate everyone.

Although we don’t need to start planning events until the new year, members have suggested trips out for the German visit.  The Captain Cook Trail was a suggestion, visiting The Endeavour at Whitby and booking somewhere for fish and chips.  There’s a possibility that The Endeavour itself might cater for a private party.

Ripley Castle is also a suggestion for a full day venue with a meal.  The Skinningrove Mining Museum refurbishment will not be ready for a visit at the proposed time of the German visit.  However, lots of people had made suggestions so it was not seen as a problem to put together events for the German visit.  There was a question though as to where we could book for the social evening and whether we could book somewhere on a Sunday evening.  Last year we received a council grant.  It remains to be seen whether we would get financial assistance next year.

Treasurer’s Report

The small surplus income from members for the visit to Germany was used towards a 2 Euro contribution per person for the trips with the remainder put into the coach-driver’s tip; participants were content with this arrangement, that resulted in an overall zero balance.  In addition there was a cost to the Association for gifts, plus financial assistance that was agreed for a couple of members.

As agreed at this year’s AGM, subs are going up on 1st January 2019:

£10 Individual;  £15 Family;  £20 Corporate.

A date for a coffee morning at Sunnyfield House, Guisborough has not yet been booked for next year.  It was seen as worthwhile holding a coffee morning and Sunnyfield House was a suitable venue.  It was discussed whether this should take place on a Thursday or a Saturday but as the Methodist Church holds ‘Soup and  a Roll’ on a Thursday Alison is to enquire if we can get a Saturday in July or August.  It was suggested to provide a banner for The Twinning Association that could be hung at Sunnyfield House and to distribute some flyers prior to the coffee morning.

Social Meeting for Members

The last social gathering was on 8th February 2018 at Saltburn Golf Club.  Some of the committee proposed a different venue. After some discussion Friday 8th February was put forward as the best date for most people.  Potential venues were considered.  Pam is to make enquiries as to cost and the possibility of a private room somewhere on 8th February 2019.


Next Committee Meeting and AGM

Thursday 28th February is the next Committee Meeting before the AGM.  This will again take place at 4pm at Phil and Linda’s house. Emma can’t make the AGM if it’s on a Thursday evening due to her teaching schedule.  Alison is away 19th-29th March.  It would be too late to leave the AGM until April therefore the best date suggested was 7th March.  Pam is to check that the Heart is available in Redcar on this date. 

Christmas Tree Festival and Christmas Fair

Thanks given to Phil and Linda who are to set up a Christmas tree at the Emmanuel Church, Saltburn to represent the Twinning Association.  Viewing 1st-8th December 2018.  It was suggested that the glass ornament given for the 25th anniversary of the Twinning Association should accompany the Christmas tree if it would be in a safe place.

There will be a Twinning Association stall at the Christmas Fair at the Methodist Church, Guisborough on Tuesday 4th December 2018 5-7pm.

Press and PR

In the Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council’s magazine, Autumn edition 2018, there is a picture of Pam and the Mayor giving some coverage of the Association.  The magazine is on the website.  Also in the Darlington and Stockton Times of 9th November 2018 there is an article about our trip.  There will be some coverage in the December edition of Saltburn’s ‘Talk of the Town’ and in the December edition of ‘Coastal View and Moors News’.

There is a school from Troisdorf that is looking for a twinning partner.  They contacted Anna Turley, MP of Redcar and organised a trip to London.  Pam is to contact Anna Turley to alert her to the Twinning Association’s presence whilst Alison is to contact Nunthorpe and Laurence Jackson schools again.

Any Other Business

Alison sent round for photos of the trip.  Phil had a pen drive holding Frank’s, Emma’s and his own photos.  Pam took the pen drive to add her own photos.  The pen drive will be given to David Dodds to sort through.

September 2018


Present:   Pamela Stenson, Alison Dodds, Linda Howson, Phil Howson, Julie Baggot, Sheelagh Clarke

Apologies:   Mayor of Redcar and Cleveland, Emma Stephenson, Margaret Wilson, Ruth Bryan and Judith Larkin

Minutes of last meeting accepted as correct.

Proposed: Pamela Stenson  Seconded: Julie Baggott

 Matters Arising   

 Pam did not contact Great Ayton Twinning Association to see if any of their members would like to join the visit to Troisdorf in October, as we already had 28 participants.

Chair’s Report

Pam welcomed Sheelagh Clarke as our new President.

 Sheelagh introduced herself to the committee. She and her husband had got involved in the Town Twinning in approximately 2005 when they entertained some visitors from Troisdorf as part of that year’s visit. She also had some involvement with the borough’s Troisdorf link during her 15 years as cabinet member of Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council for Tourism and Leisure. Sheelagh said that she values being involved in the Association, as a non-political activity. She really values personal contacts and said she was excited to be part of the Association. She circulated members of the committee with a paragraph about herself for information. Pam said she will circulate this to members.

Correspondence: Pam said that correspondence had mainly been to do with the forthcoming visit to Troisdorf.

Pam said she had sent an email about the Association to the office of the Tees Valley Mayor but had no reply. She has now sent a letter and has suggested that we could be involved in the proposed application for the Tees valley to be City of Culture, but has had no response as yet.

Sheelagh suggested a telephone call to his office may be helpful.


Treasurer’s Report

Alison reported that all payments by participants for the Troisdorf visit have now been made. The final bill to Delta will need to be paid very soon. Pam will request a final invoice once all details have been finalised with Delta.

Alison also reported that there have been a number of new members joining the Association as a result of being participants for this visit.

Alison reminded the committee about the forthcoming coffee morning on 29th September 9.00 to 12.00 at Sunnyfield House, Guisborough. All are asked to come along to help and to bring along contributions of cakes and savouries, plus tombola items.

The Association will once again have a fundraising stall at the Guisborough Xmas festival on Tuesday December 4th 5pm onwards. Committee members are asked to come along to help from 4pm. All are asked to collect gifts for sale and to bring these along to the next committee meeting.

Phil agreed to update the website about these events.

Visit to Troisdorf

There are now 28 participants. 11 double cabins and  6 single cabins have been booked.

The Mayor and Mayoress of Redcar and Cleveland will be travelling with the group and will be staying in a hotel in Troisdorf. The bus driver will be staying with a family. Pam and Alison will look at the balance for the visit once all costs have been finalised.

Pam reported that there will be 21 seats on our coach for the hosts.

An outline of the activities during the visit will be circulated to all participants.

Pick-up points: Pam will ask Delta if some can be picked up at their depot. The main pick-up points will be at Guisborough coach park and at Denis Bell’s house, Oak Road, Redcar.

There will be a stop in Valkenburg en route and arrival time in Troisdorf will be 5pm.

Pam talked through the programme.

Emma will produce a booklet for all participants.

Pam discussed gifts – the German Secretary and Chair had requested consumables this time. The Committee suggested English wine or similar.

The pre-trip meeting is on Thursday 18th October at 7pm.

Press and PR   – Pam will do some PR about our new President. She has also contributed towards an article for the Redcar and Cleveland Magazine, and this is to appear in the next edition.

Phil reported that he had found that the new Redcar and Cleveland website has no link to the Association. Pam said she would ask for a link to be put on.

To be brought forward to the next meeting: Margaret Wilson is intending to bring along Redcar and Cleveland’s planning document.

Education and Youth Links and Churches Together – to carry forward to next meeting.


Phil reported having been through Beatrice Lythgoe’s Twinning material. He has scanned relevant articles and has put some on the website. He has stored others in the media library related to the website. Sheelagh reported that any relevant things could be stored in the Teesside Archive.

Date of next meeting:

Emma cannot attend Thursday evening meetings at the moment because of teaching commitments. Alternative times were discussed. All agreed that 4pm on a Thursday would be convenient. Linda and Phil kindly offered to have the next meeting at their house.

Next meeting: Thursday 29th November, 4pm, 5 Ferndale Close, New Marske, TS11 8JQ

May 2018


Present:   Pam Stenson, Alison Dodds, Linda Howson, Phil Howso Emma Stephenson, Julie Baggot, Margaret Wilson, Ruth Bryan.

Apologies:   Mayor of Redcar and Cleveland and Judith Larkin

Introductory remarks

Margaret Wilson was welcomed as an official member of the committee.

The committee remembered Beatrice Lythgoe, who has recently died, for her great contribution to the Association. Her family has passed various twinning memorabilia to the committee. Phil Howson will scan and save within the website any relevant photos and documents.

Minutes of last meeting accepted as correct.

Proposed: Alison Dodds.  Seconded: Phil Howson

 Matters Arising   

 Pam plans to contact Great Ayton Twinning Association shortly to see if any of their members would like to join the visit to Troisdorf in October.

The pre-AGM officers’ meeting had to be postponed from the original date because of snow, but was then held at Emma’s house.

Chair’s Report

Pam drew attention to the increase in subs for 2019, which had been agreed at the AGM. It is to be £10 for individuals, £15 Family membership, £20 Corporate membership.

There was discussion regarding our need for a new President following the death of Beatrice Lythgoe. Various names were proposed and Pam will approach them in the order agreed.

 Pam has written to the Tees Valley Mayor’s office but as yet has had no reply.

General Data Protection Regulation act – Pam has been in contact with Redcar and Cleveland BC regarding this new act. She has established that we do not need to register ourselves as a body. We will need to amend our membership form in the future to comply with the requirements of the law. On the next Chair’s letter she will ask members if they wish to continue to be contacted or not. Additionally the Secretary will need to blind copy members in any email correspondence.

Visit to Troisdorf

There are now 26 participants and as a result Alison proposed that the cost be reduced to £300 per head (plus single cabin supplement of £40 as before where relevant). This was agreed by the committee.

There may still be further people wishing to take part. Pam intends to do some further PR.

The German group are currently finalising the programme. There is a public holiday in Germany on Nov 1st, and it may be that this day is spent with hosts. Some new hosts are being found for the new participants that we already have.

The group discussed pick-up points. One is to be Guisborough Coach park. Pam agreed to ask Denis Bell if a number of cars could be parked at his house so that the other pick up point in Redcar could be there.

Emma to contact Delta about the size of the coach and reply to recent enquiry from Heidi about the number of seats available for German hosts on day-trips.

Press and PR   – Pam is to do further PR re visit (see above).

Education and Youth Links and Churches Together – to carry forward to next meeting.


Margaret Wilson drew attention to the fact that Redcar and Cleveland borough Council is updating its website.

Margaret will try to bring along the Redcar & Cleveland Plan – Regenerating the Borough – to the next meeting.

Date of next meeting:

Thursday 13th September, 7pm, Prior Pursglove College.



Present:   Pam Stenson, Alison Dodds, Linda Howson, Phil Howson  Emma Stephenson, Julie Baggot, Judith Larkin.

Apologies:   Mayor of Redcar and Cleveland, Margaret Wilson, Ruth Bryan Beatrice Lythgo

Minutes of last meeting accepted as correct.

Proposed: Alison Dodds.  Seconded: Pam Stenson

Matters Arising     Thanks to everyone who contributed to Xmas Tree exhibition at the Saltburn Emmanuel Church.

Chair’s Report .     We now need to focus on a suitable date for the visit to Troisdorf later this year, and, how do we encourage more people to join the Association?

There will be a new Chair’s letter for members and the website.

Correspondence from Heidi has indicated that their committee would like us to suggest dates asap in order to decide where visitors will be staying.

Pam has been collating quotes and information re dates in July and October.

Possibility of leaving on 26th July for 4 nights, back in UK 1st August.

Or during October half term – Mon to Fri  – 28th October to 3rd November.

Delta – by ferry and coach in July or October; cost per person would be approx £377 pp in July, assuming a minimum of 24 passengers.

Flights from Manchester would be approx £122 plus extra travelling by coach/rail.

It was suggested further quotes be obtained –  Pam will contact Abbotts, and negotiate with Delta for a better price – also is Newcastle departure a possibility?

Also to enquire re cost of single supplement on the ferry.

There was discussion re the most popular time to go in order to maximise the number of people able to travel. It was decided that 28th October to 3rd November would be the most suitable – therefore Pam will contact Heidi with these proposed dates.

A letter to be issued to all members about the trip to state that costs would be no more than £400.   Remind everyone to organise their own travel insurance and EHIC cards.

Travel arrangements may have to be revised if there are too few going. There are flights from Manchester to Cologne.

Great Ayton Twinning Association to be contacted to invite participation in trip.

Those intending to go will need to pay £100 deposit (non-returnable).

There is still the discretionary 50% support for those who qualify for this.


Treasurer’s Report

The Xmas Fayre.   £55 takings, £8 Fee, therefore £43 profit.

Mr Stephenson will be auditing the End of Year financial accounts.

The Lloyds account signatories will need to be amended. Ruth Bryan no longer signatory and Emma Stephenson to add.

Insurance  – Alison is awaiting details/quote from AON, who have been recommended by Great Ayton Twinning, as they are going through similar process.

The Social Evening Meal will be on 8th February.  Cost to be no more than £15.

A letter to go to members, with subs reminder, for bookings for the meal – with proviso to pay in advance.

Coffee morning later in year – Sat 29th September proposed at Sunnyfield House in Guisborough.  Request tombola in writing.

Press and PR   –  recruitment of new members and to advertise the October visit.

To contact Coastal View & Moors News, Guisborough Life, Saltburn Talk of the Town, and Darlington and Stockton Times, and others including local Radio.

Education and Youth Links and Churches Together – to carry forward to next meeting.

We are planning for the AGM to take place at The Heart in Redcar on 15th March 2018 at 7pm.  Pam will confirm this with R&C BC.  Members have to be given 14 days notice.

Nominations are required for a new Chair, as Pam is only Vice Chair for one year.

AOB.  A reminder to all that Tea/coffee/refreshments are NOT available at Prior Pursglove – we just have use of the room, so please do not ask at desk !!

 Tees Valley- any connections for partnership with other Twinning Associations?

Loftus Town Council are sending a cheque for corporate membership, this could be mentioned on our website.

Pam to write to Carl Quartermain re no mention of Twinning Association in the R & C Annual Report.  Also to Jane re Twinning Display at the Heart.

Emma mentioned the Primrose Bell market which took place in Redcar on 23rd December 2017- it would be good to have stall there next year for publicity,

Next Meeting will be pre AGM officers meeting on 1st March at Linda and Phil Howson’s home at 7pm.

October 2017


Present:  Pam Stenson, Alison Dodds, Linda and Phil Howson, Judith Larkin, Julie Baggott.

Apologies:   Mayor Cllr Karen King, Beatrice Lythgoe, Emma Stephenson,  Ruth Bryan, Margaret Wilson

Remembering Eric Whitham who died recently, he was a long-standing member.

Also Margaret Jackson and her son who are both doing well.

Minutes of last meeting 22nd June – proposed as being true record.

Seconded by Pam Stenson. No matters arising.

Chairman’s report

Thanks to one and all for various duties during the visit. Also to the Mayor for her enthusiastic participation and Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council for their support.

Have written to Jorvik, Caterers, Daisy Maes, Black Sheep Brewery, Saltburn House and coach company for their good work and hospitality. Have also emailed Heidi re successful visit. We all have plenty of photographs and lots of happy memories.

Correspondence:  Peter Barron has contacted the Chair re support for Redcar Racecourse’s Oktoberfest on 6 October; however, it was felt that there was not enough notice and that we would require more information in future.  He has since had a reply from the Mayor of Troisdorf.

Martin Smith provided a copy of an article about the Association that will be published shortly in the next edition of Guisborough Life magazine.

Treasurer’s Report

Public Liability Insurance has been with AON,  We will have to get new quotes when due for renewal in April as they will not be covering Pubic Liability in future. Alison will speak to Denis and to GATA re this and investigate other options.

Troisdorf visit:  a summary sheet of income & expenditure is available

Coffee Morning: the last one made a small profit. Next one is booked for 4/8/18. Can this be changed to 1/9, 30/6 or 29/9?

Dates of Next Visit

Still waiting to hear from Heidi – we have suggested the end of July as a possible alternative to October half-term.  However, some members prefer school holidays, while others do not. Therefore we continue to keep all options open for now.

Guisborough Christmas Evening 5th December

 Table booked in Methodist church. Need help to set up and and attend stall 4pm till 8pm. Items for sale such as crafts, good quality books, box chocolates, unwanted gifts etc are welcome. Next Chair’s letter to include details.

Social Evening and meal in January/February

Thursday 8th February agreed, various venues discussed.

Saltburn Golf Club to be contacted – will need to confirm details of meal etc after New Year.

Web Site

Reminder for subs due 1/1/18 and photos of visit .


Emmanuel Church Saltburn is having a Christmas Tree Exhibition, 2-16 December.

The WI are organising this and have invited the Association to decorate a tree.

It was agreed to organise this – Phil has a tree.  To be decorated in Twinning  theme. Pam will email WI accepting invitation.

Next meeting – 11th January at 7pm  Prior Pursglove.

June 2017


Present:   Pam Stenson, Alison Dodds, Ruth Bryan, Emma Stephenson, Julie Baggot, Margaret Wilson, Judith Larkin, Tom Williams.

Apologies:  Mayor Karen King, Cllr Dale Quigley, Denis Bell, Beatrice Lythgoe, Linda and Phil Howson.

Minutes of last meeting  – accepted and approved.

Proposed – Alison Dodds,  Seconded  Judith Larkin

Welcome by the Vice Chair – Pam Stenson.

Remembering Joyce Bell, Cam and Colin Nertney.  Fond and happy memories of the three members of the Association who sadly passed away recently.

Welcome to Cllr Margaret Wilson. Cllr Carl Quatermain has moved on and Cllr Dale Quigley will be his replacement as the R&C BC representative.

Margaret Wilson noted that Middlesbrough Twinning Association are granted funding from the council towards the costs of their visitors from Oberhausen.

Planning for September Visit

The visitors will be arriving on Friday 8th September. The Mayor Cllr Karen King has agreed to meet and greet at the Redcar Heart. The exact time is not yet known – their flight is into Manchester at 11.55am and they will be picked up by coach.  Probably arriving in Redcar between 1500/1600hrs.

The Friday evening meal will be with hosts.

Saturday 9th September.  Trip to York, with a tour of Jorvik, German language option available. The tour is booked for 12.20 + 12.40 and takes approximately 1 hour.

A maximum of 40 people in two groups are allowed for this.

The cost is £5.70 Senior 60+ and £7 15 for adults, with one in 10 free places for named Group Leaders (Heidi, Emma, Alison & Pam).  We need to confirm age details of the visitors from Heidi.

After the Jorvik visit there will be plenty of free time for lunch etc (at own expense)  before coach departure at approx 5pm – yet to be confirmed.

The pickup points forYork trip will be Saltburn House at 9 45am and Guisborough Fountain Street car park at 10 am.Alison will be contacting York Tourist Information for some guides.The coach has been booked, by Emma, with Delta.

Sunday 10th September.

Middlesbrough Transporter Bridge Experience at 11am. Tea/coffee and biscuits provided.  To depart Saltburn 10.15am and Guisborough 10.30am.

After the Bridge Experience there will be transport to the Mima Art Gallery in Middlesbrough where there is a cafe.We will leave at 2pm for 2.30pm tea tasting, with cream scones, at Daisy Mae’s in Redcar.  Coach to be available for return to Saltburn 4.30pm / 5pm.

Evening meal with hosts.

Monday 11th September.

Black Sheep Brewery trip, Masham.  Includes lunch (with one drink, tea or coffee) and trip around brewery. Lunch is at 12.30 with meal choices to be ordered in advance.To depart Saltburn 9.15am and Guisborough 9.30am.

There will be time for a look round Masham afterwards, leaving 3pm.

In the evening there will be a Social Event at the Cricket Club in Guisborough.

This is booked for 7pm. Volunteers needed to transport visitors staying in Saltburn.

The room charge at Cricket Club is £40. The Buffet has been priced at £5.95 per head for around 60 people + New Day Singers.

If the R&C BC prefer to use their own caterers we would be happy with that arrangement.  A cold finger buffet would probably be apropriate as a hot lunch is organised at Masham.

Jane will be letting us know if the Mayor and any other Councillors intend to join us for the evening.

The New Day Singers have been booked – with a preference for an ‘up beat’ programme- songs from the shows and a German song.  They will perform at 7.15 to 8pm approx. Hopefully the Mayor will introduce the evening at 7 10pm with the buffet and speeches and gift exchange after the Choir.  The choir cost is £50.

Pam will liaise with Jane to invite R&C BC representatives.

Tuesday 12th September

Breakfast at Saltburn House 9.30am.

Departure at 11am to Manchester  – flight is 17.30 after a guided tour.

Existing funds will cover cost for the Cricket Club and the Choir, and Pam proposed that the Association do this.

Alison said it would be viable to ask the visitors to pay £40 towards their overall costs and if the Council do not donate any funds we will have to provide approx £500 towards the Social Evening.  Hosts will have a free evening.

If the council decides to fund the buffet then members will not need to contribute.

Members going on trips will need to pay in advance.

Treasurers Report

Total costs for the September Visit were discussed and agreed.

There is no change in membership numbers since last meeting, with the possibility of new members, Janet and Denis Claridge, who have been sent proforma, as they will be hosting a German visitor.

Saturday 5th August  Coffee Morning at Sunnyfield House Guisborough.

Tombola items needed.  Emma & Alison will organise the Tombola and other members to be available to serve tea/coffee etc.

Donations of cakes, scones and savouries to sell will be appreciated.

The bookings for 2018 at Sunnyfield House cannot be made until 3rd July. Will book for 28th July or 4th August when appropriate. Judith will do.

Press and PR

Have full page article in recent Guisborough Life magazine.


Emma will do a programme, with tick sheet, for all hosts & members before the pre-visit  meeting on Thurs 31st August at the Pursgolve Centre..

We need to know if R&C BC will be contributing asap.

March 2017.

Dear members and friends,
This year’s AGM took place at the Redcar Community Heart on Thursday 16th March. Although we are pleased that there were 15 people in
attendance,including the Mayor of Redcar & Cleveland,Councillor Barry Hunt,and Councillors Carl Quartermain and Margaret Wilson,there were more apologies (18) than members present (13).We also have to report that because there were no nominations for Chairman this year, I have agreed to continue in the role of Vice-Chair,as proposed at the AGM.

The following Committee members were elected:
Chairman VACANCY
Vice-Chairman Pamela Stenson
Treasurer Alison Dodds
Secretary Emma Stephenson
Assistant Secretary Judith Larkin
Committee-website Philip Howson
Committee Linda Howson
Committee Richard Rudland
Committee Ruth Bryan
Committee Julie Baggott
Hon Vice-President Denis Bell
2 R&CBC representatives To be confirmed
Please do get in touch with a member of the Committee if you feel that you could assist us in anyway until we are in a position to elect a new Chairman.This is your opportunity to be involved with the running of the Association.All members are welcome to our Committee meetings which are notified in advance on our website.
Our next Committee meeting will be on Thursday 27th April,when we shall be continuing to make plans for our visitors from Troisdorf in September;they will be with us from the evening of Friday 8th until the morning of Tuesday 12th.Please let our Secretary Emma
know as soon as possible if you are able to host anyone;we also need to know if you have already agreed to host visitors who are planning to travel.Thanks.
A request from Middlesbrough-OberhausenTown Twinning:They are short of a host for two people for the week beginning 7th August and have asked whether anyone from our Association can help please. If you can offer accommodation, please contact Tom Williams asap for further details Many thanks.
Finally, a date for your diary :Our next fund-raising coffee morning will be at Sunnyfield House in Guisborough on Saturday 5th August 9.30am–12noon. We hope to see many of you there.
Best wishes ,from Pamela Stenson.



Minutes of Committee Meeting Thursday 16th February 2017 at Prior Pursglove College, Guisborough.

Present: Pam Stenson, Alison Dodds, Denis Bell, Linda Howson, Phil Howson, Emma Stephenson.

Apologies: Judith Larkin, Beatrice Lythgoe, Ruth Bryan, Richard Rudland, Judy Granger, Margaret Jackson (resigned)

Minutes from previous meeting:   Apologies from Emma regarding uncirculated minutes due to issues with email system.  Hard copies circulated at meeting.

Amended minutes proposed by Alison Dodds, Seconded by Denis Bell

Welcome by the Chairman – Pam Stenson

Matters Arising:

Redcar and Cleveland Council’s annual report has not been produced yet, but there should be a summary of our trip to Troisdorf in it.

Theo – information received on 12th January was “all is well”.

Business Cards – Emma to look at a design to incorporate the logo, the three email addresses, website and Facebook page addresses.

Chairman’s Report:

We had another successful social at the Fox and Hounds in January, with 19 members attending.  We hope to continue this as an annual event but with a possible new venue.  This will be reviewed in the Autumn.

We are looking forward to the AGM and the visit from our German friends later in the year.

Thanks were given to everyone who contributed to the Christmas event either through donations of items, time or support.

Options of other possible events were discussed such as summer fairs or events in the area, including cake stalls however, a food hygiene certificate may be needed.  This kind of event would be mainly about raising interest in the organization rather than fundraising.


Pam provided a quote for Guisborough Life’s article looking at Brexit via email.  Alison to follow up with two new members regarding a quote.

The Now and Then magazine (no. 104) included a colour photo of our trip.

Treasurer’s Report:

The accounts have now been audited and thanks were given to Brian Stephenson for doing this.

The final total for the Christmas Fair in Guisborough Methodist Church had previously been circulated but was amended due to missed expenses. The actual total was £46.62.

Donations of money and gifts had been received by members.

Membership figures to date include: 10 family memberships, 15 individual memberships, 1 corporate membership (Loftus Co-Op) and Prior received honorary membership for letting us use their facilities for meetings.

Brotton Co-Op is becoming McColls. Thanks noted to Tom Williams for calling into East Cleveland stores.

Alison to email Phil regarding corporate members addresses to enable updated information on the website.

Linda has asked Judy about Arriva and were waiting for details.

Alison to email previous members to remind them about the need for subs to be paid before the AGM.

Press and PR

The website and Facebook are both up to date.

Education and Youth Links – Carried forward.

Churches Together – Carried forward

September Visit

Pam to ask Redcar and Cleveland Council about an arrival reception on the Friday teatime.

Emma to contact Heidi regarding numbers for Saltburn House.

Emma to contact father Adam to identify his preference of day, either Saturday or Monday, and an evening in Loftus.

Discussions were held about other activities for a day in York: the Jorvik Centre, a guided walking tour, a talk by the Snickleways of York author.

Other options for visits could be to Hull, the Black Sheep Brewery in Masham (with a visit to Leyburn), the Transporter Bridge and tea tasting or afternoon tea at Daisy-Mae’s Vintage Tearoom in Redcar.

Future Events

AGM / Photo Evening, Thursday 16th March, 6.30pm for 7pm start.

To be held at the Leisure and Community Heart again.

Discussions held regarding nominations.

Denis to come to future meetings as the Honorary Vice President not a committee member.

Visit from Troisdorf Friends, Friday 8th – Tuesday 12th September

Saltburn House to be contacted in January and confirm with Heidi.

A corporate membership form to be sent to Loftus Town Council with dates of visit.

Any other business

We now own a USB stick to aid with transferring photos etc for the website.

East Cleveland Baptist Church’s Ladies Group asked if anyone could give a talk about the association.  Pam will be doing this on Monday 22nd May.

Next Committee Meeting – TBC


Meeting held on 15th September 2016 in Prior Pursglove College Guisborough at 4 30pm.

Present:   Beatrice Lythgoe, Pam Stenson, Alison Dodds, Denis Bell Emma Stephenson, Judith Larkin, Richard Rudland.

Apologies:  Linda Howson, Phil Howson, Margaret Jackson, Ruth Bryan, Judy Grainger, Mayor Cllr Barry Hunt.

Welcome by the Chair – Pam Stenson:  Apologies for late delivery of minutes from last meeting.Matters Arising:

Pam Stenson has booked the Fox and Hounds, Guisborough Thursday 27th January for our annual social evening.6.30 for 7pm.

Denis Bell proposed the minutes be accepted as a true record of previous meeting and Alison Dodds seconded this.

Chairman’s Report  We need to check with Loftus Town Council re their Corporate Membership application, as Redcar and Cleveland Council have no problem with this we can now reply accordingly.

Any other correspondence:  Alison had a note from Margaret Wilson apologising for missing the coffee morning.

Denis noted that the forms re Insurance for the trip had no return address –

Emma will rectify this.

Coffee Morning:

Thanks to Beatrice for providing the tea and Denis for his donation and for all tombola prizes.

There was a profit of £147.27 after expenses.

Alison has made a booking for another coffee morning on Sat 5 August 2017.  Notices to go in car park next year to advertise this?

Arriva NE have now paid for their corporte membership.

All those booked on the trip to Troisdorf  have now paid in full – apart from one couple who still have o/s £200 plus one o/s membership fee is due.

Trip Planning

23 people are travelling and Gary (coach company) would like cabin sharing list and pick up points asap.

The list shows addresses as follows:-

1       Loftus

9       Guisborough

8        Redcar

2        Eston

1        Eaglescliffe

2        Stockton

The Stockton, Eaglescliffe, Eston and Loftus travellers will be requested to  come to Guisborough or Redcar.  Emma to sent out letter or e-mail re preferences.

Denis can still accommodate several cars if they prefer to park at his house and be picked up from there – Oak Road, Redcar.

Guisborough would be Fountain Street Coach Park.

Margaret Wilson has requested a front seat because of possible travel sickness.

The driver, Luke, and Gary from Delta will attend pre-trip meeting.

Cabin sharing  –  Tom and Denis.  David and Anthony.

Ruth has paid for single cabin.

Emma and Julie , Alison and Margaret Wilson, Ann and Anne.

Total  –   11 doubles and one single

Emma will let Gary know asap.

Gary intends to e-mail invoice soon and Alison will sent the cheque.

Pre-trip Meeting:  Information Sheet to include:-

Pick up times

Cabin Sharing

Name and phone numbers of key people  ( Pam, Alison, Emma)

Name and phone numbers of hosts

Programme of events.

Amount of 35 Euros to pay per person – via Alison, in cash en route to Troisdorf.

Pam will draft a notice as Chair’s Letter about the pre-trip meeting.

Pam has emailed Jane at R + C Council re the items suitable as gifts for the hosts,  She will collect these in October.

The formal gift for the Official Evening has already been purchased – Queen’s Celebration Tea Pot.  Other gifts will be needed for –  Theo, Heidi and Frank, and maybe AN Other.

Press and PR  Phil is keeping the website updated and Facebook hits are improving.

David Dodds will do some group photographs in Troisdorf and a review of the trip will be produced for the press afterwards.

Education and Youth Links and Churches Together

Nothing to report this time.

Future Events

Christmas Festival  –  6th December – a table booked in Methodist Church (5-7pm), Westgate, Guisborough


Beatrice said Thank You for the birthday card.

Next Meeting

Thursday 1st December 7pm:  to reflect on trip and discuss Christmas Festival Event and January meal etc.


Minutes of Committee Meeting held at Prior Pursglove College Guisborough on  Thursday14th July 2016 at 4 30pm.

Present:    Beatrice Lythgoe, Pam Stenson, Alison Dodds, Denis Bell, Linda Howson, Phil Howson, Emma Stephenson, Judith Larkin.

Apologies:   Mayor Cl Barry Hunt, Ruth Bryan, Margaret Jackson, Richard Rudland, Judy Grainger.

Matters arising from previous minutes/meeting 5th May 2016.

Denis Bell proposed an amendment ie: regarding the Discretionery Allowance there should be officers’ approval for all applications.

This was seconded by Alison Dodds.

No other comments regarding the previous minutes. Denis Bell proposed they were a true record and this was seconded by Alison Dodds.

Chairman’s Report and Correspondence:

Pam has invited the Mayor of R+C BC or the Deputy Mayor to join us on the Troisdorf trip in October but they are unable to go.

A request from Loftus Town council to be corporate members of the Association has been received.  Pam will take advice and respond.

Heidi has sent details of the new committee in Troisdorf:

Chairman Theo Lettman;

Vice Chair  Barbara Bujotzek

Manager  Heidi Eick;

Treasurer  Frank Eick

Secretary  Christina Metzlaff (correspondence)

There will be some new members on the trip, including Anthony Mills and Mr & Mrs Nicholson from Great Ayton Twinning Association.  Alison will e-mail membership forms.

Alison attended a meeting of Great Ayton Twinning Association, who said they would publicize the Troisdorf trip.  Their fundraising is very successful – raising approx £700 p.a. from a ‘hot meal’ event in the village hall and quiz nights with around 25/30 members.  Alison said that they are happy to share publicity going forwards.

Other Correspondence:  disappointingly there has been no reply from the Apollo Choir or Abi Alton about the trip;  although there was some interest from members of the Marske Fishermans Choir there were not enough to form a singing group for us.

Pam has drafted a new Chair’s Letter about the October pre-trip meeting, visit and membership.  Emma will circulate to everyone and Phil will include on the web site when all agreed.

Re Corporate Membership of Prior Pursglove College – Alison has sent e-mail to the Vice Principal and a reply was received to say they would be very happy to continue to provide us with a meeting room as and when needed in return for complimentary membership.

Alison will also contact Judy about the Arriva corporate membership fee.

Visit to Troisdorf   

21 members plus the driver have now booked.

As the trip was costed for 25, more people on board would be good.

A friend of Denis Bell’s and an enquiry Pam had via e-mail may also be interested. Also Peter Samson indicated he might like to come – Alison to contact him.

Emma will be in touch with Heidi re new hosts needed in Troisdorf.

Heidi will arrange parking for the coach.

Also Emma’s sister may be interested in joining the the trip in Rotterdam, it was agreed that approx £140 would be the cost in this case.

The trip was costed at £6300 – if only 21 persons (driver free on the ferry) are travelling at most the shortfall will be £1000. There will be an additional charge for a single cabin on the ferry. Pam to ask Coach Company what the extra cost will be.  Alison and David have offered to split and share a cabin with others if necessary.

Pam has purchased a Queen’s Birthday tea pot as an official gift and has also contacted Jane at R+C BC for some smaller gifts to take to Troisdorf.

Pre trip meeting to be booked for Lecture Theatre at PPC on Thurs 13th Oct 7pm.

Booking forms for the trip will be available at the coffee morning.

Website:  Phil will continue to up-date with minutes etc.  He would like someone to check the German translation in case it needs amending.

Alison will look into this and Emma’s friend, who is German, may also help. It is noted that there is a new Troisdorf website up and runnning.

Education:  Alison e-mailed Bydales (Outwood Academy) Head and Carol re possibility of Y10 German students going to Troisdorf. No positive response as yet – but she will try again

 PR:  Ruth offered to keep up contact with radio publicity.

On Facebook there have been 35 likes.

Churches Together: carry forward potential links, especially with Loftus Parish Church and Churhes Together groups in R+C

Coffee Morning 30/7: Various committee members offered to help.

Pam will take supplies of coffee etc. Alison has some items left from Christmas to use on tombola.  More prizes are needed and cakes etc for sale.

Alison has letter re booking dates for next year at Sunnyfield House,  possibly end of July or early August 2017.

Guisborough Town Christmas Festival will be Tues 6th December and it was agreed to book a table again at Guisborough Methodist Church.

A O B:  Phil suggested that another social evening be organised for Thursday 26th January 2017 at the Fox + Hounds, Slapewath.  Pam to book for 15-20 people.

Denis said he had problems printing out minutes. This was explained by different (incompatible) programmes on our computers.  He also mentioned the change of time for committee meetings from 7 30pm to 4 30pm.  Is this the reason some people cannot attend meetings?  The next meeting has already been arranged for 4 30pm on Thursday 15th September but we will ask for preferences again then.

Tad Web has not been particularly helpful in dealing with problems to sort out issues including the spam filter. Emma needs new access code.  Alison will e-mail this to her.


Committee Meeting held on Thursday 5th May 2016

at Prior Pursglove College, Guisborough at 4 30pm.

Present: Pam Stenson, Alison Dodds, Margaret Jackson, Emma Stephenson,

Phil Howson, Ruth Bryan, Richard Rudland, Judy Grainer, Denis Bell ,Judith Larkin.

Apologies:   Beatrice Lythgoe, Linda Howson.

Chairman:   Welcome to our two new committee members – Richard Rudland and Judy Grainger.

The chairman said she was really pleased with the turnout at the AGM – and thanks to the old and new committee members for their commitment.

The key focus for now is to make the October trip viable.

Minutes of last meeting – 4th February 2016 – were accepted as a true record,

Proposed – Denis Bell   Seconded – Judith Larkin.

Since then there has been two officers meetings ( 10/3/16 pre AGM and 13/4/16 to agree on date for Troisdorf trip this year).

Matters Arising – Phil reported that Ekkehard’s visit had gone very well and that he had been very appreciative. Many thanks to Linda and Phil for their hospitality to Ekkhard, he intends to meet up with the visitors in October.

As an action point – if there are requests in future of a similar nature the visitor should be a member of the Twinning Association.

Correspondence: Pam has been in touch with Heidi about October visit.

She has also contacted the Apollo Choir and Marske Fisherman’s Choir to ask if anyone would be interested in the Troisdorf trip. Also has emailed Abi Alton.

As yet no replies.

Redcar and Cleveland BC are to display some posters in their offices re our visit.

Local councils have information for their notice boards and magazines.

Talk of the Town (Saltburn) will carry a notice re the trip.

Treasurer’s Report:

Membership fees – some have not been paid in yet and will be sent reminders.

Prior Pursglove College has had Corporate membership in the past. Alison suggested that it would be appropriate to award this ‘in kind’ as appreciation for the use of rooms for our meetings.

Bydales School have scaled down their German classes- if any at all – and Alison has, as yet, not received a reply.

We have new Corporate Memberships: Zetland Co-operative, Loftus and Arriva Redcar (Buses). Also possibly an opticians in Loftus.

It was suggested that a line on the bottom of the Association’s website should carry a link to the Corporate Members, and mention that new Corporate Members are very welcome. Phil will be dealing with this.

At the previous Officers Meeting there was discussion re Hardship fund and it was agreed to be called ‘Discretionary Hardship Fund’ – where 50% of costs towards a trip could be awarded, on application to the Treasurer and Chair.

This was proposed by Denis Bell and Seconded by Margaret Jackson.

Ruth suggested that Emma Stephenson, Secretary, should have a ‘permanent imprest account’- petty cash. Asison proposed an amount of £20 and she will keep a record of any expenditure. This was agreed by the committee.

October Visit

Alison reported that up to now there are 16 places booked, driver will be one extra, with one further in the pipeline. £1700 paid up to present.

Alison asked if membership fees would be waived for people travelling to Troisdorf for the first time with the Association. She also reported that there may be further interest from the U3A.

The possibility of reduction for children (16 and under) was discussed with the suggestion that the Hardship Fund be considered. There would have to be family membeship for any application and an adult family member travelling with a child.

At the Officers Meeting in April various coach company costs were discussed and having had a meeting with Delta, it was agreed to make the booking with this company in view of their experience and the cost is acceptable. Their driver is also happy to stay with a host.

Heidi will determine coach parking facilities – the host family will hopefully transport the driver to the coach park.

The ferry booking is for outside cabins, flat beds. In order for the cost to be viable there needs to be a booking for 25 people.

Pam proposed that a deposit for the coach should now be paid – this was seconded by Denis Bell.

Travel arrangements are to leave Redcar/Saltburn on 23rd October at approx 2pm for 8pm departure from Hull. Passengers can choose to eat on board before or after setting sail.

Time of arrival in Troisdorf will be 13 30pm/2pm on 24th.

Departure will be Friday 28th October at noon, going directly to the ferry.

Arrival home on Saturday 29th October.

Denis has offered parking for 5 cars at his home in Redcar.

The coach driver will have Thursday as his day off duty.

Delta have provided evidence of their licence and planned the route.

There was discussion re more people for the trip and it was suggested that the Middlesbrough Oberhausen group be contacted as well as other Twinning Associations in the area.

Emma to send reminder to those travelling of the necessity for insurance cover. At the pre visit meeting passports, EHIC card and insurance to be checked.

End of August for full balance payment. Denis suggested that members could pay in staggered amounts – eg £50 per month

Press and PR

Ruth to maintain contact with Radio Tees and Radio Zetland.

18th June there is a Food and Arts Event in Saltburn.

Any posters about the Association and advertising the planned trip could go up at the Gleneagles Centre, Libraries, Guisborough Bookshop, Guisborough Priory Information Hut etc.

Phil said he is willing to take on board any ideas for the website to promote the trip.

Churches Together

Father Adam not able to come on trip due to other commitments.

Coffee Morning   – Reminder   –   Saturday 30 July 9.30am – 12noon at Sunnyfield House in Guisborough


Beatrice Lythgoe proposed that Denis Bell be awarded Honourary Life Long Vice-Presidency in recognition of everything he has done for the Association, and the Committee agreed unanimously.

Denis said he was honoured to accept.

Alison reported that the signatures for the account could remain the same.

Dates for the next Committee meetings.

Thursday July 14th       4 30pm

Thursday September 15th     4 30pm

Thursday 13th October   Pre-Trip Meeting 7pm

Venues to be arranged.


Minutes of Committee Meeting held on Thursday 4th February 2016

at Sainsburys, Rectory Lane, Guisborough.

Present:   Beatrice Lythgoe, Pam Stenson, Alison Dodds, Ruth Bryan,

Denis Bell, Margaret Jackson, Linda Howson, Phil Howson, Emma Stephenson, Judith Larkin.

Apologies: Tom Williams (who is no longer able to attend because of family commitments) and Redcar and Cleveland Council.

Minutes from previous meeting – accepted as a true record.

Proposed: Phil Howson Seconded: Denis Bell

Matters arising : Ekkhard Metzner will visit Linda and Phil 30/3/2016 to 14/4/2016. He is a widower aged 88. Linda has been e-mailing, in German and English, to discuss arrangements. They may welcome some help with the visit and will be in touch as necessary. If it is a success, we could suggest more similar arrangements in future.

Chairman’s Report

Thank you to Linda for collating the visit feedback from members.

One of the main issues is – what to do in future re first time visitors to R&C and those on a further visit – ie which places of interest to visit.

When asked what time of year would be preferred for a visit to Troisdorf – the Arnolds said they can only visit in school holidays but other members are available anytime, although Margaret cares for grandchildren during school holidays and may find it difficult to visit then.

Last week’s social event, an informal evening held at the Fox and Hounds, Slapewath, was a good start to the year.15 members attended. It was encouraging and we could make it an annual event .

The AGM is to be arranged for March and perhaps we should have another PR exercise before our visit to Germany later this year.

Correspondence and visit to Troisdorf 2016

Heidi has been in touch by e-mail and stated that the best time would be after 14th September. For our members the half term in October would be best. After discussion it was agreed that leaving on 22nd or 23rd October would be suitable, staying 4 nights with hosts. Pam will let Heidi know when confirmed.

DFDS from Newcastle is a possibility as well as Hull crossings.

It was suggested that some coach companies do a tie-up with the ferries .

Margaret will contact several local coach companies and National Holidays to check prices.

If any members wish to fly, they can make their own arrangements.

Treasurer’s Report

The Financial report from the visit resulted in £19.73 deficit. However, ticket sales from the concert resulted in a profit of around £300 for the Association.

The Christmas Fayre raised £104.75 which included £11 for bags and £28 for Name the Doll. There are still 44 bags left to sell.

2016 Membership to date: 13 individuals + 8 families i.e. 29 adults

The Mayor of Redcar and Cleveland as well as the Mayor of Loftus and Father Adam are interested in joining the Association.

The Abbots and the Howdens have resigned, due to changed personal circumstances. Pam has been in touch by e-mail with both couples.

The treasurer will pass on the accounts for audit to Mrs Fitzhugh via Denis Bell. Next year Mr B Stephenson may be able to do the audit, if necessary.

Education and Youth Links

Alison had e-mail from Head of Languages at Bydales to say there is only a small group of students taking German. Alison thought it would be good to offer a couple of students, with their parents, to come on Troisdorf visit. Possibility of grants from Redcar and Cleveland BC to be investigated.

Also to give students details of the Association website. Ruth will contact Secondary Schools re German classes and visit.

Churches Together

When the date for this year’s visit is confirmed Father Adam and Churches Together in Redcar and Cleveland will be notified.

Press and PR

Thanks to Phil for all the website updates – it is looking very good.

Also thanks to Emma for her Facebook input.

Beatrice has many photos – collated over the years since the beginning of the Association – and would be pleased to donate whatever is of interest to be scanned for our website.

Planning for 2016 and AGM date

Pam has arranged with Redcar and Cleveland BC that the AGM can be held at the Redcar Heart on Thursday 17th March 6 30pm for 7pm.

Letters will have to go to all curent paid-up members with a formal notice of the AGM. Chair will send letter with a reminder that only fully paid-up members have a vote at the AGM,

A reminder to be sent to Prior Pursglove to renew their Corporate Membership.

We need completed nomination forms in writing 7 days in advance of the AGM for the new committee. Thanks to go to Tom and to Cam for their past service on the committee as they will not be seeking re-election. Also Ruth will resign as Secretary, while staying on as a committee member.

Any Other Business

The coffee morning at Sunnyfield House – arranged for 4th August – Alison will investigate changing this to another date when more helpers will be available.

Pam to complete proforma for Wilkinsons re gifts.

Future Meeting

It was agreed the the officers should should meet on 10th March 3pm to discuss the AGM. Linda and Phil offered to host this meeting.

25th anniversary display


Minutes of Committee Meeting Thursday 12th November 2015

Present: Pam Stenson, Alison Dodds, Linda Howson, Phil Howson,

Margaret Jackson, Denis Bell, Emma Stephenson, Judith Larkin.

Apologies: Beatrice Lythgoe, Brenda Forster (Mayor), Ruth Bryan and

Tom Williams.

Minutes from previous meeting – Accepted as a true record

Proposed – Margaret Jackson, Seconded – Pam Stenson.

Welcome by the Chairman – Pam Stenson

Thanks to Linda and Phil for the use of their home for the meeting.

Also to record many thanks to Ruth and Margaret for the brilliant 25th anniversary display they collated on show at the Redcar and Cleveland Council Heart.

Visit Feedback and draft proforma for members.

Ruth has compiled a feedback proforma for hosts and members. This can be completed on line or by post and returned by Friday 18th December.

Margaret and Ruth (NB now Linda) will analyse the comments.

Chairman’s Report and next Chair’s letter.

Thank you to everyone for the ‘best ever’ visit, according to our German visitors. Feedback at the time was excellent.

Redcar and Cleveland Borough and Loftus Town Councils were generous in their support. The Mayor had visited Troisdorf in July and was very impressed with the celebrations there and therefore wanted to reciprocate accordingly.

Correspondence – including letter from Heidi re next year’s visit

Pam has drafted new Chairman’s letter and it was agreed that it is ready to go.

Heidi has indicated that the best dates for visit to Troisdorf would be from 14th September 2016 onwards. It may be necessary to consider other dates – e.g. half term or during term time. The Chair’s letter covers it all and members need to respond by the end of November re preferred dates. The mode of transport can be arranged at a later date according to preferences.

Heidi needs to know which tours would be preferred in order to organise them. Suggestions have been :   a tour of Troisdorf, Cologne Cathedral, Cologne Chocolate Museum, the Ahr Valley, Pfaffendorf Castle.

A record of Thank You letters:

Emma has sent a letter to the Mayor and Father Alan at Loftus, also to Ampleforth

Alison has emailed Preston Park – they responded saying that they would be pleased to repeat the experience any time.

Pam has emailed Kirkleatham Museum.

Linda and Phil sent flowers to Jane in the Mayor’s office at Redcar on behalf of the Committee.

Emma reported that the Mayor and Fr Adam were delighted with the visit and indicated that they would like to visit Troisdorf.

Fr Adam has also offered to do a tour of York Minster in 2017 and would be pleased to host a concert in St Leonards Church, at Loftus, with a reception afterwards in the Town Hall.

Thank you letters also sent to Morrisons and Tesco.

Pam to ask R&C BC for copies of official photos taken during the September visit.

Treasurer’s Report

Alison has booked Sunnyfield House for the next coffee morning : 4th August 2016.

Alison is to change the membership proforma to up-date Bank details; this will then go out with the Chairman’s letter. And to include a photo / video mention and opt-out clause (see below).

It was suggested that any new members would be offered 13months for the price of 12 from 1st December 2015 – 31st December 2016

It is noted that the annual audit is due after 31st December.

Education and Youth Links

Alison to contact the Head of Languages at the Outwood Academy, Bydales,Marske again.

Churches Together

Fr Adam to be contacted re Troisdorf visit. Pam to respond to Troisdorf Church contacts when 2016 visit date is fixed.

Press and PR

Articles and photographs in the Oct / Nov Coastal View and Moor News (pages 23 and 47)

Saltburn Talk of the Town – similar article in November edition.

Draft article from the trainee reporter at the Northern Echo is now on our website (for his portfolio at college)

The December issue of Redcar and Cleveland’s magazine will hopefully include a report of the 25th Anniversary Visit.

Ruth and Pam have asked for the article to be included on the Twinning Website.

Alison proposed that Phil Howson be the Association’s Website Champion (with Alison and Dave as back-up) and the key person to contact for our website as he has already input the constitution, minutes and some photographs. Thank you to Phil for all this effort.

Phil has come across some problems and will contact Tad Web in order to resolve these issues. Phil to copy website information to Alison and Dave.

Alison to email Ian at Tad Web to confirm that Phil will be main contact for web site.

Information posted on web site may need to be restricted in some circumstances for personal security. Minutes of the committee meetings will be edited to remove some financial and personal information for the web site.

If photographs are to be included on web site it was agreed that the membership proforma will need to include a ‘permission for publication’ paragraph (see Treasurer report above)

Pam asked if there was a way of linking web site with Facebook. Emma and Phil will investigate this. Facebook page already links to the Loftus article.

 Christmas Event 1st December in Methodist Church Guisborough

Seven members of the committee are willing to help; we will need to be at the church for 4pm in order to set up our stall.

The Association’s bags can be sold at this event, as well as any baking, which needs to be wrapped and priced. Any small gifts – need to be priced.

Name the doll – extra chocolate prize to be added to the doll to encourage entries.

Vouchers in hand from Tesco to be used for items for this event.

Alison will provide a float.

Another addition to Chairman’s letter – would members like to contribute any items for the Xmas Stall?

 New Year Social Event

It was agreed that this would take place on Thurs 28th January 2016 at 6 30p.m at The Fox and Hounds Slapewath. There will be a carvery or choices from the menu. All members to be invited to attend.


A request via Heidi (Troisdorf) : – A gentleman is looking to spend 3 to 4 weeks in our area to improve his English, and wondered if anyone would be able to accommodate him. He is over 60 years of age.

There were various queries to answer before anyone could commit to this e.g. does he smoke, has he a car, contribution to costs etc.

AGM will be in March – have to give 14 days notice to all members.

Date of next Meeting: will be Thursday February 4th 2016 at 7pm.   Venue TBA


Minutes of the committee meeting on Thursday 13th August 2015 at Sainsbury’s Supermarket Community Room, Guisborough
Present: Pam Stenson, Emma Stephenson, Alison Dodds, Ruth Bryan, Beatrice Lythgoe, Phil Howson, Linda Howson, Margaret Jackson
1. Apologies: Denis Bell, Judith Larkin, Tom Williams
2. Minutes of last meeting: Read and passed, Proposed Alison Dodds: Seconded Phil Howson
3. Matters Arising: Linda and Phil Howson brought the presentation Trophy from their visit to Troisdorf and they gave a report of the celebrations held there. Our Mayor did a marvellous job and Linda gave a wonderful speech in German.
4. Visit : The German Mayor is coming on his own Tues pm – Thurs am; to be hosted by R&C BC. The party will arrive sometime after 5:30pm at The Heart in Redcar where the R&C Mayor will greet them. Refreshments will be provided and by 7pm they will depart for Saltburn House or the homes of their hosts. An info pack will be provided for the guests. Preston Park is booked and it was decided that they leave Saltburn House at 10am, Tuned-In, Redcar at 10:15am to arrive at Preston Park at 11am. Tea and scones will be served and at 11:45am they will have a tour of the house and museum. Alison will confirm this with Preston Park. At 2pm guests will have a chance to visit Butterfly World and we leave at 3pm arriving in Redcar at 3:45pm and Saltburn 4pm. Hosts have to pay £5 and £3:50 for entrances to both venues. It was suggested hosts might provide their guests with a packed lunch as we are back at The Heart for 7pm for the celebrations. Drinks are on the 1st floor landing and dinner is at 7:30pm. A local Young Peoples’ Choir will entertain everyone. The Council is paying for all the German visitors. They are inviting all the local Mayors and the 2 MP’s. All hosts and members have to pay £20 in advance to Alison. The coach will leave Saltburn House at 6:40pm and will depart at 10pm. John will organise the tables of 8 for the hot buffet and desserts will be served to the tables. Tea & coffee will be provided. As the Council does not have an alcohol licence Jane will sort out local beers and the wine. There is a PA system for the speeches by the 2 Mayors and the 2 chairs. There will be a photo opportunity. Linda has flags and gifts for Manfred (Chair) and Heidi (Secretary) have been purchased. We need to check if the Troisdorf Association has a President. Alison & Emma to arrange “sign-up” lists for hosts and members for all day trips. On Thursday we leave Saltburn House at 9:45am and Redcar Tuned-In 10am to arrive at Ampleforth Abbey 11am. At 11:15am there will be a tour of the site and then lunch and cider tasting. If we pay for 22 tickets we get one free. Cost per ticket £17:50. Leave at 4:15pm. We will need to let them know of any dietary requirements and ask whether they will give the coach driver a free soup lunch. The working out of a contribution for the whole week from the German guests will be sorted by Alison. Friday is a day in Redcar & Cleveland. Meet at Kirkleatham Museum 10.30am; leave 12 noon for Loftus Town Hall where the local Mayor, Town Clerk and Vicar will greet us. Steve Sherlock is hoping to join us for lunch and a talk with a possible visit to the dig at Street Houses. Lunch of jacket potatoes and salad with apple pie and cream for dessert will be served. We need an estimate of costs and the price will be split between the Town Council and us. Transport will be required as it is the coach driver’s day off. Eric Whitham and Doreen and Richard Rudland have volunteered their vehicles and time. 7:30pm the Apollo Choir Anniversary Concert at Guisborough Methodist Church. We need to check that the Driver can bring the guests from Saltburn. Ticket sales are going well. Guisborough bookshop has now got tickets and a poster. Beatrice reminded us that the local Mayor needs to be invited if the Council Mayor is there so we need to invite the Guisborough Mayor, Malcolm Griffiths, and provide him with two free tickets. Saturday’s timetable for departure is uncertain but they need to be at the ferry terminal by 2:30pm. It was decided to meet immediately before the Hosts’ Meeting to discuss further developments. Pam will also meet again with Jane at the Council to finalise arrangements. Key committee members might also need to get together to assess progress, as necessary.
5. All members to be asked for memorabilia & photographs for a 25 years display on the evening of Wed 23rd; Ruth & Margaret to co-ordinate and arrange.
6. Chairman’s report: Pam sent 11 letters to local Supermarkets asking for sponsorship for our celebrations and to date only Asda has replied. Unfortunately they can only offer in-house token collection and as we are not a registered charity we may be unable to accept their offer. Redcar & Cleveland have responded to our request for the reinstatement of the Twinning Road Signs and they are now on display. Pam will write and thank them.
7. Correspondence: Linda had an email from Skelton Parish Council about the visit.
8. Treasurer’s report: . Signatories  have now  been added.
9. Alison has also been reviewing the current membership list with Ruth and Pam; she will contact a few lapsed members for this year’s subscription.
10. AOB: The Coffee Morning in Guisborough raised funds for us as follows: Raffle & Tombola £91:30, Coffee £92:50, Refund £8:70 and the earlier successful Strawberry Tea made £70:50. Thanks to everyone who contributed towards these events.
11. Date and Venue of next meeting: 5pm Thurs 17th Sept at The Pursglove Centre in Prior Pursglove College, Guisborough, immediately before the Hosts Evening there at 7pm. Alison and Emma to bring lists for trips and celebration evening. We need all replies by 14th Sept, if possible (to Chair, Secretary, Treasurer), with monies to the hosts meeting on 17th Sept. Pam to prepare a Chair’s letter for all members and hosts, that will also go to all Local Councils in R&C.
12. Meeting closed at 8:55pm; as there was no time for the Press & PR report (apologies to Ruth for this) it was circulated immediately afterwards by e-mail


 Minutes of Committee Meeting Thursday 11th June 2015 at Sainsburys Rectory Lane , Guisborough.

 Present: Beatrice Lythgoe, Pam Stenson, Alison Dodds, Judith Larkin, Linda Howson, Phil Howson, Ruth Bryan, Tom Williams,Margaret Jackson.

 Apologies: Denis Bell, Brenda Forster (Mayor), Emma Stephenson.

 Welcome by the Chairman – Pam Stenson

 Minutes from previous meeting: in the Treasurer’s report it should have stated that the signatories ‘have yet to be notified to Lloyds Bank’ and not ‘has been’. Otherwise the minutes were accepted as a true record.

Prosposed: Tom Williams Seconded: Phil Howson

 Any other business: none.

 Chairman’s Report:

Firstly a huge thank-you to everyone who has contributed, behind the scenes, so far. Most issues are covered in the following agenda items.

Cam Nertney is to be excused from future meetings due to ill health and hopefully will resume in the future. Pam is in touch and will forward the Committee’s best wishes to both Cam and Colin.

Treasurer’s Report:

The change of signatories is being actioned –

Most of the Association’s funds are now in a new Bank account with some in a Savings account.

Previous bank account will be closed completely now.


The Afternoon Tea at the Gleneagles Centre in New Marske on 16 July is being organised by Linda and Phil Howson. Linda showed the committee several versions of a proposed poster to advertise the event – mainly in Marske and New Marske. Final version of poster agreed.

As some of the posters will be outside it was suggested that they should be laminated. Tom Williams has offered the use of his laminator.

Alison showed the committee a sample canvas bag, designed to promote the Twinning Association’s 25th Anniversary, with the logo printed on it, which could be sold for fundraising. A discussion took place as to the viability of this and that they could be on display for sale at the Afternoon Tea and August Coffee Morning in Guisborough Sunnyfield House (NB: now re-arranged for Thurs 13 August 9.30am-12noon).

It was suggested that Hosts may wish to purchase them to give to their visitors and friends. The quotation for 100 bags was £196.60. To be sold at £3 each. A vote was put to the committee. The result was 6 for – 2 against – one abstension. Alison will now send off an order .


Education and Youth Links

Alison will get in touch with Byedales School.

Nunthorpe and Byedales are the only schools in the area teaching German.


Churches Together

Pam had been speaking at a meeting in Guisborough and discussed the lapse in ecumenical Church links with Troisdorf. She hopes to be able to speak to representatives in East Cleveland and Saltburn sometime soon and has another talk arranged in Redcar later this month.

Pam will contact Heidi to see if there is anyone from Troisdorf who is coming here in September who might be willing to take forward the work initiated by Ken and Andrea.

Press and PR

Ruth has been in touch with BBC Radio Tees – with positive feedback. They will want to speak to someone for a broadcast re the celebration event – Pam and Ruth happy to do this.

Ruth will also be contacting Talk of the Town, and various free papers for articles to be included in their press.

Now and Then – publication – article to include photos of the early days of the

Association. Denis will be able to supply these and therefore also need his authorization for publication.


Web Site

There is still scope to do some amendments if necessary.

R + C Council have been asked to update their information.

The Minutes of Twinning Association Meetings will eventually go on web site.

Web site will have email addresses for the Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. We will also look at a ‘Committee Only’ access page.

The Draft Chairman’s letter now ready to go out, with amendment to one ticket price.



There is one extra visitor up to now – Margaret Jackson will be host.

There are other offers to be hosts if needed.

Ruth will check with Saltburn House that the bookings are agreed.

Pam contacted Heidi re the coach for visitors – it will be a 40/50 seater, which is good as there will be seats available for the outings here.

Will confirm that Friday is definitely the bus driver’s rest day.


Arrival – as per minutes from sub committee

Wednesday – It was decided that after the Preston Park visit the coach should return to Saltburn, Redcar etc as everyone will need time for a rest and get ready for evening. Preston Park tour would be best split into two groups – approx 35 in total; Tour about 1hr 30mins. There will be scones/coffee/tea in Billiard Room before the Tour. Cost £5 plus £3.50 if go in Butterfly World.

Evening Celebration – The Mayor and Chief Exec are keen to see it go well. Pam met with Jane at R + C and the proposed caterer and they suggest a ‘British Evening’ : Buffet Style – Steak and Ale Pie, Chicken Parmesan or Vegetarian option. Fruit Fool, Eton Mess. Tea / coffee.

There will be white roses (Yorkshire) on tables.

Wine, Beer and soft drinks to be available on side table.

Arrival is 7pm and Mayor’s Welcome 7 30pm. Speeches 8.45pm followed by a young peoples musical performance (approx 20mins). Close 10pm.

There is still discussion re the contribution to the costs from R + C – hopefully will be 50/50. Hosts will pay for themselves. Possibly costs out at approx £20 pp. A list will need to be collated of those wanting to come for the meal and it will need to be paid for in advance.

Display at the Heart for the Celebration. Margaret and Ruth will do this with items to be contributed by as many as possible please.

Thursday As per previous sub committee minutes – visit to Ampleforth.

Friday As per previous sub committee minutes – visit to Redcar and Loftus.There is adequate parking. Also need to know who is going etc as lifts need to be organised. Angel Cafe was suggested as a good eating place.

Evening Concert There will be refreshments in the interval – hopefully these might be provided by the church. Pam to contact the Guides. There will be a charge. Pam will arrange for tickets to be printed and they will be available for sale at the July and August fund-raising events. All Committee members will also be given tickets to sell.

Saturday departure Need to determine Ferry time.


Visit to Celebrations in Germany 4th July Phil and Linda have booked flights and will be leaving on Thursday, returning following Tuesday. The Mayor and her husband are also going. There are still two places as the invitation was for 6. R+C Council will provide gift items.


Any other business

Alison pointed out that the new Redcar and Cleveland boundary signs have ‘lost’ the Troisdorf Twinning link. Hopefully this will be rectified before September. Pam will contact the Council about this.

Next Committee Meeting – 13th August

 Hosts pre visit meeting – 17th September

Redcar and Cleveland Twinning Association.

 Sub Committee Meeting held on Thursday 23rd April at  Fountain Street Guisborough.

Present : Pam Stenson, Alison Dodds, Ruth Bryan, Emma Stephenson , Judith Larkin.


Pam has the list of visitors and details of with whom or where they would prefer to stay, and those requesting to stay at Saltburn House – currently 7 plus the bus driver.

At present there are 21 people but there could be 25 eventually. She will circulate the list once Ruth has contacted all prospective hosts.

Ruth will need to update the list of members and contact details.

Alison also has a members list with details of addresses and phone numbers.

It was mentioned that any new visitors or hosts should check for food and pet allergies.


This was discussed at the last meeting and the visitors will arrive at Redcar Heart about 17/18.00hrs. Hosts will collect from there after a brief tea and cakes reception.


It was agreed that a visit to Preston Park would be arranged for this day for those wishing to go (alternatively visitors could stay and do something locally). A tour includes tea and scones Alison will book this at a cost of £5 per person. There may be time for the visitors to see Butterfly World, which is on the Park. The cost for this is £3.50 – ticket is valid all day. Alison and Pam will be available for translation purposes.

It was suggested that the coach leaves Saltburn at 9 45am, picks up at Redcar Tuned In 10am. The Tour will be booked for 11am. This should leave time to visit Yarm, leaving Preston Park at 14.15 and then leaving Yarm at 15.45. This should allow time for a rest before the evening celebrations.

Need to determine Coach parking in Yarm. Also the number of additional seats available on the coach for English hosts (Pam to contact Heidi)

Evening – 25th Celebrations at Redcar Heart 7pm till 10pm


Visit to Ampleforth Abbey : this has now been booked, for 11am – a tour of the orchard and cider mill with lunch included at the cost of £17 50 pp (one free ticket)

The tour takes up to 2hours and lunch 1hr 15mins.

There may be time to go to Helmsley afterwards and return home by 6/6.30pm leaving the evening flexible. Possibly with a get together/meeting at Saltburn House.

The coach will need to leave Saltburn at 9.45am and pick up in Redcar at 10am in order to arrive for the Tour at 11 30am.


Coach driver – day off (Pam to confirm with Heidi). Therefore hosts and members will need to help with transport.

It was suggested that a visit to Kirkleatham Museum would be of interest – The Saxon Princess and local history – before going to Loftus Church for talk and refreshments as Father Adam has offered this hospitality.   Emma has now arranged for the Loftus visit to be at 12 30pm for a couple of hours.   Plan to be back in Redcar for 3/3.30pm for some free time.

Will need to meet at Kirkleatham about 10 30am until 12noon.

The evening choir concert is to start at 7 30pm at the Methodist Church Guisborough, all meeting there at 7 15pm.

Tickets to be sold at £7.50. Concessions £6. There will be one free ticket per visitor household?

Items to be determined.

Total cost for visitors to be agreed, including all trips, cost of lunch at Loftus and cost of meal for 25th celebration etc.

Coach parking in Yarm

Emma to do posters for choir

Transport to Kirkleatham/Loftus on Friday.

Transport for concert on Friday.


Strawberry Tea will be held at the Gleneagles Centre ,New Marske. 14.30 til 16.30. 16th July.

Coffee Morning on August 1st at Sunnyfield House.


Pam reported that the 1st payment has been made.   There is a draft web site available but the finished website will be up and running by 31st July.

Details of the visit in September will included.

There are to be dedicated pages for the Committee.

Photos of Troisdorf -which need to be authorised by Denis.


Minutes of Committee Meeting Thursday April 16th 2015 at Sainsburys, Rectory

Lane, Guisborough

PRESENT: Beatrice Lythgoe, Pam Stenson, Linda Howson, Alison Dodds, Judith Larkin,

Denis Bell, Tom Williams, Philip Howson, Emma Stephenson.

Apologies: Ruth Bryan, Margaret Jackson, Cam Nertney

Observer: Joyce Bell

Welcome by the Chairman – Pam Stenson

Minutes from previous meeting on 5th February 2015 accepted as true record.

Proposed: Denis Bell

Seconded: Pam Stenson

Matters Arising:

Officers Meeting took place on 17th March 2015, prior to the AGM.

It was proposed and agreed unanimously that Beatrice Lythgoe continue as president

for 2015: Proposed: Pam Stenson Seconded: Denis Bell

Oberhausen Trip : details supplied by Tom Williams and included as an addendum to

minutes of last meeting 5th February 2015

The gifts, presented at the AGM, to Joyce and Denis Bell and Kim and Steve Arnold,

were engraved vases.

The Chairman, Pam Stenson, said she was very pleased to have a full committee.

Pam explained that in accordance with the constitution we can have up to (3) co-opted

members on the committee. We already have one, ie – Emma Stephenson. We will need

to look, for any further co-opted members, at the skills set offered, including a Churches

Together Representative still required.

Chairman’s Report:

Welcome everyone and thank you to the new committee for your commitment.

There is an upward trend with membership and there have recently been more


Since the last meeting Pam has had a meeting with Jane Holmes, from Redcar and

Cleveland Council, and it was confirmed that there will continue to be

involvement from the council.

Tad Web have submitted a draft contract- re web site, it was agreed that the

Association should continue to go forward with this. There will be two equal

payments, one to start the procedure and the second on completion. There will be

ongoing maintenance of the new web site.


Re September visit – Pam has received emails from Heidi with reference to the

numbers for home stays and those requesting to stay in Saltburn House.

Pam has been in touch with a German speaking Blue Badge Guide for the

Newcastle tour.

An invitation to attend the 25 years celebration in Troisdorf, on 4th July, which

was addressed to Doreen Ludland, went to the Mayor’s office. The invitation is for a

delegation of up to 6 people to attend, including the Association’s Committee.

Pam proposed that as Vice Chair, Linda Howson, should go as our representative.

Alison Dodds proposed that Phil Howson accompanies her. She also proposed

that at subsidy of £50 be allocated to the cost of anyone going to 4th July celebration.

Following further discussion about travel costs etc Denis proposed that £150 be paid

towards the cost of two flights, ie Linda and Phil’s. This was put to the committee for a

vote and it was carried by 6 votes and 2 abstensions (Linda and Phil Howson).

Pam said she would inform the Council that 2 committee members are definitely

going to attend. Heidi is on holiday at present so she will get in touch asap.

Depending on the Council’s decision on attendance, after the May elections,

there may be

one or two more places for the Association (at own cost)

Beatrice Lythgoe said that we need to consider the matter of what gifts would be

taken to the celebrations. Pam said she would speak to the Council re this as there may

be some items already available that could be used. Beatrice thought it would be good

to have some small items which could be distributed when Linda and Phil there.

Other correspondence: Up-date from Cam to say that Colin is doing better than


A Logo drawing for the web site has been submitted from Margaret Jackson. It was

generally agreed that it would good to use this. It was also suggested that it could

possibly be used to for tile decoration, suitable for a gift. Emma Stephenson is to cost

this with Lucie Winkies and Hippopotamus.

Treasurer’s Report:

Membership. More new members. There is at present at total of 38 members,

comprising 16 individual, 10 family, one corporate and one Honourary Life member. This is

an improvement on last year. We need to draft a letter encouraging lapsed members, and

those who only joined to go on trips, to join again, This should detail the September

Celebrations and welcome all previous members to attend.

Denis had a list, which showed membership back to 2010. This could be used for

the above purpose.

Alison has now completed the transfer to the new Bank. They could not open a

Savings Account immediately because of procedures for new accounts. Would it be worth

considering a Savings Account anyway because of the very low interest rate. ??

There is an uncleared cheque for for Public Liability Insurance.

The change of signatories has been notified to the new Bank. No need to change TSB.

There will be four persons as signatories.

Tad Web have submitted a price for the creation of a new web site.. Alison proposed that we

cover the  VAT cost (council have agreed a grant towards cost) as it is not reasonable to

go back to R & C Council for the extra VAT payment. It was agreed that it was best to go

ahead and pay Tad Web in two installments as proposed in order for the web site to be set

up.Alison suggested that Pam send them an email to that effect.

Corporate Membership. We need to actively seek any companies, especially

those with connections to Germany. Possibility – Wilton site? Klinger? Lidl ? Aldi?

Education and Youth Links

Byedales School to contact re September – Judith Hansforth – German



Churches Together Update

Nothing new to report. Father Adam Gaunt, from Loftus,still keen to be involved

in September.

Press and PR

Notices re the 25th Anniversary will need to be in as many local publications

as possible. Hopefully web site will make an impact on public awareness.

September Visit

The visitors will be travelling by overnight ferry into Newcastle on 22nd .

A 3 hour tour of Newcastle with a German Speaking Tour Guide will be

arranged, followed by lunch before leaving at 4pm for Redcar. ETA at Redcar Heart is

1730/1800 where there will be a welcome tea. Hosts will be there to collect visitors

The visitors staying at Saltburn House will be taken there by the coach.

The cost of the of the Newcastle tour will be approx £150; this amount will

be the responsibility of the visitors. Need to be made fully aware of this.

Wednesday 23rd It was suggested that a visit to Preston Park would be suitable,

leaving out the river trip. Alternative is to go to Bishop Auckland to see the Zubarran

paintings, but this is possibly too far when the Anniversary Celebration is to take place

in the evening at Redcar. Could fit in trip there Saturday on way home.

The 25th Anniversary Celebration at the Council Chamber in Redcar Heart will take

place on Wednesday 23td September -7pm till 10pm

It was decided that the whole week needs to be costed.out.

Denis said that formal receptions have previously been paid for by the

Mayor’sFund. Hosts usually have one free meal per guest.

The formal arrangements for Wednesday also need to be clarified e.g. Mayor’s


There may be a bar on the evening, but if not, could it be possible to take own.

Pam will check with Jane about this.

Thursday 24th It was suggested that a trip to Ampleforth could be arranged.

Tours can be booked and lunch could be arranged there. There is also Helmsley Walled

Garden, Castle and the town itself to see.

It was also suggested that the evening could be an informal get together at

Saltburn House, and possibly a joint Committee Meeting.

Friday 25th is a rest day for the coach driver. There would be opportunity to go

to East Cleveland . Transport could possibly be arranged through members.

Friday Evening Concert by Teesside Apollo Male Voice Choir has been arranged

by Pam. This will be in the Methodist Church, Westgate, Guisborough. The choir are

doing this performance free of charge, but would like donations towards their costs.

One free ticket per guest, for hosts, was suggested. Tickets to be £7.50 and £6

concessions. JL to contact G Jarred to see if will donate printing of tickets.

Linda to do posters for the concert.

Phil asked if the timetable and trips out could be finalised before they go in July.


Afternoon tea will be held in New Marske Gleneagles Community Centre

on Thursday 16th July 1430 to 1630. There will be scones, cream, strawberries

and some fairy cakes. All help on the day and any baking appreciated. Proposed cost £2

50pp and 50p for fairy cake. This has been arranged by Linda.

Coffee Morning in Sunnyfield House on 1st August 930 till 1230, has been


Next Committee Meeting to be 7pm on Thursday llth June at Sainsburys.

As there is a great deal of planning and PR to do for this year it was agreed that

there would should be a sub committee to help organise everything. Pam will contact

Ruth and hopefully Pam, Alison, Emma, Ruth and Judith can meet on Thursday 23rd

April at  Fountain street, Guisborough. at 1530pm – Linda & Phil


Other offers of assistance from Tom & Margaret & Denis will also be taken up.

Redcar & Cleveland Twinning Association

 Minutes of the committee meeting held on Thursday 5th February 2015 at Prior Pursglove College, Guisborough

Present: Dennis Bell, Joyce Bell, Linda Howson, Phil Howson, Brenda Kendal, Beatrice Lythgoe, Margaret Jackson, Doreen Rudland, Richard Rudland, Pam Stenson and Gerard Tompkinson.

  1. Apologies: Alison Dodds, Ken Harris, Kim Arnold, Steve Arnold, Cam Nertney, Tom Williams.
  1. Matters Arising: Brenda didn’t recall getting the Chair’s letter in December.

Good slide show on 28th January with 14 people there though weather was poor. Thanks to David Dodds and Paul Evans.

Logo not suitable for new website. Margaret Jackson will do new A4 drawing of present logo in next 3 months.

Gerard agreed that he will organise the venue for the AGM at The Heart in Redcar.

  1. Chairman’s report: Pam welcomed us to 2015. She said it was a promising start with some new members. She thanked Steve and Kim for all their efforts and recognised that it was a difficult decision for them as they have kept the association together for the last few years and have strong and close ties with Troisdorf. Pam asked if we as a committee should send condolences to Andrea’s family. Pam will ask Ken about that.
  1. Correspondence: The ‘Troisdorf Way’ road sign at Kirkleatham Business Park in Redcar is broken. Pam sent an email to the council. It is not a council owned road but Claire Stanton sent a message and assured us it will be repaired and positioned so that it can be seen. *Latest up-date: two new roadsigns now in place

PR messages have been placed in The Gazette, Herald & Post, Saltburn’s Talk of the Town and Coastal View etc.

Heidi has emailed about the September visit – Mon 21st Sept – Sat 26th Sept which means 4 nights in Redcar & Cleveland.

The email requested info on Hotels and the possibility of a tour of Newcastle. We   discussed whether Durham might be a better option.

  1. Plans for 2015 visit : Plans were discussed. As Alison is away from the 24th Sept. Wednesday night was suggested for the celebratory night. We signed on 22nd Sept in 1990. Venues were discussed such as The Heart and The Hub. It was decided to email Jane and Gerard Tompkinson agreed to see Jane and discuss the venue. The Mayor’s Parlour could be used for the initial welcome reception where parking for the coach is convenient. It was decided details could not be further considered at the meeting until dates were fixed with Heidi.

There was a request for the Teesside Apollo Choir, maybe a Thursday evening concert. It was suggested that it be open to the public and a charge for tickets be made so that it raised funds. The Clare Singers were also suggested. A suitable venue might be Guisborough Methodist Church. Pam will go ahead with plans.

The hotel was discussed. The Spa hotel has problems parking the coach but it was suggested that the council help with parking issues. Doreen and Gerard said they would look into that. Pam and Margaret said they would look at Saltburn House as well.

We need to get things organised before May, with dates in the Mayor’s diary. Pam asked how much to forge ahead but it was reported that Amanda Skelton is committed, not necessarily in monetary terms, but in other ways. That is a comfort to the twinning committee.

8.Treasurer’s Report:

Regarding the opening of the new bank account – there have continued to be delays with this. On approx Dec 20th Alison received a paying in book and a cheque book from them and thought the account was open. She paid money in as above at the Guisborough branch. Subsequently she was phoned from the Guisborough branch and was told that in fact the account wasn’t fully open and that the money had been put in a holding account. She expressed her frustration. Before Alison left on holiday she heard there was a clearance of sorts to open the account .

*Memberships for 2015 received so far: 10 individual memberships/3 couple/family memberships/1 corporate membership

  1. Education: Nothing to report
  2. Churches Together: Spoken about earlier (see para 4 above)
  3. Press and PR: Tom Williams asked for a facebook page and the request is being considered. The website needs to be up and running asap.
  4. The Constitution: The proposed review was discussed with Gerard Tompkinson and a few ideas were put forward. Denis Bell pointed out that family membership only gives one vote at the AGM. It was agreed to take copies of the revised draft home and comment to Pam by 19th Feb. Gerard will make amendments and get back to Pam with a final agreed version in good time for the AGM on 19th March.
  5. Gerard also confirmed a  grant this financial year from R&C Council for the new website development.
    1. A.O.B: Pam reported that we have been invited to take part in Middlesbrough’s visit to Oberhausen in July but no definite dates were known. Travel is to be flights Newcastle / Dusseldorf
      1. Outward: 27 July, 11.55 arrive 2.15 The price of £168 includes one checked in case, up to 23 kilos.There is no fixed time for booking but if any one is interested in travelling they can contact their secretary
      2. Travel from Newcastle, the carrier is German Wings but booking on line through Lufthansa.
      3. Return: 3 August, 10.55 arrive 11.20

      Pam asked members to give her details of previous members who might be interested in joining us for our 25 years’ celebration.

  1. Meeting closed 21:00h